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macrumors P6
May 16, 2015
I’m tired of reading those nonsensical bs that is utter denial and rejection of the power of nature.

Don’t worry. Nature does not care what you think or what you believe. When it comes to your doorstep and demands your life, you have no recourse, be it covid or anything else. If death can’t trigger fear, then go ahead and enjoy your freedom to hell. Just don’t drag everyone else into it. Wait, you will? Why?


macrumors 6502a
May 29, 2019
I’m tired of reading those nonsensical bs that is utter denial and rejection of the power of nature.

Don’t worry. Nature does not care what you think or what you believe. When it comes to your doorstep and demands your life, you have no recourse, be it covid or anything else. If death can’t trigger fear, then go ahead and enjoy your freedom to hell. Just don’t drag everyone else into it. Wait, you will? Why?
Unfortunately there's no vaccine for stupid. Except in the case of Trump, where the vaccine was an election.


May 21, 2009
Australia is an island with 2 major cities. New Zealand...same thing.

South Korea is the size of Alabama.

Australia has been criticized heavily for no masks and “idiots” running Around with no regard.

I'm guessing you have never been to Australia...or New Zealand.

South Korea is 51+ million people.
Alabama = 4.9 million (<10% the size of SK by pop.)

You do know the difference between population and geography, right?

Again, every country is different. US isn’t the only place struggling. Geography matters. Reporting transparency matters. Climate matters. Pointing to lockdowns as the key “reason” certain countries do better is silly. There are many factors and many key differences that make locking down harder in different countries.

Population vs. Geography vs. Resources vs. Education

Shutdowns aren’t working in America.

Lockdowns require education and compliance; people to understand, follow health and safety measures.

What you're seeing are people who are either unwilling or incapable of understanding the science, directions, and/or basic public safety measures (e.g., wear a mask, wash hands, social distance, etc.).

Say it’s Trump’s fault all you want, but he doesn’t decide what individual states do.

I agree with you on this part wholeheartedly.

Yes, DT is wholly and completely incompetent as the president, and you'll get no argument from me.

However, yes, so are a lot of the state and local leadership (e.g., mayors, governors, etc.) who were charged with addressing this (e.g., FL, SD, AK, etc.).

South Dakota and Florida are truly the most ostentatious displays of failed, incompetent state leadership, par excellence, I think we have yet seen.

Liberal led states are not doing well.

Population density. More people live in "blue" states than in red states.

Part of the reason COVID-19 peaked here in Southern California is all the out-of-state visitors who just couldn't stay home for Thanksgiving so they brought the 'Rona with them, infected their families, etc. --That would sure explain all the ambulances we're seeing lately!

Meanwhile, those food lines growing all over the country (both red and blue) are symptomatically reflective of how poorly this whole pandemic response has been handled.


Oct 6, 2017
I'm guessing you have never been to Australia...or New Zealand.

South Korea is 51+ million people.
Alabama = 4.9 million (<10% the size of SK by pop.)

You do know the difference between population and geography, right?

Population vs. Geography vs. Resources vs. Education

Lockdowns require education and compliance; people to understand, follow health and safety measures.

What you're seeing are people who are either unwilling or incapable of understanding the science, directions, and/or basic public safety measures (e.g., wear a mask, wash hands, social distance, etc.).

I agree with you on this part wholeheartedly.

Yes, DT is wholly and completely incompetent as the president, and you'll get no argument from me.

However, yes, so are a lot of the state and local leadership (e.g., mayors, governors, etc.) who were charged with addressing this (e.g., FL, SD, AK, etc.).

South Dakota and Florida are truly the most ostentatious displays of failed, incompetent state leadership, par excellence, I think we have yet seen.

Population density. More people live in "blue" states than in red states.

Part of the reason COVID-19 peaked here in Southern California is all the out-of-state visitors who just couldn't stay home for Thanksgiving so they brought the 'Rona with them, infected their families, etc. --That would sure explain all the ambulances we're seeing lately!

Meanwhile, those food lines growing all over the country (both red and blue) are symptomatically reflective of how poorly this whole pandemic response has been handled.
I’m from South Korea, lol...the point is the size is very easy to control. You are not familiar with the government there? It’s different than US govt and the people are far different.

I’m well traveled and have been to both Australia and New Zealand, even lived in Perth for 6 months and have family there. You’re out of your element. These factors do matter.

I’m not going point by point with you.

Lockdowns aren’t working...even if the reason is bc we are idiots, that still means they aren’t working.


macrumors 68030
Jul 15, 2012
Less dead people than they would've had on their hands if they hadn't.
First of all, you don’t know that because Sweden’s infection rates followed the same curve as NY/NJ without lockdowns, and Georgia saw their infection rates continue to decrease long after they opened up their economy.

Two, saving lives is all well and good, but again, at what cost? Why not keep the shutdowns in place until Covid passes? Are you OK with people losing their livelihoods, homes, life’s savings, increase in suicides and mental health issues, holding back an entire generation of kids (who are practically immune from Covid) from learning, racking up trillions in debt, etc.?

I think the evidence is clear. Lockdowns was a bad idea and Georgia did the right thing by opening their economy when they did, proving the media and many experts wrong.


macrumors 6502a
May 29, 2019
First of all, you don’t know that because Sweden’s infection rates followed the same curve as NY/NJ without lockdowns, and Georgia saw their infection rates continue to decrease long after they opened up their economy.

Two, saving lives is all well and good, but again, at what cost? Why not keep the shutdowns in place until Covid passes? Are you OK with people losing their livelihoods, homes, life’s savings, increase in suicides and mental health issues, holding back an entire generation of kids (who are practically immune from Covid) from learning, racking up trillions in debt, etc.?

I think the evidence is clear. Lockdowns was a bad idea and Georgia did the right thing by opening their economy when they did, proving the media and many experts wrong.
Sweden disagrees with you. They admit now they should have locked down. And who should we believe about the efficacy of lockdowns? Scientists who have been proven right time and time again, or Trumpers who have been proven wrong over and over?
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macrumors G5
Mar 27, 2017
masks and shutdowns are clearly not working.

Americans are still debating masks to this day and the country never had a real shutdown.

Half-assed measures were taken and the results are obvious.

The most populous country in the world that took the strongest and most effective measures is the only G20 country to experience economic growth this year. Ditto for 2021.


macrumors 603
Jan 6, 2004
A couple cheeky mutations from the virus can render the vaccine largely useless, or boost virus lethality, making them more contagious and kill people easier.

The UK has a new more infectious Covid-19 strain. Hopefully it's not more deadly.

So masks and lockdowns work for flu, but not COVID-19? Flu is mysteriously down, which some say is due to masks, yet COVID-19 cases are soaring, but the masks aren’t stopping it.

You do know that Covid-19 has a much higher R0 factor than the flu, right? The higher the R0 factor, the greater the spread.

The seasonal flu has an R0 of approx. 1.3 while Covid-19 is approx. 5.7. What this means is that each person who has the season flu can transmit it to 1 other person while someone who has Covid-19 can transmit it up to 6 people.

so Covid prevention measures are working for flu, but not covid? I’m not too convinced by all the covid prevention measures at this point, considering covid is not decreasing.

See R0 factor explanation above.


macrumors 603
Jan 6, 2004
Shutdowns aren’t working in America. Say it’s Trump’s fault all you want, but he doesn’t decide what individual states do. Liberal led states are not doing well.

While the president can't tell individual states what to do, the president can set the national agenda and strategy for its citizenry to follow. It's what a leader does.

But when you see the president lie by saying "We have it [Covid-19] under control. It’s going to be just fine,” that "within a couple of days it’s going to be down to close to zero," that "It’s going to disappear. One day – it’s like a miracle – it will disappear," that "We are rounding the turn," or calling Covid-19 a hoax, refusing to set an example and wear a mask or even courage people to do so and social distance... when everything is left up to individual people and states to decide, yeah, lock downs/shut downs/stay-at-home/shelter-in-place/whatever you want to call it orders are not going to work.

One state can implement a stay-at-home/shelter-in-place order, but that does no good when neighboring states don't do the same and their residents are freely traveling to other state, or when residents of states that did issue stay-at-home/shelter-in-place orders ignore them because of their precious freedoms.

Take South Dakota as a perfect example. While they never issued a stay-at-home/shelter-in-place order or told their residents to wear a mask and social distance, neighboring states did. Then South Dakota had the bright idea to still hold Sturgis. That bike rally lead to a spread into neighboring states and eventually across the U.S. (Refer to Covid-19 R0 factor post above).


Trump's failed leadership undercut states' ability to get things under control.


macrumors 6502a
Mar 11, 2006
So masks and lockdowns work for flu, but not COVID-19? Flu is mysteriously down, which some say is due to masks, yet COVID-19 cases are soaring, but the masks aren’t stopping it.
We have a vaccine for the flu and the flu is less contagious. And who says masks and lockdowns aren't working for covid? Covid would be much worse without them.
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Jan 13, 2020
We may not get our covid vaccines until JUNE!

Can you believe this?

LOTS OF PEOPLE WILL DIE. The economy and Jobs will be wiped OUT. Will take forever to recover!

We already got Hacked by the Russians. China is spying on us thru their Chinese built DRONES



macrumors G5
Mar 27, 2017

Trump's failed leadership undercut states' ability to get things under control.

Undercut is putting it mildly.

Trump’s government including FEMA literally stole PPE orders and confiscated supplies ordered by individual states. Illinois for example had to orchestrate secret charter flights from China in order to secure any PPE.
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macrumors 68040
Sep 9, 2015
Its not about being in the center. The center is how we got to the politics we have now. Trying to moderate the center means we are doing half measures and splitting the difference for the sake of “unity” rather than understanding that many times the best solution could be the conservative solution or the liberal solution. COVID-19 doesnt care about moderation. Science doesnt care about peoples politics and a return to the neoliberal pro business pro greed center.
Wait, what? We have to return to the center if we want a country. The extremes are tearing the country apart. Being in the center means if the liberal or conservative solution is the right one, then its ok to implement that solution. Not bottleneck things because the left hates the right and visa versa. Of course science doesn’t care about politics, but the decisions we make about what the science says has been heavily diluted by extreme voices on both sides, which is the crux of my point. The hard left wants to lockdown indefinitely, the hard right believes this is all a hoax. I am in medicine and my brother is a pulmonologist/critical care doc and though us, nor anyone working in a hospital thinks this is a joke, we also cannot continue to destroy lives economically and continue to print dollars keeping people home. From the beginning we botched our response to COVID top down in the US, and it’s been embarrassing. But it gets more complicated when you bring in epidemiological differences in countries. Look at Iceland’s mortality and hospitalization rates (7 in 1,000 die from COVID) vs the US where we are at 80 per 1,000 and climbing. Iceland is younger, has fewer comorbidities, is significantly smaller population wise, more homogenous genetically, and isolated, but the way they responded could teach us several lessons. They have a nationalized healthcare system that works with the private sector and allows total communication of EHRs which allowed for a much more robust response to COVID. That’s just one example, but our extremist leadership on both sides, lack of centrality has been a significant part in the failed response we’ve had.
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Oct 6, 2017
While the president can't tell individual states what to do, the president can set the national agenda and strategy for its citizenry to follow. It's what a leader does.

But when you see the president lie by saying "We have it [Covid-19] under control. It’s going to be just fine,” that "within a couple of days it’s going to be down to close to zero," that "It’s going to disappear. One day – it’s like a miracle – it will disappear," that "We are rounding the turn," or calling Covid-19 a hoax, refusing to set an example and wear a mask or even courage people to do so and social distance... when everything is left up to individual people and states to decide, yeah, lock downs/shut downs/stay-at-home/shelter-in-place/whatever you want to call it orders are not going to work.

One state can implement a stay-at-home/shelter-in-place order, but that does no good when neighboring states don't do the same and their residents are freely traveling to other state, or when residents of states that did issue stay-at-home/shelter-in-place orders ignore them because of their precious freedoms.

Take South Dakota as a perfect example. While they never issued a stay-at-home/shelter-in-place order or told their residents to wear a mask and social distance, neighboring states did. Then South Dakota had the bright idea to still hold Sturgis. That bike rally lead to a spread into neighboring states and eventually across the U.S. (Refer to Covid-19 R0 factor post above).


Trump's failed leadership undercut states' ability to get things under control.
Economy has to be open at this point. It doesn’t matter what anyone says. The end.

Luckily, that’s what’s happening most places but stupid ones like California that are only hurting their own people.

You can cry all you want, but logic is prevailing in a bad situation. For whatever reason you want to point to, locking down in America has been largely a total failure. Blame one person if you’s not working, so we aren’t doing it in most places.
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macrumors demi-god
Jul 3, 2010
Liberal led states are not doing well.

Tell me more about the “liberal” states and how they aren’t doing well? (In comparison to the blue states? And nobody is doing “well”)

How about deaths?

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Oct 6, 2017
Tell me more about the “liberal” states and how they aren’t doing well? (In comparison to the blue states? And nobody is doing “well”)

How about deaths?

They aren’t. Slicing the data since June or July doesn’t mean they are doing better. You can slice the data any way you want to tell a story. Most recently, California is proving locking down doesn’t work. Rolling 7 days. This data has already been posted.

As I said, logic is prevailing now that we are here. The virus is out there and nothing with stop it completely, except the vaccine, which is here now. Stop trying to blame someone or act like you can fix this with “just this one thing.” It’s a cluster for many reasons and the proposed solutions have many problems.

Deaths per 100k since the start are led by NY, New Jersey, Mass, Connecticut, Rhode Island. Source,
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macrumors regular
Jan 29, 2009
We have a vaccine for the flu and the flu is less contagious. And who says masks and lockdowns aren't working for covid? Covid would be much worse without them.
Numbers are going up. Masks and lockdowns are supposed to make them go down, but they don’t. It’s time for a new strategy, because masks and lockdowns have not proved effective.
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Oct 6, 2017
Numbers are going up. Masks and lockdowns are supposed to make them go down, but they don’t. It’s time for a new strategy, because masks and lockdowns have not proved effective.
People don’t get this. They keep saying do it more, but even assuming they work, you have to be able to implement it...or again, it doesn’t work.

What “worked” somewhere might not work here for various reasons. The US is a lot harder to control than a small country with mostly one culture.

The US is huge, spread out, has many major cities and a myriad of cultures. Importantly, there is also free speech and free press, making the problem worse.

If anyone believe that China had <100,000 cases, just lol.


macrumors P6
May 16, 2015
Economy has to be open at this point. It doesn’t matter what anyone says. The end.

Luckily, that’s what’s happening most places but stupid ones like California that are only hurting their own people.

You can cry all you want, but logic is prevailing in a bad situation. For whatever reason you want to point to, locking down in America has been largely a total failure. Blame one person if you’s not working, so we aren’t doing it in most places.
While yes, the economy has to open at some point, which strategy to choose? Cut the losses and endure short pain by enforcing lockdown for a few weeks or dragging the fight for months or years? It’s very obvious that 70million American people has chosen to drag the fight for months and maybe years.

Vaccine can control the spread but it won’t cure the virus, so anyone who wants to travel to America would need to consider the risk of being infected even with the virus. Thanks to open media, everyone knows how dangerous American can be. Tourist industry will be damaged for years. Aviation as well because fewer people travelling to America. The ever lasting damage to the economy and reputation is going to be hard to evaluate, but enjoy the freedom I suppose.

Oh, COVID has been proven to have long lasting negative impact to someone’s health till death. That would be fun for deniers.

Enjoy your freedom while you still can.


macrumors P6
May 16, 2015
Numbers are going up. Masks and lockdowns are supposed to make them go down, but they don’t. It’s time for a new strategy, because masks and lockdowns have not proved effective.
It’s because the time for mask and lockdown being effective is long gone. They are supposed to work during early phase of the pandemic, not when virus is freely rampaging the entire continent. Also, it’s American people who choose to make them ineffective, not strategy themselves are ineffective, otherwise VIC and Melbourne would not enjoy 35 days of no imported cases and community transmissions (virus free) after imposing one of the strictest lockdown in developed countries.


Oct 6, 2017
While yes, the economy has to open at some point, which strategy to choose? Cut the losses and endure short pain by enforcing lockdown for a few weeks or dragging the fight for months or years? It’s very obvious that 70million American people has chosen to drag the fight for months and maybe years.

Vaccine can control the spread but it won’t cure the virus, so anyone who wants to travel to America would need to consider the risk of being infected even with the virus. Thanks to open media, everyone knows how dangerous American can be. Tourist industry will be damaged for years. Aviation as well because fewer people travelling to America. The ever lasting damage to the economy and reputation is going to be hard to evaluate, but enjoy the freedom I suppose.

Oh, COVID has been proven to have long lasting negative impact to someone’s health till death. That would be fun for deniers.

Enjoy your freedom while you still can.
Haha...yeah...America did lockdown for nearly a month. Almost destroyed the economy and it didn’t work. Here we are. People follow rules pretty well, including the “70M” you think are just going around coughing on everyone.

People have to live and work. People need liberty. A lockdown only postpones new spread in a place this big bc you can’t get it down enough to not spread again. It MAY work in a small country or area with similar culture and ideas...not so easy to implement in America. It’s a big place with many different cultures, ideas, and opinions.

Even the fake story you get from large companies in America are a joke. They want to open and they want people buying their stuff in stores. They aren’t evil...they are trying to make money. Apple is only acting concerned for PR and the fact they can largely do business virtually.

China’s numbers are a total lie, just like this virus they sprung on the world and lied about

Covid having some long term impact on any large scale is completely false and not even able to be studied bc it’s less than a year old. I mean, are you serious? Lol


macrumors P6
May 16, 2015
Haha...yeah...America did lockdown for nearly a month. Almost destroyed the economy and it didn’t work. Here we are. People follow rules pretty well, including the “70M” you think are just going around coughing on everyone.

People have to live and work. People need liberty. A lockdown only postpones new spread in a place this big bc you can’t get it down enough to not spread again. It MAY work in a small country or area with similar culture and ideas...not so easy to implement in America. It’s a big place with many different cultures, ideas, and opinions.

Even the fake story you get from large companies in America are a joke. They want to open and they want people buying their stuff in stores. They aren’t evil...they are trying to make money. Apple is only acting concerned for PR and the fact they can largely do business virtually.

China’s numbers are a total lie, just like this virus they sprung on the world and lied about

Covid having some long term impact on any large scale is completely false and not even able to be studied bc it’s less than a year old. I mean, are you serious? Lol
Just like other members pointed out, no vaccine can deal with stupidity. No matter. The nature will decide the fate of American people, regardless of belief, economy, politics etc. China’s number doesn’t matter. Fake stories doesn’t matter. Words doesn’t matter. What would matter if death is irrelevant anymore?

Just to throw some random stuff for other people to see, Australia is also a country with people from various backgrounds and culture etc, yet lockdown has been proven effective in controlling the spread of the virus. Victoria leadership endures constant barrage from right wing media and extremists and successfully suppress an outbreak of daily 400+ cases to 0 and keep 0 new case status for 35 days. Go figure.


macrumors 6502a
Mar 11, 2006
Numbers are going up. Masks and lockdowns are supposed to make them go down, but they don’t. It’s time for a new strategy, because masks and lockdowns have not proved effective.

Of course they're effective, if people let them take effect. Refusing to wear a mask because of muh freedums, refusing to obey restrictions because of muh freedums, refusing to stay home because of muh freedums all prevent these measures from being as effective as they could be otherwise.


Oct 6, 2017
Just like other members pointed out, no vaccine can deal with stupidity. No matter. The nature will decide the fate of American people, regardless of belief, economy, politics etc. China’s number doesn’t matter. Fake stories doesn’t matter. Words doesn’t matter. What would matter if death is irrelevant anymore?

Just to throw some random stuff for other people to see, Australia is also a country with people from various backgrounds and culture etc, yet lockdown has been proven effective in controlling the spread of the virus. Victoria leadership endures constant barrage from right wing media and extremists and successfully suppress an outbreak of daily 400+ cases to 0 and keep 0 new case status for 35 days. Go figure.
Americans will be fine. This virus is still largely impacted folks who have literally lived their life expectancy and have 3 other conditions present when they died. Sad, but likely not completely covid related.

There is a reason ppl love America. We are good at a lot of things and those things might make us bad at handling pandemics. It is what it is. This will be history soon.

Again, Australia isn’t even comparable with the US.
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