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macrumors 6502a
Feb 9, 2011
Interesting argument, but you must remember that the iPhone 5C didn't live up to the standard expected of it- by that, I mean the sales weren't that great. Tim Cook even admitted it.

I agree. The price reduction on the 5C was not substantial enough to warrant the weaker specifications, the plastic body, etc. No wonder it didnt sell that well compared to the 5S.

In my opinion, the 5C was a failed experiment.


macrumors 68030
Jun 7, 2007


macrumors 68030
Aug 16, 2011
Beyond the Thunderdome
The iPhone 5c while we expected it to be cheaper, actually sell very good, in most market was the 3rd favorite smartphone only outsell by the Galaxy S4 and iPhone 5s, consider it's cheaper than an iPhone 5, the revenues where better than if Apple just sold the old iPhone 5 cheaper, do not strange Apple to repeat the formula, giving to the 5s am cheaper case and selling as the 5cs along the iPhone 6 (4.7 only)


macrumors 68030
Aug 16, 2011
Beyond the Thunderdome
In what universe and according to what logic would it be called a 5CS as opposed to 6C?
In this, where an iPhone 5 derivative cheaper was named iPhone 5c.

Nexy year maybe you'll see the current iPhone 6 with cheaper plastic case being called the iPhone 6c, and the newer the iPhone 6S.

Moto G

macrumors 6502a
Jul 6, 2014
I hereby suspend any personal doubts and disbelief, and renew my mind into thinking that there will - categorically - be an iPhone 6 with a 5.5" screen, because another news story implying it has popped up, so, well, I've decided that rationale and common sense are no longer fashionable, so I'll keep waiting, even if it's until 2055 :)

<honest, guv!>


macrumors regular
Mar 22, 2013
Actually, that makes sense to me too. If I was in charge, I'd roll out all 3 sizes to take a bite out of all 3 segments: 4" and below, 4" to about 5" and 5" to about 6". 4" has been very profitable and seems favorable to continue to be profitable.

Until the rumors piled up about the 4.7" iPhone, this crowd backed Apple's stance that all sizes above 4" were too big per "one-handed use" and so on. Words like "abomination" and similar were slung. Now we're in the "maybe" period where rumors have piled up and there's some pretty tangible evidence that Apple is going to go bigger than 4". So the crowd has shifted itself toward the likely 4.7" while "forgetting" about "abomination", "stupid" and "99.9% of the market don't want phablets".

So, if Apple believed what it said as recently as with the launch of the 5s, it should indeed roll out a 4" iPhone 6 too. Just as there are Apple laptops with various sizes of screens to appeal to various tastes, there should be iPhones at various screen sizes to appeal to each group.

Do I think that's going to happen? No. I think Apple can see the revenue math says that the <= 4" or bust crowd can be wooed up to 4.7". They may think the >=5+ inch crowd can be wooed down to 4.7" too. But if I was Apple, I'd be rolling out at least both 4.7" and 5.5" to bite into Android smart phone's most tangible hardware differentiator… and I'd roll out a 4" too.

But I'm not Apple, so I expect 4.7" and hope for 5.5"… with nearly zero expectations of the formerly "perfect" screen size of 4". Personally, I'm the opposite of the example you offered (I'm tall with big hands), thus in the 5.5" or bust camp.

Fair enough, and I agree for the most part. The iPhone makes up so much of Apples business at this point (about 70% I believe?) that it makes sense for them to really focus a lot of effort there. If they can release several different iPods, iPads, and Macs then there's no reason they can't release a good line of iPhones are different sizes.

Personally I want a 4.3in device that is slightly wider than the current iPhone models.


macrumors 601
Jan 14, 2002
South Dakota, USA
I do know that I don't personally believe Apple to following here. I believe that sales of these larger screen sizes is due to a combination of factors but mostly because competitors have used screen size as differentiation from Apple and as often as consumers will buy a product because it's Apple just as many will buy it because it's not Apple. I believe a lot of Apples struggle is with the "mainstream." It's like a good band that everyone thinks is really cool until they're the biggest band in the world. It's odd how people work sometimes. This is a hard concept to explain but I hope you understand what I'm getting at.

I don't really understand how you can say that Apple increasing screen size after everyone else did is not following. Remember not too long ago Apple said 3.5" screen were the "perfect" size only to release a 4" screen soon after. Then Apple told us the 4" was the "perfect" size... So if it's "perfect" why make a 4.7" model? I personally do believe you will see larger screened iPhones because of competition. If Apple released the iPhone 6 with only a 4" screen sales would begin to suffer. The Apple logo could sell a pretty crappy phone, but at some point people will look at the competition.

It might come as a huge surprise, but surfing the net, playing games, watching movies and using apps is more enjoyable on a 5.5" screen compared to a 4" screen. I understand the whole "one hand" concept and people who wear skinny jeans, but I think a lot of people would be surprised how easy a well designed and trim 4.7" or even 5.5" phone is to handle.
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