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macrumors 6502
Feb 23, 2018
United States
It’s only hateful if a person has conservative views.
Totally false. Give an example of this. I have always been curious why conservatives say this.

On the other hand, I find conservatives have done much more labeling, bashing and denigrating liberals and their views. Conservatives have created countless anti-liberal and racist memes and codes, for examples. Some of the racist memes were created by far right fringe hate groups, but average conservative have seemed to have adopted them all without question.
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Nicky G

macrumors 65816
Mar 24, 2002
It's funny how the center has become the left, and the left has become extreme left.
That is literally the opposite of what has been happening over the past few decades (more like 40 years).

The GOP, a party that used to be center-right, is now an ultra-nationalist party, more to the right of ultra-nationalist parties in France and other countries, based on their stated policies and actions.

The Dems, which used to be center-left, became a much more centrist and even closer to center-right (especially on economic issues) party over the past few decades. This is what the term "neoliberal" is referring to. Bill Clinton was very close to being a Republican, on policy, Obama was pretty close himself.

Here's a handy-dandy chart the New York Times did. I suggest folks study it. The GOP is totally unhinged, and the Dems are about as center as political parties in the developed world get. A few more progressive members of Congress don't make the Dems actually "extreme left." Those are Republican lies, sold to the very people who tried to overthrow our democracy this past Wednesday.


Nicky G

macrumors 65816
Mar 24, 2002
It’s only hateful if a person has conservative views. Left-wing extremist are free to spew whatever BS they want on social media and get away with it.
Bull. "Left-wing extremists," which barely exist in reality (there are a few), rarely use social media platforms to blatantly and wantonly, out in the open, call for and actively plan violent acts against our democratic government. That's actually the crazies, Republicans, on Parler. It is happening at this very moment. Keep making excuses -- frankly, I'd rather know where people stand on this. Always good to know who the brownshirts among us are.


macrumors G5
Oct 20, 2011
Austin, TX
It’s only hateful if a person has conservative views. Left-wing extremist are free to spew whatever BS they want on social media and get away with it.
Definitely not true. However, left wing extremists are typically of lower socio-economical standing and are fighting against a ruling class.

The problem with Parler is it tends to be the wealthy manipulating the uneducated in to fighting against something they don't understand.

It's like storming the Bastille in the interest of keeping the king and having him keep torturing the working class.

Nicky G

macrumors 65816
Mar 24, 2002
Where do you see conservative views being silenced, rather than incitements to violence? Or are you saying incitements to violence are conservative viewpoints?
DING DING DING!!! We have a winner! THIS is what they are saying, and it's all very out in the open now isn't it.

The Republican Party is now officially the party of sedition and attempted (pathetic) violent coup over the democratic government of the USA.

Trump is the leader of the GOP, literally. The GOP threw away their party platform and replaced it with "Allegiance to DJT," literally. DJT is directing the GOP to violence and to overthrow the democratic government.

The GOP is NEVER going to be able to squirm out of this, not now, and not in the history books. Any trace of reason that the Republican Party may have once represented is now utterly swept away, by this, the death of the GOP, and its vile death throes.

Nicky G

macrumors 65816
Mar 24, 2002
Exactly. It’s inciting violence. Free speech does not protect you when you use it to hurt or plan on hurting others. Your rights are not above everyone else’s.
But even more, free speech does not cover private platforms, period! It NEVER DID.

Free speech means the US government can't ban what you say (mostly).

Freedom of private property means that if you own a platform, you can kick people off of it at any time for saying **** that violates your terms of service, just like you can kick someone (a non-resident, anyway) out of your house (or business) any time you want, so long as it doesn't infringe on the rights of a protected class.

It's really all very simple. Apple has every right to kick any app of the App Store that they want. This is literally what our American belief that respects private property grants us.

If folks want government to be able to regulate private businesses much much more than what we have in the USA, then they should move to Communist China, where this is what is done, and the Communist Party really does control everything.
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macrumors G5
Oct 20, 2011
Austin, TX
If it were not for insurrection the US wouldn’t exist in the first place.
Yes, but in the American Revolution, the American colonies were not represented in the British Imperial Government. Most of the founding fathers had no interest in leaving the Empire.

These people are over-represented in their current government (The Senate strongly favors small state conservatives, a flaw Alexander Hamilton and James Madison knew would happen at the Constitutional Convention), were lied to by the President, and is now trying to overthrow the government for...?
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Oct 24, 2019
DING DING DING!!! We have a winner! THIS is what they are saying, and it's all very out in the open now isn't it.

The Republican Party is now officially the party of sedition and attempted (pathetic) violent coup over the democratic government of the USA.

Trump is the leader of the GOP, literally. The GOP threw away their party platform and replaced it with "Allegiance to DJT," literally. DJT is directing the GOP to violence and to overthrow the democratic government.

The GOP is NEVER going to be able to squirm out of this, not now, and not in the history books. Any trace of reason that the Republican Party may have once represented is now utterly swept away, by this, the death of the GOP, and its vile death throes.
Don’t worry! Give it six months and no one’s even gonna remember the soon to-be-ex. They’re all hopped up on their emotions having lost the elections and the Senate majority. The so called Q failed them.

Few months and no one would dare to storm the Capitol or even consider it now that the extreme right don’t have a voice in Congress or the White House. No one to incite any violence and now with all that insurrection even Fox News won’t touch him.

Nuno Lopes

macrumors 65816
Sep 6, 2011
Lisbon, Portugal
They ban an app from the AppStore, you can’t get updates but you can still use the app that’s already installed.

Not if the the device is serviced or reset due to software malfunction and the app is banned as there is no other way to install the app. But even if it was possible, software updates is an intrinsic feature of software, the way software works. So it is effectively removing third party software, with their own licencing that is not their property to govern, and than again from property that is not theirs, case in case iOS devices already sold.

The trick as you so well pointed out that Apple is applying is at one hand in the paper, that you get to see after the boxes are opened and the devices are running, state the the license that came with the device is disassociated from the device itself, but as a product they are one and the same, from product design down to marketing. If you don’t get one, you also don’t get the other for the purpose the product was sold. This division on paper, it’s a trick and its fishy in Apple context. They are using a standard business practice in WinTel like ecosystems, when their business does not operate in anyway similar.

This can be done because the entire industry is mostly unregulated. It’s no law land. The result is that people are loosing more and more power over their property than ever, wether that property is a license to use a digital asset or a device. A power transfer to Big Tech, that with a switch of a button can turn a thousands dollar device in paper weight, protected by what they wrote on paper, just because.

PS. Apple is not the only one doing this by the way, but the one doing it at its extreme.
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macrumors 65816
Sep 17, 2009
Don’t worry! Give it six months and no one’s even gonna remember the soon to-be-ex. They’re all hopped up on their emotions and being unable to cope up with their loss in the elections. Few months and no one would dare to storm the Capitol now that the extreme right don’t have a voice in Congress or the White House.
Instead of stepping back from the ledge, they will rally around a new and probably worse “savior” and right-wing media will continue to chum the water like it’s been doing for the last thirty years.


macrumors 6502
Nov 3, 2011
No man. I work in the industry for 40 years. So I do know what you said is technically more correct. I was talking as people usually do. Still it does not change my point in any way.

Apple does not separate their devices from the software. The device and the software are one. Steve Jobs said so many times. Owning, the devices, you own the licence. So if you ban an a third party app or service from the App Store, a component of the software, you ban the app from the device as there is not other way to access it but through that component. Yet nether the device or the licence is their to do so, the customer have bought both.
Seems like you have absolutely no idea how licenses work at all and seems like you should print out and read the license terms and the interconnectedness with the App Store terms then come back and tell us what you learnt.

Hint: You license the software and are subject to the terms of that license. Terms of that license indicate that the App Store is the distribution path for apps on the device, terms of the App Store license say your thoughts, opinions and anything else for that matter..... don't matter.


macrumors G5
Oct 20, 2011
Austin, TX
No man. I work in the industry for 40 years. So I do know what you said is technically more correct. I was talking as people usually do. Still it does not change my point in any way.

Apple does not separate their devices from the software. The device and the software are one. Steve Jobs said so many times. Owning, the devices, you own the licence. So if you ban an a third party app or service from the App Store, a component of the software, you ban the app from the device as there is not other way to access it but through that component. Yet nether the device or the licence is their to do so, the customer have bought both.
This is close, but incorrect. You own the hardware and a license to use the software on that hardware. However, the license is not tied to the hardware.
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