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macrumors 6502
Apr 7, 2009
Freedom fighter or man of violence? Guess it depends on which side you are on.
As if those sides are equal...

It's like saying in 1840 "Freedom-flighting slaves or terrorists? Guess it depends on which side you are on."

Yeah, not all "sides" are morally equivalent.


macrumors 603
Jun 16, 2008
All I know is, They cancel two of my favourite TV programmes because of his death. It's a shame for his family and the people who he helped but I don't want to know!

It's all about you, isn't it?

A world figure who did change the world for the better dies, and it's all about you. There are people who do care about worldly matters.

The sense of entitlement in this post is atrocious.

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macrumors 6502a
Aug 8, 2012
I don't disagree that European colonialism has brought literacy, science and technological and medical advancement to many dark corners of the globe.

But people do have a right to self determination/destruction over being occupied and oppressed by a foreign power.

Though if one were to ask if it is better to live under Mugabe or in Rhodesia...

Sure the Europeans did..... I'm sure they didn't steal anything from anyone
The caricature of Islam’s endemic backwardness is easily dispelled. Between the eighth and the 13th centuries, while Europe stumbled through the dark ages, science thrived in Muslim lands. The Abbasid caliphs showered money on learning. The 11th century “Canon of Medicine” by Avicenna (pictured, with modern equipment he would have relished) was a standard medical text in Europe for hundreds of years. In the ninth century Muhammad al-Khwarizmi laid down the principles of algebra, a word derived from the name of his book, “Kitab al-Jabr”. Al-Hasan Ibn al-Haytham transformed the study of light and optics. Abu Raihan al-Biruni, a Persian, calculated the earth’s circumference to within 1%. And Muslim scholars did much to preserve the intellectual heritage of ancient Greece; centuries later it helped spark Europe’s scientific revolution.

The Economist


Jan 24, 2008
What have you done with your life?

I can absolutely assure you that the Pope and the church has given more to the world than you and your kin for a thousand years.

I assume you are talking about the catholic church.
This institution preaching to the poor from the obscenely opulent and wealthy Vatican.
The institution full of child rapists and bigots.
The institution condemning pregnant teenagers to squalor and rejection.

Yes they brought a lot to the world....... a lot of misery!!


macrumors 65816
Mar 24, 2004
Sure the Europeans did..... I'm sure they didn't steal anything from anyone
The caricature of Islam’s endemic backwardness is easily dispelled. Between the eighth and the 13th centuries, while Europe stumbled through the dark ages, science thrived in Muslim lands. The Abbasid caliphs showered money on learning. The 11th century “Canon of Medicine” by Avicenna (pictured, with modern equipment he would have relished) was a standard medical text in Europe for hundreds of years. In the ninth century Muhammad al-Khwarizmi laid down the principles of algebra, a word derived from the name of his book, “Kitab al-Jabr”. Al-Hasan Ibn al-Haytham transformed the study of light and optics. Abu Raihan al-Biruni, a Persian, calculated the earth’s circumference to within 1%. And Muslim scholars did much to preserve the intellectual heritage of ancient Greece; centuries later it helped spark Europe’s scientific revolution.

The Economist
Yes, it's interesting to note how once great cultures fall into decline and end up as pathetic shadows of their former selves. I'm not sure what this has to do with European colonialism in Africa though?


macrumors 65816
Mar 24, 2004
I assume you are talking about the catholic church.
This institution preaching to the poor from the obscenely opulent and wealthy Vatican.
The institution full of child rapists and bigots.
The institution condemning pregnant teenagers to squalor and rejection.

Yes they brought a lot to the world....... a lot of misery!!

You have a simple minded view of reality my friend. Self righteousness is a double edged sword. ;)


macrumors 6502
Nov 25, 2003
Melbourne, FL
Why doesn't this thread have the minimum 100 post requirement like other political threads?

It does. But apparently it didn't from the beginning as it is easily determined from the "macrumors newbie" and "macrumors member" comments in the beginning of the blog.


Oct 4, 2011
I know right? Fighting against the white minority, who cracked down on the black majority for wanting things like protection under the law, voting and property ownership. How dare he.

Yes, he committed acts of terrorism, so did the American colonists.

Are you anti-white?


macrumors 65816
Mar 24, 2004
I don't disagree that European colonialism has brought literacy, science and technological and medical advancement to many dark corners of the globe.

But people do have a right to self determination/destruction over being occupied and oppressed by a foreign power.

Though if one were to ask if it is better to live under Mugabe or in Rhodesia...

Well said.
I, and I think most would choose Rhodesia, but of the many tribal people in Africa who among them gets to choose?


macrumors G4
Nov 3, 2005
All I know is, They cancel two of my favourite TV programmes because of his death. It's a shame for his family and the people who he helped but I don't want to know!

I know it is tough to have to wait until Wednesday to see Atlantis :rolleyes:.


macrumors 6502a
Jun 17, 2009
The CCTV Capital of the World
This is all too much bigger an issue than a post in a tech rumour site can ever do justice.

However, it is remarkable to read the number of post's, looking to tarnish a person who fought against one of the biggest atrocities of my generation, yet do not give any mention of the regime he fought against.

Apartheid was a hideously oppressive regime who arguably killed and oppressed many more people in it's time than it's opposition did, whether directly or indirectly. Not saying that this is a good thing, however in conflict one side usually wins and there are always casualties.

Mandela a Terrorist?

Any individual or organisation, who seeks to fight a greater power it cannot match on a battle field is called a Terrorist, by nature of it's opposition. Only a power and government able to field an army can really declare a conventional war under law.

The majority of South Africans were not only an occupied people, but those who's native inhabitants were denied the basic freedoms we all take for granted.

By some of the comments on this site you would have to consider that the French Freedom fighters during WW2 were terrorist's. Because the Vichy government of France collaborated with Nazi Germany and so the actions of these individuals were illegal under law. How many people will argue that the means did not justify the end?

Being British, am I to assume that Americans are all a nation of Terrorist's, or do I give consideration to the fact the Colonial rule at the time went too far beyond it's purpose and deserved the result in the ensuing uprising? There are countless examples of this throughout history and it is dangerous to be blasé in retrospect.

Like people have already mentioned, a person is either a Terrorist or a Freedom Fighter, depending on your alliance to the cause at hand.

The ultimate shame to be had, is by the world leaders and nations (including my own, which supported it through commerce), who did nothing, or not enough to help end Apartheid sooner than it did.

Therefore and regardless, history will remember Mandela as a hero in order to hide the shame and mostly abstention in the actions of those who are still alive to be held accountable.

In the same way history has us all believing that the slave owning majority governments grew a conscience and emancipated the black man from Slavery. When in fact is was industrialisation and the machine that ultimately ended slavery in it's primitive form.
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Mar 7, 2007
Midwest America.
Hold up. You didn't REALLY just try to justify terrorism, did you?

There are people that believe that even non-violet Gandhi was a terrorist. It's in the eye of the beholder. I think that in South Africa, at that time, they were so heavy handed against the very majority blacks that non-violence would have been suicidal genocide.

It is disgusting when any race or religion tries to hold down any other group or groups. Apartheid is yet another example of how humans are less evolved from 'the beast primitive' than we would like to think.


macrumors 6502a
Jul 23, 2002
I see all of the acts of terrorism that Mandella engaged in that landed him in jail have been forgotten or just brushed aside.

i guess george washington would be a terrorist too. oh wait is that different for white people?


Are you anti-white?

no he is pointing out that anti mandela people are racist. they call the minority a terrorist, but when a white leader changes the world it is a revolution. i am not anti white. but i will paint any one who wants to hate on mandela as a racist in full color. full apple rainbow color.


macrumors 6502a
Sep 29, 2013
Hold up. You didn't REALLY just try to justify terrorism, did you?

"Terrorism," the negative form of "violent revolution." It depends which history book you read. Yes, he used violence, but it works. AppleMark explains it better.


no he is pointing out that anti mandela people are racist.

What if they just don't like the use of violence?


How did it get worse for black people? Explain.

Were black people better off under apartheid?

None of us can really answer that, but don't totally throw out the possibility.


macrumors 603
Nov 7, 2004
Well there are always a few nasty pieces of work but the quantity of racist apologist posts here and the corresponding thumbing up is indeed surprising.

If this continues MacRumors might need to rebrand itself as StormFrontRumors.

And open itself up to a lawsuit for passing off

Do click the link. It's not what you might think but :eek: of a different sort.


macrumors 6502a
May 3, 2010
Well its always good for companies such as Apple to associate themselves with icons such as Nelson Mandela, Im sure the marketing department was very satisfied with the positive press they have received.

On a more human note I wish the family of Nelson Mandela and the people of South Africa all the best during this difficult time. Its is very sad to see another icon of our time pass into history.
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