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Banana Pancakes

macrumors newbie
Feb 22, 2010
Can you explain a little better?

Are you having issues getting into DFU mode? Or does it appear to have been jailbroken but when you switch it on, it's not?


macrumors newbie
Feb 7, 2005
Montreal Canada

I am attempting to jailbreak my Apple Tv 2G with greenp0ison RC6, and the jailbreak keeps failing. Anybody know why?


Same here, I D/L from the official site.

1) I say YES to jailbreaking AppleTV
2) I press "Jailbreak" button and plug ATV into USB at the same time. I get the countdown to
3) as soon as it switches to bold writing of "Plug in power adapter" I plug the power.
4) same when it switches to hold MENU and PLAY
5) release when it says "Release" then it counts down to zero.

I either get "try again" or after a few seconds:"Failed"

I checked to see that the ATV is in good shape. It boots back to the menu normally when plugged to a TV, so the many tries haven't damaged the booting sequence.



macrumors regular
May 1, 2010
No issues getting into DFU mode, I think ;), does not appear to be jailbroken when switched on.

I don't think there is anything visible at first. As long as you can SSH into the ATV2 then it is JB'ed. Then all you have to do is install the software like XBMC.


macrumors regular
May 1, 2010
Same here, I D/L from the official site.

1) I say YES to jailbreaking AppleTV
2) I press "Jailbreak" button and plug ATV into USB at the same time. I get the countdown to
3) as soon as it switches to bold writing of "Plug in power adapter" I plug the power.
4) same when it switches to hold MENU and PLAY
5) release when it says "Release" then it counts down to zero.

I either get "try again" or after a few seconds:"Failed"

I checked to see that the ATV is in good shape. It boots back to the menu normally when plugged to a TV, so the many tries haven't damaged the booting sequence.


I plugged the USB cord in before I hit the "Jailbreak" button. Also, just to make sure... you are on 4.2.1, right? The timing is a bit tricky... I failed the first few times as well. If the ATV2 properly gets into DFU mode, you should see the bar at the bottom progress by changing the color (like a progress bar) at the end you'll see a "Complete" button.

Just keep trying, it'll work.


macrumors regular
Oct 23, 2006
Hey guys, complete ATV2 JBing Kn000b here..


but all I need to do is get this green poision onto my ATV?

Do I have to SSH into the ATV2 before I get the greenpoision first?

so lost?


macrumors member
Oct 1, 2008
Nope, no ssh'ing required before. It may take a few attempts but wait for the little Atv light to stop flashing after it's complete.


macrumors regular
Oct 23, 2006
hey thanks for the quick reply GAZpilot!

Thats pretty sweet that no SSh is required!
I remember it took my retarted ass a while to figure out how ssh into my iphone 4.1.X....And after I figured out how to do it I didn't need to use until I learned I can get NES games on there through that....pretty neat what a Open device can do!

Ok so my next question to the ATV peeps is do I keep the ATV2 plugged in while I install Green poision to it?

And then Once I install the GP How do i get the XBMC on there?

Sorry for all the stupid questions guys.....I really love just doing the little extra things to get as much as possible out of my devices!

thanks a ton!

you all rock!


macrumors member
Oct 1, 2008
All I did was remove the hdmi cable and plug in the micro USB (so power cable still attached). I then ran the green poison app and followed the instructions, well not to the letter as I already had the power and USB attached.

It took me a few tries but be patient and wait for e Atv light to go steady before disconnecting it.

On the main Atv page you will have a new menu item, nito tv, from here you can download and install xbmc.


macrumors 6502
Dec 3, 2007
Surrey, UK
I had been trying to JB using GreenPois0n since RC6 was announced yesterday following little to no success with Seas0nPass, after numerous failed attempts with my iMac I caved and used GreenPois0n on my girlfriend's PC, this still took some time but I followed this step-by-step guide which worked for me:

1. Complete system restore in iTunes
2. Booted up the AppleTV to the language select screen
3. Pull the power and connected USB again
4. Backuped SHSH blobs using TinyUmbrella
5. Opened GreenPois0n, selected yes for ATV
6. Plugged in USB - waited for device discovery (ATV light flashing)
7. Plugged in power - waited for flash pattern to change (about 3 sec)
8. Held Menu/Play for about 7 sec (flash pattern changed again)
9. Started the process in GP
10. Once GP was finished and the Quit button appeared...I went and made a cup of coffee without touching ANYTHING! (Made sure the delayed writes were finished)
11. Pressed Quit in GP
12. Unplugged power and USB
13. Connected power and HDMI
14. Set language and WiFi
15. Choose "Install Software" under GreenPois0n menu option
16. Pressed "Menu" to reboot when asked
17. Once rebooted, tested SSH with PuTTy, SSH Secure Shell Client, WinSCP

Props should go to TechLife over at for coming up with this, it's the first guide that I have tried in the last 24 hours that has actually worked.

If you have access to a PC give it a go, it'll make for a much easier life ;)


macrumors regular
Oct 23, 2006
thanks GAZ-

Well I'm going to give it a shot wish me luck

so basically keep the power to the ATV2 in play...unplug hdmi cable..

Install the greenpoision.. wait for the blinking light to go solid...Then unhook the mini usb.. and then enjoy a JB'd ATV2 correct?

I'll do a youtube if it will help anyone...Is it worth that?


macrumors member
Oct 1, 2008
Good luck dude, you'll hopefully be seeing this soon.



macrumors regular
Oct 23, 2006
Well so far so good

I just followed the directions on GP...plugged in the usb held the menu/play button

and now its stuck on the the stupid progress bar....Nothing yet says that I completed the process..


EDIT: Green poision says it just unexpectedly closed...I suppose open and keep trying until i get it?


macrumors 6502
Dec 3, 2007
Surrey, UK
EDIT: Green poision says it just unexpectedly closed...I suppose open and keep trying until i get it?

This happened to me repeatedly whilst trying to JB using my iMac, if you're in a position to use the Windows version of GreenPois0n then do so, otherwise I fear you'll just have to wait for a bug fix...sorry dude.


macrumors regular
Oct 23, 2006
This happened to me repeatedly whilst trying to JB using my iMac, if you're in a position to use the Windows version of GreenPois0n then do so, otherwise I fear you'll just have to wait for a bug fix...sorry dude.

That really sucks....

so this greenpoision only has worked for PC's?

I suppose I can keep trying..

How will I know when the device is JB'd?

Do i have to make any adjustments in the settings to utulize the greenpoisi0n?

after a while I got a complete screen unplugged and fired the ATV2 up and the home screen was the same..



macrumors regular
Oct 23, 2006
Happened on my iMac, retried it a few times and result is above.

Cool glad to hear it's possible on a mac osx..

So when I turn on my ATV2 on my TV the home screen will be noticablly different?

Showing that Nito TV?


macrumors 6502
Dec 3, 2007
Surrey, UK
I don't doubt that it is possible to JB the ATV2 with a Mac as gazpilot and others have proven, but there does seem to be a higher success rate among those who have used the PC version of GreenPois0n, in the end I got so fed up with the JB failing and GreenPois0n crashing on my iMac that I felt the only option was to use a PC, which worked :eek:


macrumors regular
Oct 23, 2006

well tried it I would say 20 times...

sometimes with connecting the plugs and some with out...I'm still hopefull...My GF who I live with has a PC, so might get GP on her set up and try to fire the apple tv....

Can't wait to see that Nito Icon! so pumped..It wiil happen I never give up @ this kind of stuff....with all said, I'm excited cause my buddy gave me his netflix username/password..Most def 720, good selection....And It give me ideas as to stuff to get off of Demonoid and Videoseed..

ATV2 for the price is worth it alone.....

Top shelf..


macrumors regular
May 1, 2010
I don't doubt that it is possible to JB the ATV2 with a Mac as gazpilot and others have proven, but there does seem to be a higher success rate among those who have used the PC version of GreenPois0n, in the end I got so fed up with the JB failing and GreenPois0n crashing on my iMac that I felt the only option was to use a PC, which worked :eek:

I used a Mac to do the JB.... But it seems like you should have an updated OS (10.6+) and iTunes 10.1+. But it did take me a few tries to get it to work....
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