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Nov 25, 2014
Hong Kong
Lots of money being spent on articles and coverage to convince people that this pandemic is over. I understand we have vaccines; but its been proven that even if you receive the vaccine, you can still be a carrier. Not sure how this is really safe.

It would help if people actually took the vaccines. Both doses. Seems a lot of people start "living life" as soon as they've made an appointment


macrumors 68020
Dec 13, 2018
Off topic??? This is about as on topic as it gets! How is Apple this greedy during an epidemic,..that they would even risk such a rediculous thing. It never ceases to amaze me that money over health is the way forward!

Thank you Apple ?‍♂️
Man, calm down. Nobody is forcing you to put AirPods in your ears, and having this as an option in the store doesn’t equate to greed — convenience maybe, but not greed. I’m not a doctor, but I would assume there is more danger from contracting a virus through grocery shopping or eating at a restaurant than any possible threat from AirPod transmission.


macrumors 68020
Aug 12, 2008
That’s good you take extra precautions. I won’t fault you for your decisions!

Greedy? Closing down was an over-reaction, and remaining closed is what’s reckless.
It’s called "best practice". Why should they risk their staff and customers. In Australia (where we actually practice social distancing and abide by whatever rules are imposed for our safety) Apple still provide masks and do temperature checks, plus a short survey for safety For everyone that enters the store. And that’s for a country who have largely defeated the pandemic. If I want to engage in social activities, I (and the vast majority of Australians) will do what is necessary.

Whereas there are idiots who think 'business as usual’. And funnily enough, yesterday, figures came in showing Australia is back to where it was with employment before the pandemic hit.


macrumors 604
Jul 5, 2009
It‘ll be better when I’m able to freely browse through a store without making an appointment to look at a specific product like I can at Best Buy and every other store in my area.

And even at it’s busiest, Best Buy probably had 1/10 the number of customer’s in 5-10X the open floor space. Same goes for about any other retail establishment vs. typical crowds inside an Apple store. Few, if any places are as congested as an Apple store prior to COVID.


macrumors 604
Jul 5, 2009
Ummm, trying on display AirPods was gross way before COVID...

Not my particular cup of tea either but I believe Apple actually puts on new, fresh ear tips for every demo and alcohol sanitizes the AirPods between every demo. Like someone else said, probably far more likely to catch an illness from any number of other methods of transmission before doing so during an AirPods demo.


Jan 10, 2012
I went and visited the Apple Store locally here in California once it opened up. Temperature checks before entering, waiting in line to be helped (even if just wanting to buy something) then an array of staff whose only job is to wipe down the table, display units after every use. Distancing was observed and masks were required. I was impressed. I'm glad they aren't letting it get as packed as it used to be pre-covid. Never seen stores as packed as Apple Stores pre-covid.


Jan 10, 2012
Not my particular cup of tea either but I believe Apple actually puts on new, fresh ear tips for every demo and alcohol sanitizes the AirPods between every demo. Like someone else said, probably far more likely to catch an illness from any number of other methods of transmission before doing so during an AirPods demo.
Yep, agreed. They did this pre-covid and I'm sure they're doing even more now. It may just be me but I never ever touched display units pre-covid. I won't be after either. :p
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macrumors 68020
Aug 12, 2008
Congrats on yours. Thinking that cloth masks do anything is laughable. In med school we took entire courses on infection control, including how to properly don a mask as well as removing masks and gloves. These “masks” people are wearing are useless.
Well that’s not true is it? Spreading lies does not help. But I’m glad that your med school think they know everything there is about infection control on Covid-19. Your limited knowledge is virtually zero compared to 'actual' experts on this.
Throughout history pandemics have ended when the people have said they are over.

Where I live, the pandemic has been over for 7 months or more.
I live in a country town in Australia and the pandemic is still real, despite having zero community transmissions since it started. We had one positive person walk through a shopping centre in December and the community reaction was to get tested if you went to those shops on that day. That’s how, with social distancing and appropriate PPE (masks) you stop this thing. Not pretending nothing works. ?


macrumors 68020
Aug 12, 2008
Disgusting. I sincerely hope Apple don't resell these Airpods?

I don't want to buy a set that could have been inside someone else's filthy ears.

(Yes, I wash inside mine every day. Most people don't.)
I seriously can't see Apple doing that. Ever.
A lot of people here should have no problem cleaning there ears considering there's not much between them.


macrumors 68000
Mar 12, 2019
There's pretty strong evidence at this point that COVID-19 spreads through the air, not via surfaces. This seems like a pretty common sense measure. If you're letting people come into the store and use computers, you might as well let them try Airpods too.


macrumors regular
Dec 28, 2020
I am hoping Apple employees clean and sanitize every AFTER each customer’s testing..


macrumors 68020
Aug 12, 2008
I am hoping Apple employees clean and sanitize every AFTER each customer’s testing..
They are very good with sanitising. For example. If you were to pick up a device, you put it back down on a separate surface that they wrap and take away for cleaning.
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