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Apr 12, 2001

Representatives from Apple and other Silicon Valley companies will meet with White House officials and U.S. intelligence and law enforcement officials tomorrow to discuss how to counter the use of social media to recruit new members by terrorist groups like ISIS, reports Reuters.
Invited participants include White House Chief of Staff Denis McDonough, presidential counterterrorism adviser Lisa Monaco, Attorney General Loretta Lynch, FBI Director James Comey, National Intelligence Director James Clapper and National Security Agency Director Mike Rogers, one of the sources said.
The meeting will focus on how the White House and law enforcement can make it harder for terrorists to use the Internet to recruit and mobilize followers, create and amplify alternative content to undercut ISIS, and how to use technology to disrupt paths to radicalization and make it more difficult for terrorists to use social media, according to a copy of the agenda obtained by The Guardian. Facebook, Google, Twitter, Dropbox and Microsoft are some of the other companies that will attend the meeting.

After the attacks in Paris and San Bernardino, the government has argued that technology companies should be doing more to aid in the fight against terrorist groups, noting that many members use social media and messaging apps to recruit new members and mobilize them. Apple CEO Tim Cook has long maintained that allowing a back-door in any encryption for law enforcement also opens the door for "bad guys" too.

While Reuters says that most Silicon Valley companies will send high-ranking executives rather than their CEOs, BuzzFeed News reports that Tim Cook will be in attendance at the meeting. Last February, Cook spoke at the White House summit on cybersecurity and consumer protection. In 2013, he and other tech executives met with President Obama over NSA surveillance and the government health care website.

Note: Due to the political nature of the discussion regarding this topic, the discussion thread is located in our Politics, Religion, Social Issues forum. All forum members and site visitors are welcome to read and follow the thread, but posting is limited to forum members with at least 100 posts.

Article Link: Apple, Other Silicon Valley Companies to Meet With White House Over Online Terrorism Recruitment


macrumors 68000
Sep 7, 2004
Salt Lake
In the end no matter how many limitations or back doors they try to close or open, the bad guys will just find another way.

Why restrict the rest of us (as in jeopardize privacy over security). Apple has said in the past backdoors for government eventually become backdoors exploits for everyone else.
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Oct 4, 2011
Oh man, who gets to decide who is a terrorist?

According to the main stream liberal media, White American men in Oregon are the new terrorists. So we know what this is really all about: taking away our rights. Especially our right to bear arms and our right to free speech and our right to assemble.
In the end no matter how many limitations or back doors they try to close or open, the bad guys will just find another way.

Why restrict the rest of us (as in jeopardize privacy over security). Apple has said in the past backdoors for government eventually become backdoors exploits for everyone else.

Because that's their true objective - to control us.
[doublepost=1452232487][/doublepost]This is all about turning the masses into raceless, sexless drones who can be easily controlled like cattle. "Terrorism" has been a psychological operation of demoralization to break us down into malleable gimps which can be reformed into communist serfs who believe we are all "equal". Meanwhile they rule over us and siphon off the fruits of our labor.


macrumors 6502
Oct 12, 2015
It's pretty hard to do anything really without jepoardizing everything from anonymous tipping on domestic abuse to reporters in non-neutral zones. The lengths that the US is going to under the guise of anti-terrorism is crazy.

Unfortunately, there's not much that the US common voters can do now while every major candidate is computer-illiterate or doesn't know how encryption works, so they do the "patriotic thing" and do whatever the NSA/FBI tells them to.
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Feb 11, 2008
Awesome, the governments are responsible for the creation of those groups in the first place , and dodge any accountability by blaming the tools they use.

Between the BS that our governments and what Russia is saying ISIS lies he truth. And frankly they messed up big.

The amount of civil liberties and rights given away to combat terrorism is scary. Silicon Valley needs to tell the government where to go, sort out the root of the problem, not the tools!! First start with Turkey!


Aug 21, 2015
Berkeley, CA, USA
What does Apple have to do with social media? WH, FBI, NSA ,etc just want back-doors because they suck at their jobs. "Intelligence" these days is just for blackmail and not for actual crime fighting.
Maybe they're thinking of Isis Wallet being on an iPhone. :D

Awesome, the governments are responsible for the creation of those groups in the first place , and dodge any accountability by blaming the tools they use.

Between the BS that our governments and what Russia is saying ISIS lies he truth. And frankly they messed up big.

The amount of civil liberties and rights given away to combat terrorism is scary. Silicon Valley needs to tell the government where to go, sort out the root of the problem, not the tools!! First start with Turkey!
The first I ever heard of ISIS, it was that militant group that Turkey allowed through its borders. This was before anyone else seemed to know about them. They took northern Syria.

I never understood why the U.S. is enemies with Russia and allies with Turkey and Israel... neither of which care about defeating ISIS. Heck, Turkey probably buys oil from them.
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Feb 11, 2008
I believe Tim Cook has said in the past that Apple chose not to create a standalone social media website because iMessage served as the "social media" aspect for Apple devices.

Apple is there cause encryption will be discussed.


macrumors 603
Sep 24, 2014
What does Apple have to do with social media? WH, FBI, NSA ,etc just want back-doors because they suck at their jobs. "Intelligence" these days is just for blackmail and not for actual crime fighting.

It doesn't but it has a lot to do with

"noting that many members use social media and messaging apps to recruit new members and mobilize them."


macrumors 65816
Jun 15, 2013
It doesn't but it has a lot to do with

"noting that many members use social media and messaging apps to recruit new members and mobilize them."

And if they didn't they'd just use something else. It's a problem born out of governmental issues, not social media apps. The "war on terrorism" has done nothing positive for either side, only exacerbated the issue. The tech companies should continue to stay as neutral as possible, because the 21st century's biggest problem is the "us and them" agenda every ignorant person is pushing.


macrumors G5
May 18, 2008
AKA: "White House meets with Tech Executives and the Anti-Encryption Brigade to brow beat tech companies into solidifying the surveillance state"

This ****ing country....


macrumors 6502
Jul 1, 2015
Florida, USA
Spying on a relatively small number of "bag guys" has become a scare tactic excuse to strip privacy rights from everyone. I can't imagine that the govt's that are selling this garbage don't know that these people will find a way to get their msg out. IMHO the whole back door thing is nothing but a way for govt's to sniff out anyone who dares to challenge the bigger plans of the donor class - i.e. protesters of every sort.


macrumors 68020
Aug 27, 2014
Charleston, SC and Everett, WA
"Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety." - B. Franklin, 1755

There is a three phase way that those that want to enslave us do so, and it has been seen in many cases:
1. The first generation accepts the selling of their freedom as a "necessary evil, and it doesn't really affect me."
2. The second generation understands the need for their freedom being lost, as they never had it, and their parents are the ones that gave it away.
3. The third generation demands that someone takes care of the thing that their grandparents gave away, citing that no one could ever live without that protection, even when that protection is inadequate, oppressive, or tyrannical.


macrumors 603
Sep 24, 2014
This conversation will begin like:

You know those tax breaks you've been getting, how much do you like them? and Since you own the SW and you're users just use it
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Feb 11, 2008
I think so far he has shown a fair and strong position. Hopefully he has support from his board, I see more risk for dual interests in that group.

He is a politician. He tell all the parties what they want to hear.

That friendly guy who everyone likes, but never says much while saying a lot.... :)


macrumors 68020
Aug 27, 2014
Charleston, SC and Everett, WA
RIP 4th amendment.
The sad thing is that in most ToS, you give up your 4th Amendment rights.

Here is one from LoTRO (Lord of the Rings Online):
  1. Privacy Policy and Information Disclosure. Turbine is owned by Warner Bros. Entertainment Group ("Warner Bros.") and shares in its privacy practices. You acknowledge that you have read and understand the Warner Bros. Privacy Policy, and that your information may be shared freely between Turbine and Warner Bros. You understand that Turbine may, with or without notice to you, disclose your Internet Protocol (IP) address (es), personal information, chat logs, payment information and other information about you and your activities in response to a request by law enforcement, a court order or other legal process, or if Turbine believes that doing so may protect your safety or the safety of others.
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