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Sep 4, 2012
Midwest, USA
It's a little hypocritical for a company who said they almost called their latest Mac OS release "Mac OS X Weed." Of course, they were joking about this at WWDC last year right before they announced the real name which we all know to be Yosemite. But still, my point stands that at what is arguably their biggest event in the year with a lot of people watching, the company's execs are up there joking about drug use... It was funny and I laughed, but I could certainly see why some uptight people (namely investors) might have been squirming in their seats.


macrumors 6502a
Apr 6, 2010
What makes you think being a stoner equates jobless?

It does not have to, however living where I do in a reasonably deprived area I see it all the time and it is a vicious circle. Person looses job, Alcohol is (around here) more expensive than a joint so they may take it up, they get hooked and depressed at not getting a job so they start turning up to interviews smelling of Weed so don't get another job. So they smoke more, so they get even less likely to get a job, onwards from that can be mental illness and or a withdrawal from society, don't know about you but I don't want to pay a stoners benefits (I will point out my experience is from people I grew up with so yes real world experience). As I say, I am not saying every one will go down that path but I don't believe it is as victim less as people like to make out. But then I fell similarly about booze.


macrumors regular
Oct 18, 2010
It does not have to, however living where I do in a reasonably deprived area I see it all the time and it is a vicious circle. Person looses job, Alcohol is (around here) more expensive than a joint so they may take it up, they get hooked and depressed at not getting a job so they start turning up to interviews smelling of Weed so don't get another job. So they smoke more, so they get even less likely to get a job, onwards from that can be mental illness and or a withdrawal from society, don't know about you but I don't want to pay a stoners benefits (I will point out my experience is from people I grew up with so yes real world experience). As I say, I am not saying every one will go down that path but I don't believe it is as victim less as people like to make out. But then I fell similarly about booze.

So basically one persons subjective view. So here's another real world experienced subjective view, my own. Every smoker I currently know has a job and many of them have extremely well off jobs, Im talking 6 and 7 figures. Working in the markets, I get exposed to all sorts. Back in the late 90s I used to clerk for the VP of the Chicago division of a major financial institution, who had his marijuana shipped in from Cali. Iv known people in the past who were jobless who did smoke, drink and did what ever else, I just don't currently know anyone jobless that's also a substance abuser. My point is that marijuana users come in all flavors and cover all aspects of society, from the poor to the rich.


Oct 10, 2013
This thread is getting off topic.
It's about :apple: allowing cannabis apps. That has nothing to do with the legality.
Porn is legal and :apple: doesn't allow porn apps either.

I think that :apple: should ban all drug or porn related apps from their App Store.


macrumors regular
Oct 18, 2010
That would be fine, personally it doesn't effect me, Im on android currently but there should be an option apps outside of apples control the way android users can. At users risk of course.


Oct 10, 2013
That would be fine, personally it doesn't effect me, Im on android currently but there should be an option apps outside of apples control the way android users can. At users risk of course.


macrumors 65816
Aug 30, 2009
So basically one persons subjective view. So here's another real world experienced subjective view, my own. Every smoker I currently know has a job and many of them have extremely well off jobs, Im talking 6 and 7 figures. Working in the markets, I get exposed to all sorts. Back in the late 90s I used to clerk for the VP of the Chicago division of a major financial institution, who had his marijuana shipped in from Cali. Iv known people in the past who were jobless who did smoke, drink and did what ever else, I just don't currently know anyone jobless that's also a substance abuser. My point is that marijuana users come in all flavors and cover all aspects of society, from the poor to the rich.

Same here. Live in a very nice place, had a house party and invited some executives from a few of my clients. I made it clear that I'm fine with smoking even though I don't. Let's just say, if I had to bet my life savings on who was a smoker and who wasn't, I'd be poor right now. Definitely not the jobless.
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