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macrumors member
Aug 20, 2010
I'm still using my account as well. I got it waaaay back in the day, but I stopped using it for e-mail when Apple made the MobileMe transition (although I still use it for my AppleID).. With iCloud, I'd like to be able to use the address for emails again (which I thought I'd be able to do), but every time I *try* to access it on my iPhone, I keep getting the wrong username/password error.. Makes me sad.. :(


macrumors newbie
Oct 23, 2011
Can't wait...

I want for this to happen so badly. I'm tired of entering two ID's. And sometimes entering the wrong I'd in the wrong place.


macrumors newbie
Oct 25, 2011
merge would be useful to fix corrupted appleID problem

I am currently trying to get Apple to restore my primary iTunes appleID which became corrupted somehow so they can't find it or restore my access to it.

since a merge appleIDs feature would be useful to migrate any older purchases/history to a fresh id, I am posting this link here.

Apple definitely has a problem as I was able to document iTunes in a confused state about what the active appleID was.


macrumors newbie
Oct 18, 2011
This from "it just works" Apple?

I want for this to happen so badly. I'm tired of entering two ID's. And sometimes entering the wrong I'd in the wrong place.

Of all companies, I would least expect this disaster from Apple. Remember Steve Jobs last presentation, saying that the rollout of MobileMe was "not our finest hour"? Well, this is much worse, and seems to bode poorly for Apple's future if they can't resolve this. It should never ever have gotten to this point.


macrumors 6502
Feb 27, 2011
Can someone please tell me if you sign up as a new iCloud customer what is your email domain, or do new customers still get email addresses? All of my accounts were carried over from MobileMe so I'm not sure. Thanks


macrumors 6502a
Jul 20, 2011
Can someone please tell me if you sign up as a new iCloud customer what is your email domain, or do new customers still get email addresses? All of my accounts were carried over from MobileMe so I'm not sure. Thanks

Even if you are a new iCloud customer, you will be able to create an email.

Doctor Q

Staff member
Sep 19, 2002
Los Angeles
What, would we suspect, are Apple's reasons if they don't do what we've been asking, to let us clean up our numerous Apple IDs?

Other than the minor expense of having to create a system for merging Apple IDs, is there something (e.g., money or control or information) that they'd lose if they allowed it?

Rodimus Prime

macrumors G4
Oct 9, 2006
It is good Apple is working on this. Apple is basically paying dearly for a really bad database set up that more than likely was designed very poorly. Problem is the crappie database was in use for way to long and instead of fixing it early on Apple let it keep growing and added more and more stuff to it so in such it got more and more bloated and harder to fix.

It is good Apple is trying to and I believe will fix this cluster **** they made for themselves and providing their users with a long over due service.


macrumors 68040
Apr 13, 2009
Northumbria, UK
If Apple are beefing up their security measures for logging into Apple IDs then it would make sense to reduce the overall number of IDs, including many which must be defunct, at the same time.


macrumors G3
Jul 24, 2009
You have to think of this from a copyright point of view as all apps are coded to that persons email address/apple id.

The easiest way for apple to do this and painful for some is to allow you to change your Id then redownload everything you've downloaded in the past. Apple could do this as a one off and unify everyone one a @me account.


Mar 7, 2007
Midwest America.
Well, something recent: I got my 'New iPad' and was setting it up. The screen in iTunes said to enter (something) and so I entered my 'Apple ID' which at the time was my .me email address. Well, the system puked on that and said 'that ID is already in use and can't be used again'. Well, duh it's already in use. It's my freaking EMAIL ADDRESS!!!

So I try again to see if maybe I typed the ID wrong, but nope, I get the same error and I'm stuck, can't go any farther... Period... So I enter one of my work email addresses, and next thing I get is a series of emails about changing passwords and some other stuff about welcome to Apple...

Well, I try to update my older iPad and *BOOM* I get the message that I can't. 'Your Apple ID is not working' and I put two and two together... I called Apple Support and tried to get an idea on what the hell happened. I told them that it was stupid that it appeared to block me using my address for my Apple ID. They insisted that I could use it, that there was nothing blocking me from using it, but I couldn't get it to work through iTunes and it now assumed that I wanted to use one of my work emails as my Apple ID. MAJOR FAIL!!! Like WTF!!! What the hell, man!!!

So, from my experience with my 'new iPad', it's not working, and not worth a **** having your email address the same as your Apple ID. Your mileage may vary, but it didn't work with me and my address...

Come to think of it, what the heck did the initialization routine even care. I figured that if it was asking for my 'Apple ID', and my Apple ID was my address, well then what the hell... It shouldn't want to flip my Apple ID away from It should just handle it...

So, no, it isn't merged, or isn't working... BOO!!!:mad:


macrumors newbie
Sep 6, 2012


Last month, we noted that Apple was aware of and working on the issue of users having multiple Apple IDs and seeking to merge them into a single account. MobileMe users in particular have been affected by the issue, as many of them had one ID for their MobileMe account and a separate account for iTunes Store purchases.

With the transition to iCloud for cross-device syncing and deeper integration, more users are interested in merging their accounts together so that a single Apple ID can be used for iCloud and past and future iTunes Store purchases. At the time, we reported that Apple CEO Tim Cook had emailed a customer to inform them that Apple was indeed working on the issue, but with the release of iCloud no solution has yet been deployed. Apple is instead offering guidelines for managing multiple Apple IDs.

But those still hoping for a merging solution may be able to continue holding out hope, as Tim Cook appears to have reached out again, this time in a phone call to a customer in Luxembourg, once again noting that Apple is working on the issue. The report from describes Cook's response to the customer's email sent two days prior.Interestingly, the report notes that Xavier received a follow-up call from Apple's European offices in Ireland offering him a "direct line" for future feedback on the company's products.

Article Link: Apple Still Working on Allowing Merging of Apple IDs

Once again, why do you keep believing Cook/Apple?! It's been a few years now and they've done nothing *nothing* except require us to purchase iTunes match.

For long timers we've seen dotMac abolished, iWeb abolished, MobileMe abolished. All wiped out with no *none* migration options. Just left in by the side of the road because the driver wanted to change directions to increase market.

With that attitude, they will eventually lose their market. If you can't count upon them to manage their services consistently, then why be a customer?


macrumors 68000
Apr 27, 2010
Provo, UT
Once again, why do you keep believing Cook/Apple?! It's been a few years now and they've done nothing *nothing* except require us to purchase iTunes match.

For long timers we've seen dotMac abolished, iWeb abolished, MobileMe abolished. All wiped out with no *none* migration options. Just left in by the side of the road because the driver wanted to change directions to increase market.

With that attitude, they will eventually lose their market. If you can't count upon them to manage their services consistently, then why be a customer?

Uh, you do realize that you just resurrected a thread that was a year-and-a-half-old don't you?

Doctor Q

Staff member
Sep 19, 2002
Los Angeles
Uh, you do realize that you just resurrected a thread that was a year-and-a-half-old don't you?
I noticed that too, but I'm actually glad to have somebody bring this up again.

Apple continues to make life inconvenient for their most long-standing customers.


Moderator emeritus
Sep 8, 2010
I was just thinking about this yesterday. I sure wish they'd find a way to let us do this. I really want to merge my Gmail address ID and it's plethora of iTunes/App Store/MAS content with my old .mac account. I want to get away from the Google account if I can.


macrumors 6502a
Aug 11, 2007
We need to hold apple accountable in this.

It infuriates me that nothing has been done 2 years later.

All those who are willing, let's get cracking with emailing Tim and Eddie,


macrumors G3
Aug 24, 2009
It can't be that hard. Google have got it simple enough and their cloud footprint is undoubtedly bigger than Apple's. Hell, I think even Microsoft has it.


Nov 25, 2005
Uh, you do realize that you just resurrected a thread that was a year-and-a-half-old don't you?

Seems quite appropriate, since we still cannot merge Apple IDs.

And I think there should also be support for real life events like divorce (want to split an Apple ID into two, with some provision that everything under the old Apple ID goes into one of the new ones), death (move everything under the old Apple ID to a different existing one).

Especially with DRM, which is still present in eBooks, Audible audiobooks and movies.


Moderator emeritus
Sep 8, 2010
Seems quite appropriate, since we still cannot merge Apple IDs.

And I think there should also be support for real life events like divorce (want to split an Apple ID into two, with some provision that everything under the old Apple ID goes into one of the new ones), death (move everything under the old Apple ID to a different existing one).

Especially with DRM, which is still present in eBooks, Audible audiobooks and movies.

Those are some really excellent reasons to want to merge or split up ID's, ones I hadn't considered before.

I sure hope they allow us to do this one day, soon.
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