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macrumors 6502
Dec 17, 2019
I really love Truth Be Told. Who said it was terrible?

Truthfully, you’re the first person on here who I have seen recommending it. I loved TMS and Servant, considering For All Mankind or Truth Be Told next.


macrumors 6502a
Jul 21, 2012
The Morning Show was fantastic though the first few episodes weren’t great. See has been pretty good and I’m really liking Dickinson.
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macrumors newbie
Oct 10, 2015
I finally caught up on Servant, and both my wife and I find it riveting. We haven't talked this much about a show since the Twin Peaks revival a few years ago. It's far beyond what I personally expected from the service, which I honestly expected to stumble out of the gates.

Servant is an amazing show so far...easily worth the price of admission!


macrumors regular
Jan 16, 2012
Banff, AB
Many in the Apple TV+ board along with every critic review.
Same here, I just finished the last episode and I genuinely liked the whole season. I am actually surprised to read that people are considering not even giving it a try based on someone else's opinion.

So far I've watched 4 of the shows in full and they were all good enough to make it to the end. TMS and See were really enjoyable and Truth Be Told and For All Mankind were also intriguing enough to stick till the end.
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macrumors 6502a
Jan 27, 2018
I watched the first episode of See when the service was first launched. I thought it wasn’t very good. A few months later I needed something to watch and so went back to it. I have to say episode 2 was a lot better than i remembered one to be and the series began to suck me in. I ended up binging the last 5 episodes in a row and actually thought it was a really good show. The twist in episode 4 (or 5, I can’t remember) I thought was very surprising and clever. The twist in the last episode was also pretty good. So I give the series an overall two thumbs up. Looking forward to season 2.

Btw, I couldn’t remember where I had seen the daughter Haniwa, played by Nesta Cooper, so I looked it up and she was in the Netflix series, Travelers. If you like time traveling SCI fi shows, you should check out Travelers. It ran for 3 seasons and had a conclusion. It was an excellent, if relatively unknown show. Great premise and great story telling. If you need something To watch, give it a try.


macrumors 68030
Dec 8, 2019
Does anyone know when/if For All Mankind will be renewed? I was getting into it and ran out of episodes. Similarly, on Netflix I was getting into Another Life (reminds me sort of like Stargate:Universe a bit) and it, alas, was only 10 episodes long. in August. It's said 'Another series [season] is coming' but no date.

See this is why I often buy/watch older shows where all the seasons are done and done. Such as I Love Lucy or Green Acres--never have to wait for the next season. After you go through 'em all, you just start over again and it's watchable.


macrumors regular
Jan 16, 2012
Banff, AB
You are? That’s how it works. There isn’t enough time in the day to watch every show out there.
Fair enough but you forgo your own content discovery by doing so and what you watch is basically what appeals to the broadest audience and thus recommend by highest number of people but not necessarily what you would like the most had you tried more than what’s popular. It’s like only listening to music that’s in Top 20 chart and nothing else.


macrumors 601
Feb 24, 2009
Does anyone know when/if For All Mankind will be renewed? I was getting into it and ran out of episodes. Similarly, on Netflix I was getting into Another Life (reminds me sort of like Stargate:Universe a bit) and it, alas, was only 10 episodes long. in August. It's said 'Another series [season] is coming' but no date.

See this is why I often buy/watch older shows where all the seasons are done and done. Such as I Love Lucy or Green Acres--never have to wait for the next season. After you go through 'em all, you just start over again and it's watchable.

Apple has renewed The Morning Show, See, For All Mankind, Dickinson, and Servant for a 2nd season so far.
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Jun 24, 2010
Completely disagree, I think Apple TV+ launched with some great shows. I find a lot of people saying they hate the shows but judged them too soon. Servant is my favourite show of the year on any platform, I love it.

See was very watchable with some great performances (Sylvia Hoeks was especially great) and I'm looking forward to s2. The Morning Show started off a little slow but improved considerably.

Servant - 9.5/10
The Morning Show - 7.5/10
See - 7/10


macrumors 68030
Dec 8, 2019
drat drat and double drat! I was hoping like in the spring at the latest.

Oh well, back to Green Acres I guess. At least I don't have to wait for the next season of a classic TV series-they're all there!

Why most all seasons of 'Original' style shows always be 10 episodes long any way? All the old Star Trek and various other shows had at least 21 episode seasons...


macrumors 6502
Jul 9, 2019
In the days of Star Trek and Green Acres there were 26 week seasons starting in September with the last episode usually airing in April. Everything was tied to weekly ratings and advertising, at least in the US.

it was different in the U.K., especially with the BBC as it was public TV.

Today with streaming channels the idea of a ”season” is pretty irrelevant. Plus for some shows the amount of FX make production longer and more expensive.


macrumors 68030
Dec 8, 2019
Still, to watch a show that ended decades ago at least there are far more episodes available and they're often so random (not story driven, but episodic) that you can watch it from beginning to end and start again and again and still enjoy.

I still miss longer seasons though. At least Netflix uploaded 2 seasons of the new Lost in Space which is holding me over, until two more episodes--I'm already at the end of the second season. 10 episodes per season is just too short. That and the uncertainty that there will be more in the future. I'm still waiting for season 3 of The Orville. It's been a year already!


macrumors 6502
Jul 9, 2019
Still, to watch a show that ended decades ago at least there are far more episodes available and they're often so random (not story driven, but episodic) that you can watch it from beginning to end and start again and again and still enjoy.

I still miss longer seasons though. At least Netflix uploaded 2 seasons of the new Lost in Space which is holding me over, until two more episodes--I'm already at the end of the second season. 10 episodes per season is just too short. That and the uncertainty that there will be more in the future. I'm still waiting for season 3 of The Orville. It's been a year already!
Again, in those days in the US you had 3 network channels all driven by ad revenue. There were no story arcs for the most point because different writers and directors were used.

As an example of a different approach watch The Prisoner from 1967. One season, 17 episodes from start to finish.


macrumors 68030
Dec 8, 2019
Oh, I'm well aware of 'one season wonders' albeit in my experience it was childhood cartoons. Popples, Care Bears, etc all had like 13 episodes and that was it.

I've run out of new Lost in Space so now i'm binging the original 60s series. 87 episodes total. I'm covered.


macrumors 6502
Jul 9, 2019
Oh, I'm well aware of 'one season wonders' albeit in my experience it was childhood cartoons. Popples, Care Bears, etc all had like 13 episodes and that was it.

I've run out of new Lost in Space so now i'm binging the original 60s series. 87 episodes total. I'm covered.
Actually, I think you missed my point, apologies if it wasn't clear. The Prisoner didn't run 17 episodes before being canceled. It was DESIGNED to only have 17 episodes. That's more in line with the short seasons that all comprise a single story arc that you see today with many streaming series.


macrumors 68030
Dec 8, 2019
Either way, it sucks to have a service that expects viewers to binge all the episodes, so naturally you'd expect more, not less, much less the EXTREMELY LONG wait time between seasons. They're already super short, and look at The Orville...It's been a year already since season 2 ended and no sign at all of a new one.

Now only ten episodes of Apple TV+ shows and a year to wait for more, which is likely to be a short ten again. It's not enough content! At least try releasing them in packs, like say 3 seasons at a time if they're going to be so short.

This is why I hardly try to watch anything 'new' since the wait time between seasons always annoyed the pure heck out of me. I often stick to shows from the 50s-80s and some bits from the 90s and that's it. The shows there are done and gone. No waiting, and plenty of binge-worthy content.

Once my trial ends I will likely cancel if they don't get with the program. Back to the glory days of Lucy, Laverne and Shirley, OG Lost in Space, Green Acres and Mister Ed.

Seriously, imagine how Seinfeld would have been received had there been a two year wait for season 2 and subsequent seasons? People grow tired of waiting, even more so with each new generation.

Maybe For All Mankind was intended to only be 10 episodes long then? Leave it ending at a cliffhanger. Lord knows that's how Soprano's ended.


macrumors 6502
Jul 9, 2019
Either way, it sucks to have a service that expects viewers to binge all the episodes, so naturally you'd expect more, not less, much less the EXTREMELY LONG wait time between seasons. They're already super short, and look at The Orville...It's been a year already since season 2 ended and no sign at all of a new one.

Now only ten episodes of Apple TV+ shows and a year to wait for more, which is likely to be a short ten again. It's not enough content! At least try releasing them in packs, like say 3 seasons at a time if they're going to be so short.

This is why I hardly try to watch anything 'new' since the wait time between seasons always annoyed the pure heck out of me. I often stick to shows from the 50s-80s and some bits from the 90s and that's it. The shows there are done and gone. No waiting, and plenty of binge-worthy content.

Once my trial ends I will likely cancel if they don't get with the program. Back to the glory days of Lucy, Laverne and Shirley, OG Lost in Space, Green Acres and Mister Ed.

Seriously, imagine how Seinfeld would have been received had there been a two year wait for season 2 and subsequent seasons? People grow tired of waiting, even more so with each new generation.

Maybe For All Mankind was intended to only be 10 episodes long then? Leave it ending at a cliffhanger. Lord knows that's how Soprano's ended.
For All Mankind also seems to be very expensive, so that’s also no doubt part of the reason for a 10 episode first season. Plus likely a long production window, no film this week and put it on the schedule 3 weeks later.

There’s a lot of junk that aired in the 50‘s-80’s too.

As to holding back 3 season’s worth, that would mean producing 30 episodes without knowing the ratings or critical success. Given today’s channel and streaming options you don’t get the same viewership as you did in decades past.

i remember watching the final episode of MASH in 1983 and over 40% of the entire US population watched it when it aired. A top show nowadays might get 4%. Too many TV options and networks now.


macrumors 6502
Mar 14, 2015
What did you think of how they handled what most folks would consider the wrong side of the MeToo movement in The Morning Show?

Setting aside the #Wokeness of the story, which I suppose I could put up with, the larger problem with The Morning Show is just how unlikable all of the characters are. Every last one of them is a nasty, selfish and arrogant person and that leaves the viewer with no rooting interest. I am so surprised to learn this is based on the work of CNN's execrable Brian Stelter.


macrumors 68030
Dec 8, 2019
Everytime you see a network re-airing "Goodbye, Farewell, and Amen" it always skyrockets in viewership--even now.

So the reference to it and comparing it to today doesn't quite fit. They want viewers to binge the show, but there's not enough there to binge. I'm done in a day or two. Stuck waiting a year plus for more--if there even is any more.

Maybe they just expect us to just watch an episode a week?

BTW why are folks seeing Wokeness where it doesn't exist? I'm reading Reddit re: new Lost in Space and they keep seeing it but I don't--and I'm conservative--I notice it when it's there. Sure, Dr. Smith is female but I dare say she is no feminist hero--she's a sociopath. But what do I know? I hated the OG Dr. Smith and his constant gripes with the robot in the original. I found both to be quite deplorable. Both Parker Posey and John Harris. Unnecessary bad guys no one asked for. Look at the first pilot of LoS and they had a great plot completely erased.
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