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macrumors demi-god
May 1, 2010
we’ll see, there’s precedent that private property becomes a de facto “public square”

Thats interesting but in the article you cite, it states, "Recently the case has been highlighted as a potential precedent to treat online communication media like Facebook as a public space to prevent it from censoring speech. However, in Manhattan Community Access Corp. v. Halleck the Supreme Court found that private companies only count as state actors for first amendment purposes if they exercise “powers traditionally exclusive to the state."

So not looking good if that's the approach. A more likely approach would be to claim that Facebook, Twitter, Apple, etc., made these free speech constraints at the behest of the government if there was such proof. For example, if hypothetically Apple removed the app based on threats of repercussion from members of Congress. I rather doubt that scenario though.
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macrumors G5
Oct 20, 2011
Austin, TX
Bad move Apple

First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a socialist.

Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a trade unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.
Where is "they came for criminals and white nationalists" in your cliche?


macrumors 68030
Jul 21, 2009
If you think this wasn't an attempt to overthrow a legitimate election i.e. an insurrection/coup etc. You are dead wrong.

They came prepared with zip-tie handcuffs for congressmen and women and they were armed. But the craziest thing is how clear the intent was. Most of this was well organized openly on Parler/Twitter and various other social media websites/forums.

This is not a freedom of speech issue.

It’s much worse seeing the entire video, if this had been BLM or Muslims or anyone not lily white Republicans they would have all been dead. To those claiming these people weren’t violent you are either lying or blind. Those cops could have all been crushed to death, I’m against cops killing people and far too often they shoot first and ask questions later, but wow they would have been fully justified to take down that crowd. This wasn’t Wal-Mart they were trying to break into, this is the nations capitol and the VP and the entire Senate was in the building and there were tons of threats against the Vice Presidents life.

Hopefully on the 20th they have some actual security ready to defend the place form the mob of fascists who are planning to show up to kill everyone like they are openly planning all over social media.

These people aren’t trying to wrong a right, they are simply trying to keep their cult leader in power by any means necessary and continue the rule of white supremacy in America.

Nuno Lopes

macrumors 65816
Sep 6, 2011
Lisbon, Portugal
Seems like you have absolutely no idea how licenses work at all and seems like you should print out and read the license terms and the interconnectedness with the App Store terms then come back and tell us what you learnt.

Hint: You license the software and are subject to the terms of that license. Terms of that license indicate that the App Store is the distribution path for apps on the device, terms of the App Store license say your thoughts, opinions and anything else for that matter..... don't matter.

It does not matter what you think what I know or don’t know about licenses. What matter is that when a person buys a a computer, case in case an iOS Device, it expects it to work as expected, both its hardware and its software as a unit. And that unit is the customers. And definitely the customer does not expect the supplier to be able to effectively unilaterally block you from using your third party licenses / apps.

This is not the case with other computer systems that allow multiple OS where such distinction between the hardware and the OS make sense. It does not make any sense in iOS Devices and other systems where the device and the software work and are sold as an indivisible unit. It’s a legislative hole that Apple explores.

PS: Look man, I’ve seen many contracts signed with consent of both parties being voided. So the idea that once on paper, once signed etc etc, is all set in stone ... its not really the end of it. For instance in the US people use to trade people, buy and sell people, things were also written on paper and the terms also changed as the land lord pleased ... Things evolve ...
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macrumors regular
Jun 21, 2020
Thats interesting but in the article you cite, it states, "Recently the case has been highlighted as a potential precedent to treat online communication media like Facebook as a public space to prevent it from censoring speech. However, in Manhattan Community Access Corp. v. Halleck the Supreme Court found that private companies only count as state actors for first amendment purposes if they exercise “powers traditionally exclusive to the state."

So not looking good if that's the approach. A more likely approach would be to claim that Facebook, Twitter, Apple, etc., made these free speech constraints at the behest of the government if there was such proof. For example, if hypothetically Apple removed the app based on threats of repercussion from members of Congress. I rather doubt that scenario though.



Oct 24, 2019
It does not matter what you think what I know or don’t know about licenses. What matter is that when a person buys a a computer, case in case an iOS Device, it expects it to work as expected, both its hardware and its software as a unit. And that unit is the customers.

This is not the case with other computer systems that allow multiple OS where such distinction between the hardware and the OS make sense. It does not make any sense in iOS Devices and other systems where the device and the software work and are sold as an indivisible unit. It’s a legislative hole that Apple explores.
You’re still not getting the point of licenses. Licenses are not meant to make you happy or convenient. They’re created so the creator keeps credit for his work and some legal cover.
You could’ve just said you didn’t know how the industry framed their terms for software use and that you learned something new today and you could’ve come out on top earning people’s respect. But instead you chose to make up a 40 year experience while your understanding of the concept contradicts it.

This is the same attitude the outgoing President adopted, never admit you don’t know something even when you actually don’t. You’d lose opportunity to see or learn from opinions or knowledge of others that you previously never had. In essence you’re never gonna grow!


macrumors 601
Apr 7, 2009
Columbus, OH
And yet that is what the left has tried to do for the last four years. Constant harassment of a legitimate President and his Administration.
In this country you’re allowed to criticize the sitting president. There are also ways laid out in the Constitution to remove them from office. Unfortunately for the folks currently being arrested and charged, violently attacking our democratically elected government is not one of them.


macrumors regular
You've managed to be wrong on everything you've stated. Congratulations!
Remind me again, when did the beat employment for everyone, including minorities occur?
We had 8 years of Obama and were told that our best days were behind us. We had college grads living at home without prospects due to a bad economy
Suddenly, everything got better
Stagnant stocks surged, companies hired.
now the old team is back in, and freedom of speech is under attack, we have been told that firearms will be taken


Oct 24, 2019
Remind me again, when did the beat employment for everyone, including minorities occur?
We had 8 years of Obama and were told that our best days were behind us. We had college grads living at home without prospects due to a bad economy
Suddenly, everything got better
Stagnant stocks surged, companies hired.
now the old team is back in, and freedom of speech is under attack, we have been told that firearms will be taken
Stocks have been steadily going up even before the current administration became a possibility. And they crashed in the last year of the current administration even before the presidential primaries. The only things that went up in 2020 were the wealth of the top 1%, unemployment and the deaths of Americans.
Do your research!

Nuno Lopes

macrumors 65816
Sep 6, 2011
Lisbon, Portugal
You’re still not getting the point of licenses. Licenses are not meant to make you happy or convenient. They’re created so the creator keeps credit for his work and some legal cover.

Sure. But since when banning apps, or removing the ability to install an app from devices that aren’t yours has anything to do with protecting the creator credit for his work? Nothing right? What about protecting the buyers ownership over their property? What about protecting third party creators and their licenses? Your going on and on a a persuit of the case that I know nothing about licenses just shows how far off you are from my initial observation and subsequent ones.

Apple policy and licensing scheme is not just about protecting their credit and their work, but total control! Before the sale and fundamentally after the sale of their products. Nothing more, nothing less. The question is, how far can the control after the sale go? This is important, banning apps after the sale in effect changes the product, and intervenes on third party licensing including the ones ther user may own already, while Apple licencing simple states ... “look as far as this licence goes, there is no boundaries on what we can do except what we define to ourselves at any moment in time”. The fact is, that the US law is voided in that respect as far as tech companies go. That does not mean that say in the EU that will be the case.
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macrumors 68000
Jun 10, 2008
This is so disingenuous it’s hard to even have discussions. Let’s try people. Trump is responsible for the unemployment rate secondary to CV19 shutdowns out of his hands? People are so partisan they cannot even discuss. Just talking points.

Yes. Trump is responsible for the current unemployment rate. His absolute lack of federal action at the start has prolonged this and caused the unemployment rate to spike. His continued denial of the problem has meant we’ve been under its grip for a year now. His failed coordination of the vaccine rollout compounds his ineptitude.

The only thing disingenuous would be someone giving him a pass, like you’re attempting. He said he’s at war with this virus. He raised the white flag back in March. He lost, and the country is on its knees because of it.


macrumors 6502
Nov 3, 2011
Sure. But since when banning apps, or removing the ability to install an app from devices that aren’t yours has anything to do with protecting the creator credit for his work? Nothing right? What about protecting the buyers ownership over their property? What about protecting third party creators and their licenses? Your going on and on a a persuit of the case that I know nothing about licenses just shows how far off you are from my initial observation and subsequent ones.

Apple policy and licensing scheme is not just about protecting their credit and their work, but total control! Before the sale and fundamentally after the sale of their products. Nothing more, nothing less. The question is, how far can the control after the sale go? This is important, banning apps after the sale in effect changes the product, and intervenes on third party licensing including the ones ther user may own already, while Apple licencing simple states ... “look as far as this licence goes, there is no boundaries on what we can do except what we define to ourselves at any moment in time”. The fact is, that the US law is voided in that respect as far as tech companies go. That does not mean that say in the EU that will be the case.
It's going to blow your mind when you bother to read the licenses you still aren't understanding. You don't even 'own' the apps that you 'buy' on the App Store.

"Apps made available through the App Store are licensed, not sold, to you."


macrumors 6502
Dec 29, 2017
Delaware County, Pa
Can’t wait for the next news cycle

In response to cancel culture and censorship... conservatives will now embrace it. The GOA and the NRA is going to petition Vista outdoors and Winchester to cancel their contracts with the federal government

for those that don’t know

Federal, Winchester, and Black hills are the sole providers of ammunition to the federal government and the military.... since they’re private companies civilian ammo is black logged for two years and federal can give them their money back and tell the gov to take a hike

the government won’t buy ammo from overseas because it’s a national security issue

this is going to be great... maybe democrats will back off gun control because we have no leverage against gun control until the next election


macrumors 6502
Nov 3, 2011
It does not blow my mind at all mate. We don’t even own a license to use the software, nothing. We pay for being able to download and use a digital asset as long as they want us to and that is it.

Heck, you don’t even own the device if get into one of those programs ... kekeke.

PS: Selling experiences and monetizing relationships. It’s the era and Trump phenomena’s will keeping coming.

But it does not need to be this way you know. Wait, that would blow your mind so don’t bother. It a thing for people that actually have one.
If this is what you claim to understand then I have no idea what all the other drivel you have been typing has been about. Its like you came here and made some false statements, back pedaled, pretend you understood then at the very end tried to play it back like you have always understood it.

Then you try and end it with a school yard insult. Another one for the block list.


macrumors 65816
Nov 16, 2017
I want you to think your cunning plan through and show a scenario where it would "lead to much much worse outcomes"
It is showing they will remove people because they don't like what they are saying. Again, a scary precedent to set. This can quickly devolve into "you can't stay at Holiday Inn anymore" "you can't use Visa or Mastercard credit card services". It's not hard to see how slippery this slope can become.


Oct 21, 2009
Apple also doesn't allow their Apple TV+ shows to show China in a bad light, so let's not act like Apple is some beacon of morality and proper thought.
I really wish people would stop brining up how Apple handles things in China. It is a different country, with different rules/laws. Of course Apple would handle things different since IT IS CHINA not US! If you do business in a country, you need to abide by those rules, or you cannot do business in that country.


macrumors regular
Sep 9, 2014
Tucson, AZ
In this country you’re allowed to criticize the sitting president. There are also ways laid out in the Constitution to remove them from office. Unfortunately for the folks currently being arrested and charged, violently attacking our democratically elected government is not one of them.
I have no problem with open criticism for all our leaders. However, most of the Trump supporters there were peaceful.

There were bad actors and a full investigation needs to determine if they were Trump supporters, paid agitators, or a combination.

Regardless, anyone arrested should be investigated and duly prosecuted if found to have broken the law.

The absolute hate for this President is unbelievable.


macrumors 601
Apr 7, 2009
Columbus, OH
I have no problem with open criticism for all our leaders. However, most of the Trump supporters there were peaceful.

There were bad actors and a full investigation needs to determine if they were Trump supporters, paid agitators, or a combination.

Regardless, anyone arrested should be investigated and duly prosecuted if found to have broken the law.

The absolute hate for this President is unbelievable and underserved.
It’s very much deserved. Forget the partisanship. Look at what people in his own party have been saying for 4 years. Jeff Flake, John Kasich, Bob Corker, John McCain, Mitt Romney and the list goes on. These are people with very different politics than my own, but are still honorable people who generally operate in good faith. Media figures like George Will as well. There are several Republican Senators on the record as being open to impeaching the president, even with only days left in office. But somehow even after this week, which will likely be marked as one of the darkest days of our country’s history, some people still can’t seem to recognize what a truly despicable person this president is.
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