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May 13, 2010
I usually install fresh once a beta gets into mainstream.

However, I had installed Catalina beta afresh about 4-5 betas ago for some reason. Now feeling a little lazy to install fresh since Catalina is released with just one build ahead of the last beta (11).

Any opinions on this front? The only reason I usually install afresh when a mainstream release occurs is to weed out logs, diagnostics, additional code base that might hamper with everyday functioning and strain the resources.


macrumors 65816
Jan 21, 2015
New Taipei, Taiwan
This is a really problematic update for one Apple devotee. A whole bunch of 32 bit apps are going to become inoperative and the amount of work to update all the older video files across my numerous drives are too much to bear at this point in time.
Apple has been switching to 64-bit for over 10 years.


macrumors member
Nov 2, 2016
Still no column browser.

That's not the same. It streams to the iOS device, then back out. What the remote app let's you do is stream from iTunes directly to the airplay devices. That let's you start music in multiple rooms (all sync'd), walk out the door, and leave it playing.
As a workaround until Apple updated the Remote App, it should be OK to just use the Music App, and then AirPlay to other devices - I know it is not the same, but still a durable option.


macrumors 6502a
Jun 13, 2007
Rule of thumb is to wait a couple days for the servers to free up to download and install any new Mac OS system software if you're eager to do so. My suggestion is to wait a week or two for Apple to work out the bugs before moving over into Catalina. The ones rushing to install it will help diagnose initial problems.


macrumors 68000
Jan 22, 2013
Can someone please confirm: after updating do downloaded movies/tv shows remain in tact?

I have TBs of data and I simply cannot lose these and redownload. It would take months.
I only had 1 downloaded movie in Mojave, but it is still there in, in the new TV app, after the Catalina upgrade.
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macrumors 6502a
Jan 11, 2017
Yup. Because of this my $420 Fujitsu ScanSnap becomes unusable if I upgrade since the ScanSnap software is 32 bit and an upgraded software is not available. There is a 64 bit version of a newer differently named software that is NOT compatible with my scanner. So I can either buy a newer model or more likely I will partition my drive and dual boot into Mojave for Scanner operations. Not looking forward to that!!!
You will probably find Image Capture works.
I had exactly this problem in a previous OS upgrade and my-almost brand new-scanner had no drivers available, but image Capture found it and gave me pretty much the same controls.
Image Capture is a native program in Applications if you've never used it.
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macrumors regular
Dec 17, 2013
Reading UK
I experienced multiple tortures and 'resets' during the Catalina Beta releases, but all has been pretty good for the last few. Signed out of Beta program yesterday and took the plunge with the new public release through the App Store. All appears to be working fine for me right now. Fingers crossed!
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macrumors 604
Sep 5, 2005
Bath, United Kingdom
I used to be in that boat, but eventually abandoned my ever-aging bought-and-paid-for copy of CS5 Master Collection in favor of Affinity Photo and Designer (and now Publisher) years ago. I can honestly say I haven't missed Adobe's products at all. For what it's worth, all of the Serif Affinity apps work great on Catalina.
The Affinity apps have replaced Adobe on my Mac as well.
Goodbye Adobe. Stuck with you through decades, good times and bad… time to say, goodbye.


macrumors 68000
Jul 11, 2008
I think you can upgrade to ScanSnap Home and be okay with your ix500 on Catalina.

ScanSnap iX500 Compatibility Status With macOS 10.15 Catalina

Yes! thanks for this information! Mac Rumours guys to the rescue!

I was willing to upgrade my Scansnap devices, but they are so good, I'd very happy to just keep them.

I have 2 Macs configured with Evernote and the ix500, and both machines are running a little bit older MacOS versions.

I'll now try updating to Catalina on the most recent Mac, and try "ScanSnap Home". You know, since I use Evernote, I barely ever notice the "Scansnap" software - I hardly know if I even need the Scansnap software - all scans always seem to go to Evernote and and OCR'd, and every stack of paper I feed turns into one PDF, and it just works exactly how I want it to. Can't think about living without this setup. That's why I have 2 of them - one for office and one for home.

The ix500 is very good at scanning 2 sides and it handles some pretty wrecked papers with very few jams, and even if you get a jam, you can fix it in 5 seconds and continue.


macrumors member
Nov 10, 2012
Uh... worse? Click on Songs under Library in the left sidebar. Looks exactly like iTunes since like forever.

No option to view artwork in song view (like, who thought of that?) and the horrid search function for starters.

If you search for something like "Pink Floyd", you can't select the results like you did before cause if you click on them you enter the album.

You also can't resize the album art in album view apparently.

Music really is just "dump iTunes".


macrumors 68030
Apr 21, 2012
I found a bug in the GM which was not present in the previous betas.

It hasn't affected many people. But I am certainly not the only one it affected.

My dock disappeared when updating from beta 10 to the GM. Hovering near the bottom of the screen didn't bring it back either.

For me there was a simple fix. Restart computer.

If restarting doesn't fix it, you can hold option key whilst selecting go from menu bar. Click Library (which only appears when you hold down the Option key whilst accessing that menu). Then open Preferences and delete the file Then restart computer. The dock will rebuild itself.

I have now updated to the public version - and the bug did not recur.

I made a bug report to apple in the hope that they would fix it before public release.

Unfortunately however I have since learned that the bug is ocurring in the public release.

This is disappointing since I made the bug report to apple and clearly they didn't fix it.

Although beta testers are brave enough to take on (potentially catastrophic) bugs, this particular bug (although not catastrophic), is something I would expect from an early beta, not a GM, and certainly not a public release after apple was warned about it being in the GM.

Although the fix is simple, I think many in the public won't know how to fix it.

It's kind of OK for apple to unleash a whole heap of nasty bugs onto beta testers and developers. They kind of expect that from betas. But to unleash them onto the pubic (most of whom are NOT willing beta testers) after being told the bug is in the GM means apple either:

1. Chose to ignore the bug report.


2. Rushed out the public release fully aware of the bug still not being fixed.


macrumors 603
Nov 28, 2013
This update is just awful. I have thousands of audiobook files and Catalina has decided to move them into the Library inside folders...

I logged this with Apple when the first beta came out. I pointed out that it's a stupid place to put user data. Plus the Books app is awful: no proper organisation and no metadata editing options. They just ignored the Feedback.

Luckily I hadn't actually paid/downloaded any books from Apple; I'd just classed as "Audiobooks" a bunch of mp3s that I get on a CD/download from language books I have. So I imported them back into Music and made sure not to change the type from Music to Audiobooks. To keep them separate I used the Grouping tag, deleted everything from the Library directory and deleted the Books app from my dock. Won't be using it again.


macrumors 6502a
Feb 4, 2016
At a café near you
Lighroom 6 no longer works on Catalina. It has 32bit dependencies.

Yeah - was glad to catch that in time - not sure at what point (security-wise) I will have to upgrade to Catalina, but in terms of features, as an engineering professional that also uses Lightroom 6, I see no reason to go to Catalina ever...

Temporary Solution:
sudo softwareupdate --ignore "macOS Catalina"
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macrumors 65816
Sep 22, 2018
I ordered all my apps in Launchpad alphabetically and now after the update they're all over the place ? Did it do that for anyone else?
Yup. Just rearranged again. This update is a mess.
Man, this gets annoying ? Took the time to rearrange everything and now I just saw (don't know what caused this) that some Apps have been removed from the "Other" folder and put at the end of the Launchpad apps and on top of that the "Other" folder is completely scrambled again.


macrumors member
May 16, 2014
Time to see if Catalina is as broken as Mojave and to finalise my decision to switch to a Razer Blade Advanced.
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macrumors regular
Sep 23, 2019
I knew GM released a couple of days ago but I didn't expect 10.15 to release so soon. I was expecting next week.


macrumors 6502
Feb 20, 2008
My System Information lists nearly many Adobe apps which are 32-bit, mostly AAM stuff, setup apps and uninstallers. The apps themselves all seem to be 64-bit but there's no way to be sure about dependencies. Good job, Adobe!


macrumors newbie
Jun 10, 2014
I'm getting the following error trying to install:

An error occurred while running scripts from the package “RecoveryHDMetaDmg.pkg”.

Anyone else getting this? Any workarounds?
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