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macrumors regular
Aug 21, 2007
Repoblikan'i Madagasikara

I'm glad they're working on it, it's been a pain in the a$$ to joggle the accounts.
I never made the or mobileme my primary email as it lacked usability and was far inferior to gmail or other free email services. I hoped it would change with icloud, but it didn't... the only think icloud is good for is backing up the iPhone or iPad, but there are better services free of charge, like Box that gives you 50Gb free and you can edit MS Office docs.

Anyway... Apple better get their smut together at last! :D


macrumors 68000
Jun 17, 2009
Lincolnshire, England
I recently took the plunge and decided to re-buy all my iOS apps using my main Apple ID. I was so sick of having two accounts.

I still would like to be able to merge the accounts so my iTunes movies and Mac apps are on my main account though :)


macrumors regular
Feb 19, 2009
I sure hope this happens... I got most things working under my iTunes Apple ID account, but attempting to enable photo stream across my Apple TV, iPhone, and MBP has been just dreadful and very un-Apple like. I've heard much more forceful grumblings from my less tech-savy friends. If they still called iCloud "beta" it might be acceptable, but... they don't.


macrumors 68000
Mar 17, 2009
Wash, DC Metro
What am I missing if I keep two Apple ID's?

I can understand where some developers are coming from and even those who have the old @mac addresses, but us newer folk... I'm confused.

I like having a separate one for my iTunes. I share this with my wife and will with my kids when they get old enough.

I keep my MobileMe/iCloud Apple ID for my e-mails, calendars, etc. My wife has her own MobileMe/iCloud address and we have no problem sharing certain calendars. We do not want, nor need a unified calendar. She doesn't really care about my work schedule, nor do I hers.


macrumors 65816
Apr 12, 2005
Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 5_0 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/534.46 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.1 Mobile/9A334 Safari/7534.48.3)

davidramsay said:
Actually if Apple try to merge they will encounter far more problems than they need.

They need to go down the Glow route (that is Scotlands Intranet for schools), it supports a single person with multiple identities.

What is required is the generation of a super account which is the parent of all others leaving each of them to stand alone but allowing the user to login and use them all with the super account. They can then select the identity they wish to work with.

If Tim Cook wishes to call me ...

Someone saying something positive about Glow? That's something you don't hear everyday! :)


macrumors regular
Jan 7, 2007
I just logged onto my iCloud @me email on itunes and it shows me logged in as my old Apple ID not with the @me

Ah, I thought you meant this was your first Apple ID, did you mean your first @me ID?

Do you mean to say here that you went to the upper right corner in the iTunes store and logged in with your @me credentials, yet it still displays your old ID in the upper corner? If so, I don't know what the deal with that is, sounds like a bug. Perhaps try to make a purchase after logging in with @me credentials and see what the password dialog autofills for your ID.

(Should probably wait something like 15 mins before purchasing after logging in, as it may not ask for a password right away.)


macrumors 603
May 20, 2011
Dublin, Ireland
Ah, I thought you meant this was your first Apple ID, did you mean your first @me ID?

Do you mean to say here that you went to the upper right corner in the iTunes store and logged in with your @me credentials, yet it still displays your old ID in the upper corner? If so, I don't know what the deal with that is, sounds like a bug. Perhaps try to make a purchase after logging in with @me credentials and see what the password dialog autofills for your ID.

(Should probably wait something like 15 mins before purchasing after logging in, as it may not ask for a password right away.)

Yeah that's what I meant. This is my first @me ID which I had to make for iCloud email syncing but I didn't use it to make a new Apple ID or anything. I didn't even pick a password, it's the same as my Apple ID password


macrumors regular
Jun 1, 2011
This is great if it's true because after I e-mailed Tim Cook last week I got a phone call today from Apple and the guy said Apple has no plans to merge or convert IDs.


macrumors member
Nov 1, 2007
It will be great if Apple makes this happen, do not forget to report this problem on
A bit off topic, Apple can make an great social network experience to make your Apple ID more interactive.
Find your friends, Game Center, iTunes/App/iBook Store purchases, iMessage and FaceTime. If you connect the services, Apple can make a great Facebook/Spotify killer.


Apr 17, 2005
Currently in Switzerland
I don't see why that'd be a problem. We use the same company card on several accounts with no issues.

I don't think you understood my question...are you able to use, for instance, your wife's credit card (or vice versa) and RETAIN your main name when identified in the App Store, Find My Friends etc.?

Under "account", I cannot find a way to insert MY name and then my wife's credit card as the billing whenever I use that credit card, my wife's name is displayed.


macrumors newbie
Nov 9, 2008
Cirencester, UK
Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 5_0 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/534.46 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.1 Mobile/9A334 Safari/7534.48.3)

Someone saying something positive about Glow? That's something you don't hear everyday! :)

Why not? It was specified and designed to a specification that is over 10 years old. The development including the hardware for development and deployment was a fixed price.

There was a very large development and test team to deliver the project in 18 months, I know, I was there.


macrumors 6502
Feb 27, 2011
I was an existing MobileMe user so naturally i still have a email address after upgrading to iCloud. My question is does anyone know if new users are still receiving addresses or are they @icloud email addresses. Ive yet to see a but i know that doesn't mean much at this early stage. Also randomly how do i take a screenshot on iOS?
Thanks in advance for all the input.


macrumors 601
Mar 15, 2005
It might be nice, sure, but it is really that bad to have an account for buying iTunes and an account for email/syncing/calendars, etc?

They are two pretty different things.

The added benefit in that they CAN be different is that your "store," login information can be on your wife's (or kids) iPhone too, so that they get the purchases too. Meanwhile, they can have their unique iCloud ID for personal email/calendars/etc that is unaffected by the store login.


I was an existing MobileMe user so naturally i still have a email address after upgrading to iCloud. My question is does anyone know if new users are still receiving addresses or are they @icloud email addresses. Ive yet to see a but i know that doesn't mean much at this early stage. Also randomly how do i take a screenshot on iOS?
Thanks in advance for all the input.

Home & Sleep Buttons simultaneously takes a screen shot.


macrumors 6502a
Dec 18, 2009
North Carolina
What am I missing if I keep two Apple ID's?

I can understand where some developers are coming from and even those who have the old @mac addresses, but us newer folk... I'm confused.

I like having a separate one for my iTunes. I share this with my wife and will with my kids when they get old enough.

I keep my MobileMe/iCloud Apple ID for my e-mails, calendars, etc. My wife has her own MobileMe/iCloud address and we have no problem sharing certain calendars. We do not want, nor need a unified calendar. She doesn't really care about my work schedule, nor do I hers.

This is exactly the reason I have two AppleIDs as well. I thought I was the only one confused about the big deal of having multiple accounts. So far everything works exactly as it did when I had the one AppleID and MobileMe.


macrumors Core
Feb 9, 2008
I have a MobieMe account, iTunes account, developer account, and an account; it would really nice to be able to sign into one and be able to access everything.

I'm pretty sure merging will be optional once they make it happen. So I wouldn't worry about if you intend to have multiple accounts.


macrumors newbie
Apr 24, 2011
I too am in communication with an executive relations officer in Ireland after an email to Tim Cook, but I'm not having as much luck. I'm not letting them drop the issue though...

I think if you have this issue you should leave feedback, this needs to be fixed urgently.


macrumors 6502a
Apr 3, 2005
I still have my @mac address as well. After I let it expire, I began a new Apple ID with my Gmail account. I made some big purchases (for me) on that, iWork, Screens, etc and would really like for them to transfer over to my current account, which is the @mac one.


macrumors 68000
Oct 5, 2011
San Francisco, California
I have two accounts that I could not merge, so I decided to upgrade my MobileMe account to iCloud. After transitioning it from MobileMe to iCloud, I am no longer able to change the outgoing SMTP server for mail.

With MobileMe, I forwarded all of my GMail to my address because of the ease of synching that way. All I had to do was change the SMTP to, and it allowed me to reply from my gmail account.

Since upgrading to iOS 5 and merging to iCloud, I can no longer do that. I can add an SMTP account, but won't let me default it. There's no way to turn off the main iCloud account as the option is greyed out and unable to be disabled.

That's too bad, it worked so easily with MobileMe.
Any work arounds you guys have done?


macrumors newbie
Jun 17, 2003
Sooooo, this may be me not being aware of my surroundings, which often happens :/ But. I have had one apple ID for almost 12 years. I got my apple id the same day i got my iTools account, it is my developer login, my itunes login, and everything else apple related. i still enter my at every appleID gate and it has never once been an issue. I even managed to migrate my stuff to iCloud when it opened up to developers. :/
Last edited:

Doctor Q

Staff member
Sep 19, 2002
Los Angeles
What is required is the generation of a super account which is the parent of all others leaving each of them to stand alone but allowing the user to login and use them all with the super account. They can then select the identity they wish to work with.
That makes sense. Let each of us manage our own Apple IDs as we see fit, with multiple Apple IDs belonging to one account. That's much like what I've already done with our MobileMe Family account.

Just a guess but maybe it's related to DRM. Your purchases have your ID embedded within, so all you DRM enabled applications would also have to be updated to understand how your multiple IDs are connected. Or you'd have to be issued new copies of all your purchases.
The embedded IDs don't have to change, as long as they follow davidramsay's suggestion. Verifying the embedded ID will look up that ID and find it belongs to your account, whether or not other IDs also belong to your account.
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