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macrumors 65816
Jul 15, 2011
I look forward to having some release or ANYTHING in the spring time. Waiting for end of summer and fall isn't wise Apple!


macrumors 68020
Jan 27, 2007
Makes sense considering we haven't seen any leaks whatsoever...

I don't think we'll EVER see leaks on iWatch v1. We never saw leaks of iPhone v1 or iPad v1. I think all the "spies" inside the manufacturers can only find parts if they know what they are looking for. Updated iPhone logic board - check, updated iPad case - check, part for a never-been-seen iWatch - not so easy.

I'm sure these parts aren't labeled as "new iPhone logic board". I think that the spies know what the old one looked like and when they see something similar, but different show up on the line, they grab it and compare to the old one.


macrumors 65816
Feb 4, 2011
Has anyone posted "you can't delay an unannounced product" yet?

EDIT: Yes it has :)


macrumors 6502
Jun 19, 2010
Best product line in 25 years?

I recall Cue or Cook saying we'll be seeing the best product line up the company has had in 25 years. Without the fitness band what is there? The typical iPhone and iPad updates (maybe (but not really) Mac hardware updates). The tablets and phones really won't have anything revolutionary added (not complaining here- I think the iPad and iPhone are perfect as is). Nice little updates for both devices. Really curious with the surprises in store that will make them have the best product line up.

**I'm saying this with the expectation that nothing is introduced or announce. Obviously we won't know the plans until the next two events.***


macrumors 6502
Jun 14, 2010
Atlanta, Georgia
First and only time I'll ever say this, but Steve never would have allowed this. Cook has done a good job as a leader, but he takes no for an answer and it's gonna have a negative impact on the company if it continues by further pushing back product launches.


macrumors regular
May 18, 2014
This would be a pretty frustrating thing to happen for apple if the Iwatch is pushed back to say next September. The health app being featured in IOS 8 is obviously for the IWatch.

Anyways I guess when apple sends out invitations for the September 9th event the front cover can say, "Keep a watch out for 2015"


macrumors 6502a
Jul 20, 2014
No seriously, we haven't seen new hardware (incremental upgrades don't count) in nearly a whole year from them. Which is unacceptable!

They used to release great things throughout the year: March iPad event, WWDC & an event or two near the end of the year... And that used to work great.


macrumors 65816
Jun 13, 2013
I recall Cue or Cook saying we'll be seeing the best product line up the company has had in 25 years. Without the fitness band what is there? The typical iPhone and iPad updates (maybe (but not really) Mac hardware updates). The tablets and phones really won't have anything revolutionary added (not complaining here- I think the iPad and iPhone are perfect as is). Nice little updates for both devices. Really curious with the surprises in store that will make them have the best product line up.

Technically even if all they do is update the Mac, iPhone and iPad it will be the best products they have had in 25 years. It's the newest and improved of what's out, how can it not be the best.


macrumors Penryn
Nov 14, 2011
So basically he doesn't have a clue and is just guessing. Let's not forget he also predicted "iWatch" could come in a variety of models with some price points over $1,000. As far as leaks go, we never saw leaks of the MacPro either. I'm sure it's easier for Apple to keep something brand new a secret unlike mass produced iPhone and iPads.


macrumors 604
Mar 3, 2010
As a well known, and reliable analyst I predict that the iWatch will be available on the day that Apple will release the iWatch. However, it should be clear that Apple might not release the iWatch, therefore it might not be released.


macrumors newbie
May 26, 2010
I actually am happy it is delayed. I want it to be perfect and hope they are continuing to improve on design and function. I imagine Steve would have taken years concentrating on the simplest detail and hope they also spend the time to perfect this. I know Apple doesn't release garbage but I think we can all agree for the most part that Tim is not as envolved with making products. Jony Ive hopefully has a good team to help push this product to the standards Steve would have wanted.


macrumors Haswell
May 3, 2009
Didn't Tim Cook promise a lot of new products rolling out of Apple in 2014 (As he did in 2013). The year is coming to a close as the holiday shopping season is around the corner and what do we have to look forward to - not much it seems :(

These delays are only going to give its competitors more time to hone their products.

How long have we been hearing about rumors about this product - I'm not understanding why its been delayed so much.


macrumors 6502
Jun 19, 2010
Technically even if all they do is update the Mac, iPhone and iPad it will be the best products they have had in 25 years. It's the newest and improved of what's out, how can it not be the best.



macrumors G3
Feb 26, 2011
New England, USA
A delay in the release of a product that may or may not exist.

The logic is staggering.

And if there is an iWatch, and if there was a planned release date, and if it is delayed...truly a tragedy of biblical proportions.
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