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Oct 4, 2011
No they haven't. The government has yet to take measure one against any of the Bundy's antics.

Antics? You mean like upholding the Constitution? When I saw "Renzatic" I knew exactly what to expect: commie drivel. If you're American, perhaps you might want to defect to North Korea.


Antics? You mean like upholding the Constitution? When I saw "Renzatic" I knew exactly what to expect: commie drivel. If you're American, perhaps you might want to defect to North Korea.

Okay, name calling aside, how has the US government breached the Constitution in their dealings with them? How is them arming up, and going a little crazy defending it?


Feb 17, 2013
New York, New York
According to the main stream liberal media, White American men in Oregon are the new terrorists. So we know what this is really all about: taking away our rights. Especially our right to bear arms and our right to free speech and our right to assemble.

Because that's their true objective - to control us.
[doublepost=1452232487][/doublepost]This is all about turning the masses into raceless, sexless drones who can be easily controlled like cattle. "Terrorism" has been a psychological operation of demoralization to break us down into malleable gimps which can be reformed into communist serfs who believe we are all "equal". Meanwhile they rule over us and siphon off the fruits of our labor.

EDIT: Not worth it.


macrumors 601
Jun 19, 2013
Antics? You mean like upholding the Constitution? When I saw "Renzatic" I knew exactly what to expect: commie drivel. If you're American, perhaps you might want to defect to North Korea.

Yes Antics. Had they read nevada's state constitution they would've found it states that Nevada strictly regards Federal law as supreme to its own( paramount-allegiance clause). So their argument in that state was moot.

Here they are again trying the same "I don't recognize the Fed gov't" crap. They are in no way upholding the constitution.

What they are really saying is this: "we are going to steal this land that is owned by all americans, rape the **** out of it with cows, drills, & chainsaws, make tons of profit for us & only us, & leave it a wasteland. The people of the good ol' USA can get ****ed, and we are going to justify this by saying that the government, in preserving this land for future generations, are being tyrannical against us profiteers" (quoted from bf.c)
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macrumors 68000
May 28, 2010
Victoria, B.C. Canada
What does Apple have to do with social media? WH, FBI, NSA ,etc just want back-doors because they suck at their jobs. "Intelligence" these days is just for blackmail and not for actual crime fighting.

Exactly! In most of the recent events, the data was right out in the open... no access to encryption or anything needed. If they can't catch that stuff, why do they need *more* access? Well, because that's not the point.
This conversation will begin like:

You know those tax breaks you've been getting, how much do you like them? and Since you own the SW and you're users just use it

Pretty much. Comey spelled this out a number of times in speeches. Companies provide 'end-to-end' encryption, where it's decrypted in the middle for the govt. Basically man-in-the-middle attack, except that since it's the government... we can trust them, right?

Then, companies have already been given full immunity, and there is a lot of money available to pay them for their cooperation.

From this point on, you're just going to have to *trust* any company is ethical enough to resist.

Oh, and if that doesn't make you uncomfortable enough, remember that many top politicians have recently reiterated that rather than having a duty to "preserve, defend and uphold the Constitution" they see their roll as "protecting the people." (In whatever warped ways their ideology deems necessary.)

Unless 'we the people' turn things around, this experiment is over, folks.
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Oct 4, 2011
Okay, name calling aside, how has the US government breached the Constitution in their dealings with them? How is them arming up, and going a little crazy defending it?

You just go on living in your bubble.
EDIT: Not worth it.

At least you admit it.
Yes Antics. Had they read nevada's state constitution they would've found it states that Nevada strictly regards Federal law as supreme to its own( paramount-allegiance clause). So their argument in that state was moot.

Here they are again trying the same "I don't recognize the Fed gov't" crap. They are in no way upholding the constitution.

What they are really saying is this: "we are going to steal this land that is owned by all americans, rape the **** out of it with cows, drills, & chainsaws, make tons of profit for us & only us, & leave it a wasteland. The people of the good ol' USA can get ****ed, and we are going to justify this by saying that the government, in preserving this land for future generations, are being tyrannical against us profiteers" (quoted from bf.c)

Wrong. Not land "owned by all Americans". Maurice Strong just died yesterday. He was one of the main architects of the colossal land grab on the part of the nefarious in the name of Gaia. Your perspective is shallow and your information superficial.

It doesn't matter what you think because your ignorance makes you powerless. You don't have a gun because you oppose your right to bear arms. So you voice prefabricated opinions on the internet which you have been spoon-fed by propaganda agencies.

You hope you are clever, but cleverness is worthless unless it involves self-worth and self-actualization. You exhibit neither. If you are American, you do not deserve your citizenship. If you are from somewhere else, you have never known freedom.

You think you know reality. But your reality is a construct instilled in your mind through brainwashing and trauma-based mind control.

You live a frivolous materialistic existence. You worship cheap gods. You believe you understand critical thinking, but have never actually dared to experience it.

Your condescending tone betrays your inadequacy. Your arrogance is a paltry mask for your self-hate.


macrumors 601
Jun 19, 2013
You just go on living in your bubble.

At least you admit it.

Wrong. Not land "owned by all Americans". Maurice Strong just died yesterday. He was one of the main architects of the colossal land grab on the part of the nefarious in the name of Gaia. Your perspective is shallow and your information superficial.

It doesn't matter what you think because your ignorance makes you powerless. You don't have a gun because you oppose your right to bear arms. So you voice prefabricated opinions on the internet which you have been spoon-fed by propaganda agencies.

You hope you are clever, but cleverness is worthless unless it involves self-worth and self-actualization. You exhibit neither. If you are American, you do not deserve your citizenship. If you are from somewhere else, you have never known freedom.

You think you know reality. But your reality is a construct instilled in your mind through brainwashing and trauma-based mind control.

You live a frivolous materialistic existence. You worship cheap gods. You believe you understand critical thinking, but have never actually dared to experience it.

Your condescending tone betrays your inadequacy. Your arrogance is a paltry mask for your self-hate.

So much fail in this post.
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macrumors 68000
May 28, 2010
Victoria, B.C. Canada
You don't have a gun because you oppose your right to bear arms.

It should be noted, that 'right to bear arms' has become a bit too much a slogan. The Constitution is much stronger, or more specific than what most people mean by that phrase. Constitutionally, "the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed [by the government]" So, it's not, if we (the government) deem you worthy of such a 'right' you might be able to get a gun... it's more that you can have a gun, and the government can't take it away.

This is a bit like the whole 'separation of church and state' thing, and politicians recently saying we have 'freedom of worship.' It sounds fine unless you realize that 'freedom to worship' is something people have in China. And, it's a rhetorical twist from 'freedom of religion' even. And, far from the Constitutional... once again.... "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof..." That's WAY different than 'freedom of worship.'

People are being tricked with too simplistic slogans loaded with rhetorical extras that aren't true to the original intent. And, don't think when Obama and others say 'freedom of worship' that he doesn't know exactly why he's twisting the words in that manner.

So you voice prefabricated opinions on the internet which you have been spoon-fed by propaganda agencies.

Yep, that propaganda machine is running strong. And, since the media doesn't do investigation or reporting any longer, it's super simple... put out a 'package' and they all gleefully pass it along, maybe with a bit of embellishment depending on their slant.

Fun times![/QUOTE]


You just go on living in your bubble.

So you don't know, and thus can't give me an honest reply to any of the questions I've asked, but you gotta say something, so you give me the usual Snarky Internet Dismissal.

Hell, might as well call me a sheeple, and pat yourself on the back for a job well done.\

Wrong. Not land "owned by all Americans". Maurice Strong just died yesterday. He was one of the main architects of the colossal land grab on the part of the nefarious in the name of Gaia. Your perspective is shallow and your information superficial.

It doesn't matter what you think because your ignorance makes you powerless. You don't have a gun because you oppose your right to bear arms. So you voice prefabricated opinions on the internet which you have been spoon-fed by propaganda agencies.

You hope you are clever, but cleverness is worthless unless it involves self-worth and self-actualization. You exhibit neither. If you are American, you do not deserve your citizenship. If you are from somewhere else, you have never known freedom.

You think you know reality. But your reality is a construct instilled in your mind through brainwashing and trauma-based mind control.

You live a frivolous materialistic existence. You worship cheap gods. You believe you understand critical thinking, but have never actually dared to experience it.

Your condescending tone betrays your inadequacy. Your arrogance is a paltry mask for your self-hate.

You know, anyone can come in, claim they're an open minded free thinker, the only one privy to The Truth amongst the mindless zombies of a preprogrammed society, and blah blah blah, and so and so, you're a special goddamn snowflake. Awake and aware among the sleeping fools. But, you know, if you can't back up your claims, and PROVE it, it's all pissing in the wind. An exercise in ego masturbation, nothing more.

One thing you're very good at Mums, you can say a lot, without really saying anything at all. You offer nothing but harebrained conspiracy theories, and empty rhetoric. The moment you're backed into a corner, you insult people like you did above
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Oct 4, 2011
So you don't know, and thus can't give me an honest reply to any of the questions I've asked, but you gotta say something, so you give me the usual Snarky Internet Dismissal.

Hell, might as well call me a sheeple, and pat yourself on the back for a job well done.\

You know, anyone can come in, claim they're an open minded free thinker, the only one privy to The Truth amongst the mindless zombies of a preprogrammed society, and blah blah blah, and so and so, you're a special goddamn snowflake. Awake and aware among the sleeping fools. But, you know, if you can't back up your claims, and PROVE it, it's all pissing in the wind. An exercise in ego masturbation, nothing more.

One thing you're very good at Mums, you can say a lot, without really saying anything at all. You offer nothing but harebrained conspiracy theories, and empty rhetoric. The moment you're backed into a corner, you insult people like you did above

I guess I don't have to call you sheeple, as you've already done that yourself!


Oct 4, 2011
It should be noted, that 'right to bear arms' has become a bit too much a slogan. The Constitution is much stronger, or more specific than what most people mean by that phrase. Constitutionally, "the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed [by the government]" So, it's not, if we (the government) deem you worthy of such a 'right' you might be able to get a gun... it's more that you can have a gun, and the government can't take it away.

This is a bit like the whole 'separation of church and state' thing, and politicians recently saying we have 'freedom of worship.' It sounds fine unless you realize that 'freedom to worship' is something people have in China. And, it's a rhetorical twist from 'freedom of religion' even. And, far from the Constitutional... once again.... "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof..." That's WAY different than 'freedom of worship.'

People are being tricked with too simplistic slogans loaded with rhetorical extras that aren't true to the original intent. And, don't think when Obama and others say 'freedom of worship' that he doesn't know exactly why he's twisting the words in that manner.

Yep, that propaganda machine is running strong. And, since the media doesn't do investigation or reporting any longer, it's super simple... put out a 'package' and they all gleefully pass it along, maybe with a bit of embellishment depending on their slant.

Fun times!

EXCELLENT post. Thank you for speaking the truth. I wholeheartedly agree with your assessments, especially of the media, which has become nothing more than a giant ad agency. When I look at the BBC News website, it reads like a list of advertisements promoting ideas which serve an agenda. Your reference to news "packages" has been proven outright: The same story is sent to essentially every news outlet, and the narrative is generally regurgitated word for word by the resident "journalists".
Your wit. It slays me.

Not trying for wit - I've never valued wittiness much. Just the Truth.
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Not trying for wit - I've never valued wittiness much. Just the Truth.

And yet you never do anything to assert the Truth, other than the occasional isolated claim that can only be assumed to be true based on your word. Mostly, you accuse others of subverting it.

As for the media and their agenda, you're half right. They do have an agenda, though it's not to act as a modern day Pravda, spreading the good word of our future New World Order.

It's much simpler than that.

The media? They like money. They're going to do whatever they can to get those ratings, so they can make some more. If it means stirring up some BS, by god they're going try to be first there with the shovels. The packets you're talking about? Yeah, they do report press releases from the government. That's common practice. Has been for decades now. But they'll take anything and everything they can, if it means being the first with a breaking story, up to and including sourcing some random guy's Twitter account if need be. Once the story breaks, every other news agency is going to follow their lead to get their own residual ratings.

See, your problem is you view the world as being far more complicated than what it is. Everything is a conspiracy within a conspiracy within a conspiracy, that can only succeed due to the absolute obedience of everyone involved at all times. Let's take your AIDS argument as an example. It requires millions of doctors to perpetuate the lie of a false disease over the course of decades, generating false reports in order to game people out of their money. Why would they bother going through that, when they talk about SARS for five minutes, which gets picked up by the media (because hey, panic generates ratings), then sell everyone some overpriced water pills during the hullabaloo with not even a thousandth of the effort or money spent? Maintaining a lie is expensive. Scaring the crap out of people for a few minutes? That's cheap, easy, and lucrative.

Conspiracy theories are interesting, but real life tends towards the path of least resistance. Hell, even the one true conspiracy against the American people we've seen in our lifetimes, PRISM, was perpetuated through fairly simple means when you get right down to it.


macrumors 6502
Feb 23, 2008
You just go on living in your bubble.

At least you admit it.
You don't have a gun because you oppose your right to bear arms. So you voice prefabricated opinions on the internet which you have been spoon-fed by propaganda agencies.

This is supposed to be about Apple, not rehashing extreme right wing talking points. There is a huge rest of the internet out there where that stuff can be posted.


macrumors 603
Dec 11, 2006
Encryption isn't going anywhere. There are tons of free, open source solutions for it available on the internet. Not to mention the fact that government-mandated security holes in American software products would completely kill any innovation and global competitiveness of the American tech community.

However, there are plenty of things social media companies like Facebook and Twitter can do to fight this type of thing without compromising encryption algorithms.


Oct 4, 2011
And yet you never do anything to assert the Truth, other than the occasional isolated claim that can only be assumed to be true based on your word. Mostly, you accuse others of subverting it.

As for the media and their agenda, you're half right. They do have an agenda, though it's not to act as a modern day Pravda, spreading the good word of our future New World Order.

It's much simpler than that.

The media? They like money. They're going to do whatever they can to get those ratings, so they can make some more. If it means stirring up some BS, by god they're going try to be first there with the shovels. The packets you're talking about? Yeah, they do report press releases from the government. That's common practice. Has been for decades now. But they'll take anything and everything they can, if it means being the first with a breaking story, up to and including sourcing some random guy's Twitter account if need be. Once the story breaks, every other news agency is going to follow their lead to get their own residual ratings.

See, your problem is you view the world as being far more complicated than what it is. Everything is a conspiracy within a conspiracy within a conspiracy, that can only succeed due to the absolute obedience of everyone involved at all times. Let's take your AIDS argument as an example. It requires millions of doctors to perpetuate the lie of a false disease over the course of decades, generating false reports in order to game people out of their money. Why would they bother going through that, when they talk about SARS for five minutes, which gets picked up by the media (because hey, panic generates ratings), then sell everyone some overpriced water pills during the hullabaloo with not even a thousandth of the effort or money spent? Maintaining a lie is expensive. Scaring the crap out of people for a few minutes? That's cheap, easy, and lucrative.

Conspiracy theories are interesting, but real life tends towards the path of least resistance. Hell, even the one true conspiracy against the American people we've seen in our lifetimes, PRISM, was perpetuated through fairly simple means when you get right down to it.

They print the money. They don't need to earn it. Who do you think owns the [formerly] mainstream media? The same people who own the banks. Money is not the objective - it is POWER to enforce ideology. Their ultimate goal is religious: the reestablisment of Solomon's Temple.
This is supposed to be about Apple, not rehashing extreme right wing talking points. There is a huge rest of the internet out there where that stuff can be posted.

Right and left have changed places - in case you hadn't noticed. Leftists like you are the new Nazis. Stop oppressing me!
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macrumors 601
I'm sure the White House would define it as anyone who is an NRA member. :)
Sounds like you didn't see the TownHall, or were left decidedly unimpressed by Obama's sincerity, grasp of the issue, and suggestions for workable and meaningful possible steps that would still respect our 2nd amendment rights.

Apple is there because when this White House says jump, Cook says how high. ;)
An unfair characterization, imho. If he wasn't going and sent an underling instead, he'd be criticized for arrogance and not caring about pressing security issues. I'm confident TC isn't willingly going to accede to what we all know the Fed wants. By attending himself, he shows respect for the process.


macrumors 68040
Jun 30, 2007
Midwest USA
Sounds like you didn't see the TownHall, or were left decidedly unimpressed by Obama's sincerity, grasp of the issue, and suggestions for workable and meaningful possible steps that would still respect our 2nd amendment rights. . . . .
I'm sorry I tried to stay out of this, but this is just too outlandish. Obama's fake tears do not imply sincerity, he does have a firm grasp on the gun issue, but unfortunately, he wants to disarm every poor person or minority possible. Yes poor people and minorities, why because you can control the middle class with taxes and laws, but poor people in a large part do not have anything to lose and can only be controlled by free handouts and their accompanying restrictions. He is using everything at his disposal to do it, including Obamacare. You ask, what could possibly be his motivation? Power and more power, if not for himself, then his friends.

Please read some history, especially concerning dictatorships. No politician or political group can take over a country while the populous is heavily armed. The 2nd Amendment is all about this very thing. In fact, the 2nd amendment and violence are the only ways to protect freedom. Remember the Supreme Court upheld slavery. The populous at the time of the Constitution owned cannons and every other weapon that the government had. That is why the revolution was won and why we cannot do the same thing today.

Or think about it this way. If you desired to become the supreme dictator, what would you do to acquire and secure your power? Low and behold, if you are truthful with yourself, you will find that large part of what our government (republican or democrat) has been doing in the last 20 years is pretty close if not exactly the same.

Back to Dictatorship 101, every free country or population that has been taken over by dictators, communists, or socialists in the last several thousand years has had as an elemental part of the take over strategy the disarming of the people. You may have been indoctrinated to not like firearms (it starts in grade school), but that does not change the fact that firearms, violence and the fact that politicians are scared of an armed populous are the only reason you have any freedoms today.

O'h by the way the black populous of the 1960's was not allowed to have firearms so they had to use bats, pipes, molotov cocktails, and massive numbers to achieve the freedom they deserved. The police departments were not equipped with military gear to stop them. Today they are. The biggest threat to freedom today is that law abiding, working, people are not armed, simply because they falsely believe that the government will protect them. But look at Chicago. No guns has been the rule for 50 or 60 years and it has not worked. Why because only law abiding citizens obey the law so it allows criminals, gangs, local drug lords to rule locally and because of government corruption with the government's approval. if we take away guns this same Chicago environment will happen at the federal level simply because it is human nature (to grab power any way possible) and without guns and violence there is nothing to stop it.


macrumors 601
Jun 19, 2013
I'm sorry I tried to stay out of this, but this is just too outlandish. Obama's fake tears do not imply sincerity, he does have a firm grasp on the gun issue, but unfortunately, he wants to disarm every poor person or minority possible. Yes poor people and minorities, why because you can control the middle class with taxes and laws, but poor people in a large part do not have anything to lose and can only be controlled by free handouts and their accompanying restrictions. He is using everything at his disposal to do it, including Obamacare. You ask, what could possibly be his motivation? Power and more power, if not for himself, then his friends.

Please read some history, especially concerning dictatorships. No politician or political group can take over a country while the populous is heavily armed. The 2nd Amendment is all about this very thing. In fact, the 2nd amendment and violence are the only ways to protect freedom. Remember the Supreme Court upheld slavery. The populous at the time of the Constitution owned cannons and every other weapon that the government had. That is why the revolution was won and why we cannot do the same thing today.

Or think about it this way. If you desired to become the supreme dictator, what would you do to acquire and secure your power? Low and behold, if you are truthful with yourself, you will find that large part of what our government (republican or democrat) has been doing in the last 20 years is pretty close if not exactly the same.

Back to Dictatorship 101, every free country or population that has been taken over by dictators, communists, or socialists in the last several thousand years has had as an elemental part of the take over strategy the disarming of the people. You may have been indoctrinated to not like firearms (it starts in grade school), but that does not change the fact that firearms, violence and the fact that politicians are scared of an armed populous are the only reason you have any freedoms today.

O'h by the way the black populous of the 1960's was not allowed to have firearms so they had to use bats, pipes, molotov cocktails, and massive numbers to achieve the freedom they deserved. The police departments were not equipped with military gear to stop them. Today they are. The biggest threat to freedom today is that law abiding, working, people are not armed, simply because they falsely believe that the government will protect them. But look at Chicago. No guns has been the rule for 50 or 60 years and it has not worked. Why because only law abiding citizens obey the law so it allows criminals, gangs, local drug lords to rule locally and because of government corruption with the government's approval. if we take away guns this same Chicago environment will happen at the federal level simply because it is human nature (to grab power any way possible) and without guns and violence there is nothing to stop it.

Ok.... First off an armed populace means nothing. All the guns Americans own are meaningless against missiles, tanks and unmanned drones. It's a nice sentiment that has been repeated so often it now seems like fact. It isn't.

Americans like to talk about the Federal government like its some invisible boogeyman. It is mostly made up of people elected from each state. Your people. My people. So please all you out there who fantasize about using your guns against the big bad fed....

Are you condoning killing senators, representatives, judges... The president???

Because that is who make up part the federal government.

The US constitution makes it impossible for any one person to become a dictator.
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macrumors regular
Jan 14, 2010
A witty saying proves nothing
-Voltaire (1694 - 1788)

As the witty saying 'Faux News' proves nothing.

In general, the art of government consists of taking as much money as possible from one party of the citizens to give to the other.
Voltaire (1764)
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