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Mar 16, 2017
This is what will happen in the United States if the fed keeps printing money & further devalues the dollar. It's a main force driving people to adopt crypto assets.
1. There are more factors at play driving inflation than the money printer. Pent-up demand, supply chain shocks, employment shocks, and rising wages are likely more a factor than bank liquidity (which the “money printer” is)

2. The adoption of crypto is based on low energy prices and INSANE profitability of ethereum mining. And not to mention that crypto is an unstable investment to hold, with wild swings in value. It’s a commodity, not necessarily a currency.

3. Unfortunately, the economy is always irrational. Tightening spending and shutting down the “money printer” risks a deflationary spiral. The banking system flat-out could not handle it. The current inflation is really just the “least painful” option.

On topic: I’ve read that Edrogan thinks that low rates halt inflation somehow. This is untrue (if not evident by the currency shock).


Mar 16, 2017
Or perhaps you should understand basic economics.

Fun fact, one of America's greatest periods of growth was when taxes where historically high.
There’s so many factors that go into economics that it would take a lot of study to determine what causes growth.


macrumors 68030
Mar 20, 2016
You can't do it if the country is following moronic economic policies. When you get inflation, you raise interest rates. That reduces inflation and it gives you future ammunition for the time when your economy slows down. Instead of raising rates, they are cutting them. This is causing other countries to not hold their currency and companies not to want to deal with their country.
Well yes, but the reasons for hyperinflation are usually more fundamental than that, and raising interest rates won't actually solve the problem unless you solve the underlying fundamental issue.

For example, the hyperinflation that Zimbabwe suffered had multiple causes, including printing money. However, the fundamental cause was that Mugabe started killing the farm owners, because they were all white. Those that weren't killed, left the country as fast as they could. Which caused the problem that the local blacks didn't know how to actually run the farms, even though they were employed on them, or abandoned the farms due to lack of pay since the owners had left, and combined with a drought, the farms failed, and there was a massive food shortage, causing hyperinflation of food prices. Raising interest rates would have achieved nothing, as people NEED to eat. So although there were a bunch of causes that didn't help, the fundamental cause was a food shortage.

Venezuela had a similar problem. Again, there were a multitude of economic blunders, but fundamentally, it was the same thing, a food crisis caused by the government price fixing food and medicines to prices so low that locals couldn't produce it profitably. So locals stopped making it, and the government then started printing money to import food. Disaster.

And so on.

There is always a more fundamental problem that is far more than simply "printing money". Contrary to popular economic belief, it is unproven that inflation itself can accelerate wildly simply due to high spending. This popular belief amongst economists caused a fundamental change in economic policy in the western world in the mid-70's, and led to a huge shift in the economic climate ever since, and quite likely is the fundamental cause of the western world's current economic problems. Have a google of "non accelerating inflation rate of unemployment" for an eye opening lesson in recent history. And then if you think about it somewhat, the obvious response is - Ooooh, damn, that explains the mess we are in!


macrumors 6502a
Oct 15, 2015
If you think the US dollar will see a 40% devaluation in a single year, I’ve got a bridge to sell you. As a bonus, a bridge makes for a fantastic inflation hedge!

The fact that so many people (you and others) think runaway inflation can't happen in the US is exactly why it will happen to the US. It is inevitable as long as we keep living beyond our means (ie. record budget & trade deficits month after month ad infinitum).
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macrumors 6502
Mar 9, 2016
And this is the NEW Lira! In 2010 under the old Lira there were 1.2 million per US Dollar. In 2012, when the new Lira was introduced, it converted the old lira 1 million to 1, meaning if the old Lira was still in use there'd be about 153 million per dollar.
Dude the new Lira was introduced in 2005.


macrumors 68000
Oct 7, 2018
Stalingrad, Russia
Populist heads of state hate to do things that appear to be bad to their uneducated supporters, however daft they appear to people with a modicum of education.
They can always find a scapegoat.
With all due respect it looks like you are trying to "cover up" the fact that the central banks will have to be de-centralised. It is very possible that the central bankers will play the Great Depression card once again to prove to everybody that they are "really needed and indispensable".
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macrumors 68030
Sep 24, 2013
This is what will happen in the United States if the fed keeps printing money & further devalues the dollar. It's a main force driving people to adopt crypto assets.

Signs of things to come. Happy most expensive Thanksgiving ever everyone! ?

At the rate inflation is rising in the US, we’ll be right behind them ?‍? 31 year high and only going to get worse.

The fact that so many people (you and others) think runaway inflation can't happen in the US is exactly why it will happen to the US. It is inevitable as long as we keep living beyond our means (ie. record trade deficits month after month ad infinitum).
same doom and gloom, different day… the Goth kids of McRumors.


macrumors 603
Apr 8, 2009
A newbie from even 2-3 years ago did not get involved in crypto for the same reasons a newbie does now. Today's meme coins are a good example of supply meeting naive and greedy masses' demand.
That’s a fairly sweeping generalisation. I definitely know of some people who got into crypto pretty early (and made quite a bit of money) precisely for the ease-of-grift.
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Mar 16, 2017
The fact that so many people (you and others) think runaway inflation can't happen in the US is exactly why it will happen to the US. It is inevitable as long as we keep living beyond our means (ie. record trade deficits month after month ad infinitum).
For Americans to live beyond our means that means we have to have the capital influx to import physical goods. We’re making money despite the massive trade deficit.
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macrumors 6502a
Jul 22, 2002
You're kidding right? The two main Cryptos can drop up to 20% in a single day. That's pretty much one of the reasons why many mainstream retail companies aren't adopting it.
But there are algorithmic Crypto Stable coins now! Crypto is coming whether you like it or not! The USA is even working on its own coin called the Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) and it only has 1 node which is the US Treasury. What could go wrong?


Jun 9, 2013
The main thing driving people to adopt crypto is hoping for a ponzi scheme lottery ticket.
And sadly they’re the ones ruining the positive aspects of crypto. Some people need to learn the patience of building a business rather than trying to get rich quick.


macrumors 68040
Sep 9, 2015
Lol. Governments know less about economics? They went through the Great Depression(some might say that they even staged it themselves) and they still know less? As evil as they are they certainly know more about what they can and cannot do.
"Digital kids" on the other hand are just starting out with a learning curve ahead with very unpredictable results that they are completely clueless about.
That may be, but right now it feels like we’re being led by children in the US. Our leadership just gets worse. Economically right now in the US, it’s like Jimmy Carter on steroids. Except even worse policies across the board.


Mar 7, 2007
Midwest America.
Do I think we’ll actually end up like Turkey? No, but only because the fundamentals are good. But the current economic/political decisions are pretty unintelligible from my perspective.

So because you personally don't understand something, the world is doomed? Wow... Good thing quantum mechanics doesn't care if you or I know a thing about it to keep the fabric of reality in existence. Quantum mechanics is something maybe three people understand, so...

This countries problems are largely due to income equality, so raising taxes on the 'rich' and corporations would go a long way to help out. If they don't want to pay, then who pays? Becasue if no one pays, we all fall down. We'll make Turkey look like a Sunday social.


macrumors 6502a
Mar 28, 2011

I lived in Turkey for 3 years, in the late '90's. No Apple Store in Istanbul at that time! But inflation was huge pretty much the entire time I lived there, in the 100% or more range annually as I recall.

Solution for many, or at least those who were affluent enough, was to deal in dollars. I would only exchange dollars for Turkish Lira when I absolutely had to, and for just enough to cover something I might be purchasing in Lira. I'd use credit cards (U.S. based) as much as I could, too. My apartment rent was paid in dollars each month. Many things were bought and sold using dollars, not Lira. That is not something that everyone was able to do, though.

I've lost track of how the country has evolved since then. In some respects it is a very different country today than it was pre-911, I think.

Yes, basically when a currency collapses in a specific territory, you have 3 options if you want to keep a minimum, decent living:
- flee
- join the organized crime
- use another currency

While using another currency is more for the elite, if you don't do one of those 3, you end up in terrible poverty. You can't even say "I am working on myself, I am going to wake up early, work hard, get 2 jobs", whatever. All of that is useless. A collapse of a currency is a terrible economic collapse.


macrumors 68040
Sep 9, 2015
So because you personally don't understand something, the world is doomed? Wow... Good thing quantum mechanics doesn't care if you or I know a thing about it to keep the fabric of reality in existence. Quantum mechanics is something maybe three people understand, so...

This countries problems are largely due to income equality, so raising taxes on the 'rich' and corporations would go a long way to help out. If they don't want to pay, then who pays? Becasue if no one pays, we all fall down. We'll make Turkey look like a Sunday social.
Huh? ? What does my perspective on the unintelligible leadership in the US have to do with quantum mechanics…bad analogy. I never said we were doomed, in fact if you read more carefully I said the opposite. We don’t just have a tax loop hole problem in the US. We have a spending problem in the US. And the leadership held so sacred that plays to the income inequality sympathizers live extravagant lifestyles and are also part of that ‘rich’ crowd. As a side, but i think quantum mechanics is very interesting but as you said, i don’t understand it. I’m not sure how anyone truly understands it.

On topic, but as others have mentioned, the situation is pretty ugly in Turkey economically, but I think their president represents Turkey’s biggest threat. He is a known human rights violator. It’s a little frustrating for Apple to turn the other way when it comes to human rights issues while seemingly fine as long as they are selling their products and getting their products mass produced.
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