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macrumors Nehalem
Nov 30, 2013
Gotta be in it to win it
Regardless of feelings about the pandemic, this is a mistake from a recruiting strategy. flexible work in tech is becoming a must have in order to get the best talent, especially with people not wanting to live in high cost states. They're cutting themselves off from the bulk of the potential employee pool.
There’s always someone better who will be willing to follow the corporate guidelines.


Nov 9, 2013
Good! Chain them to their desks and make them squash all the bugs they created while supposedly working from home. Obviously productivity went way down and bug counts went way up during the FAILED work at home experiment. I used to be in favor of work from home until the Apple developers proved they couldn't get anything done correctly when home, or wherever they were when they were supposed to be working.


macrumors G3
Dec 7, 2014
this is a mistake from a recruiting strategy. flexible work in tech is becoming a must have in order to get the best talent, especially with people not wanting to live in high cost states. They're cutting themselves off from the bulk of the potential employee pool.

Indeed. Apple has some serious competition here.

In that memo, Cook said employees would be asked to return to their offices on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays, with the option of working remotely on Wednesdays and Fridays.

Not having those days be consecutive is just annoying for everyone, though.

If it were office Monday through Wednesday, remote Thursday through Friday, you could:

  1. pack your stuff on the weekend or Monday morning, head to the office, leave some things at the office for Tuesday and Wednesday
  2. on Wednesday, bring everything home; use that on Thursday on Friday

Instead, it's:

  1. pack your stuff on the weekend or Monday morning, head to the office, leave some things at the office for Tuesday
  2. on Tuesday, bring everything home; use that on Wednesday
  3. pack your stuff again for Thursday; bring it home again the very same day
  4. on Friday, use it again


Oct 21, 2009
I am a huge proponent of remote work in general but Monterey was an absolute debacle, it's like they were trying to produce the buggiest, least stable Mac OS of all time. If Apple employees working from the office translates to fixing Monterey and similar dumpster fires not happening again, then as a user of Apple's software I'd breathe a (somewhat selfish, as I know remote work is great) sigh of relief.
Monterey is way more stable than Catalina and initial Big Sur. Those two releases caused 4-5 kernel panics PER DAY on my 2019 i9 iMac with the Vega GPU. Apple confirmed it was an OS issue and was fixed in a late Catalina patch and the first big Big Sur patch.


macrumors 6502
Jan 16, 2004
Flushing, New York
Apple has planned for a hybrid work schedule. In the June 2021 memo, Cook said that employees would be asked to return to their offices on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays, with the option of working remotely on Wednesdays and Fridays. Teams requiring in-person work would return to the office for four to five days a week, the memo added.
Seems reasonable to me. Allows for a midweek respite and preparation for weekend getaway. It allows Apple and employees to modify schedules on an ongoing basis. Some teams may require full in-person work, but they can tailor schedules based on needs and specific cases.
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macrumors 6502a
May 17, 2007
SF Bay Area
The people I know who are employees by major companies have been given a date. There is no “gradual” RTO.
Which is kinda dumb. Not only will the employees hate the act of coming back to work, the lunchrooms, busses, security, parking, and facilities teams will essentially fail for the first couple months while they re-learn what it’s like to have 100% (or whoever’s left) back using work services.
Not to mention traffic.
I hope the rest of Silicon Valley doesn’t choose the same in office days…


macrumors 6502a
Aug 26, 2008
Good. Hopefully now the teams can start communicating again. There are so many poor and inconsistent design choices across their platforms it's getting beyond a joke. Why is 'Open in new tab' on Mac Safari now 'Open in background' on iPad? Just one tiny but irritating example. Of more immediate concern is the absolutely disastrous and user hostile sidebars in both versions. Maybe if people are actually banging heads together in real life then things might get done. Right now it feels like their developer teams are working on different sides of the galaxy from each other while their bosses are on the golf course in another universe.
Settings > safari > open links

It’s different because there’s two options.


macrumors 6502a
May 17, 2007
SF Bay Area
This is great news! I hope the date does not change again. I can't wait for Apple to hold its in-person Apple events later this year.
I think Apple will resume in person events even if they didn’t have people working in the office.
Although neither happened for the same reason (covid), how they resume isn’t dependent on each other.


macrumors 68000
Jun 6, 2017
So in the end they get two days of productivity and three days in the office. There goes the hope for ever better software from Apple and reduced bug count, just so some middle management can have their long missed meetings that are currently done in half the time or less online.


macrumors 65816
Oct 19, 2016
Remote work for developers is great in most cases, but with Apple and similar companies, there is a ton of highly secretive materials & trade secrets that just can’t be secured in a home environment. Hopefully a middle ground can be found.


macrumors 68000
Apr 10, 2015
Work environment can change overnight. Two choices for employee, accept or move on. Complaining not one of the choices. Happened in my career several times. Make the best decision for you. Simple!

BeefCake 15

macrumors 68020
May 15, 2015
If the same work is capable of being completed remotely there’s absolutely no reason for staff to return to in-person work 100% of the time.

A hybrid work environment is the future and any company or business who doesn’t get on board is stuck in the past.
If return to office doesn't include Hybrid then I disagree with them. I specifically noted hybrid in my new job specifically for this. I like being in the office few days a week but still value my remote days where I don't need to be there.


macrumors 65816
Jun 9, 2009
Looks like a cool place to work and probably has amazing amenities. However maybe a middle ground should be met (3 days office, 2 at home).
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Aug 19, 2002
Mid-West USA
Well their goes my Zoom B-Day Party. The 11th is my B-Day ?? It would be nice it the Apple Employees could still work a few days at home a week! My kids do that.
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macrumors G4
Nov 9, 2015
Silicon Valley, CA
Apple is planning for a hybrid in-office and at-home work schedule going forward. The report states that Apple employees will be required to work from the office at least one day per week by April 11, at least two days per week by May 2, and at least three days per week by May 23. Those three days would be Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays, with most employees having the option to work remotely on Wednesdays and Fridays.

"For many of you, I know that returning to the office represents a long-awaited milestone and a positive sign that we can engage more fully with the colleagues who play such an important role in our lives," said Apple CEO Tim Cook, in a memo to employees obtained by Bloomberg. "For others, it may also be an unsettling change."
I like the aspect of gradual testing the waters of on site work environment for all the employees that been required to work remotely and now need to readjust. As mentioned a lot of what some work on is awkward to do from home, especially hardware engineering which has likely delayed product announcements. I hope all this works out well for everyone employed and their families. :)
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