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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Jun 8, 2010
I have the ipad 3 and plan on using it till ipad mini 2. I think we will see retina type display. Not saying this ipad mini not good but think we will see a better screen in about 6 months. I have np with apple releasing things more quickly, we just now need to pick and choose better with what seems going to be more release cycles with the ipad family.


macrumors regular
Apr 19, 2010
i dont think 6 months, but deffinetly in a year. but really if you use it for a year...its only 27$ a month.
Not that big of a deal. i spend more money on energy drinks.

Yr Blues

macrumors 68030
Jan 14, 2008
i think the mini is fantastic, but i'll wait for retina and leather smart covers :p


i dont think 6 months, but deffinetly in a year. but really if you use it for a year...its only 27$ a month.
Not that big of a deal. i spend more money on energy drinks.

how much do you think it'll resell on ebay when the 2 comes out?

50-75% of original price?


macrumors 6502a
Aug 8, 2010
First of all, I don't think Apple is moving to a 6-month cycle. They are just rearranging product cycles and instead of delaying iPad 4, they just cut short the life of 3rd gen iPad and moved iPad cycle to October. Regarding mini, 512MB RAM and the potential retina display in the next gen. is holding me back.


macrumors 68030
Jun 30, 2010
No, I'll enjoy this one until the next comes out and then sell it. Rinse and repeat.


macrumors Penryn
Aug 23, 2005
a better place
You should read John Grubers blog, it gives great perspective on the mini in regards to retina display (or lack of)

If the Mini had a retina display, I’d switch from the iPad 3 in a heartbeat. As it stands, I’m going to switch anyway. Going non-retina is a particularly bitter pill for me, but I like the iPad Mini’s size and weight so much that I’m going to swallow it.

My guess is that this is going to play out much like the iPod and iPod Mini back in 2004: the full-size model will continue to sell strongly, but the Mini is going to become the bestselling model.


macrumors 6502a
Sep 13, 2012
I am waiting on the mini2. Maybe out this spring.

While waiting, I will be using the first mini due to arrive on Friday.


macrumors 65816
Aug 10, 2012
If I was to buy a mini it would have to be one with a retina display. Ever since I bought my first iPhone it ruined me for low res screens.


macrumors 6502a
Mar 12, 2012
Northern California
I read a lot. The clarity of retina is amazing to me.

So, it depends on what happens Friday when I unbox the Mini and take a look at the screen. If I am pleased, I will keep it. If not, I will return it and wait.


macrumors newbie
Jun 22, 2010
Going from retina to non retina is a noticeable difference. Until it has that, I'll be happily using my red headed step child of an iPad 3.

+1. I can't see buying anything from Apple that isn't retina any more, while I wouldn't mind an iPad Mini, after seeing my iPad 3 go obsolete after 7 months I'll hold out for the next round of Mini's, which I'm certain will be a retina.


macrumors Haswell
May 3, 2009
No, because my need is more immediate. I want a product around the size of my kindle but having more functionality. The Mini (and the Nexus) both fullfill that need for me now, why wait until for another revision. I mentioned the Nexus is because I'm withholding my judgement on the mini until I have it in hand.


macrumors 68020
Oct 19, 2009
Yes. 1GB RAM and retina and I'm buying in a flash.

1GB RAM is likely, but I don't think retina is going to happen for a while and retain the form factor and weight.

Battery tech will need to improve significantly for a start, and contrary to the MacR "experts" who have condemned it without actually seeing it themselves, most reviewers have had good things to say about the screen.

For example, the Guardian says:

It's not a retina screen! It's only 1024x768, so that the resolution is 163ppi. This has been a big complaint (or snark, in some cases) that I've heard from people who haven't laid eyes on this device. If all you read is specifications, then the iPad mini screen is far worse than the Kindle Fire's or Nexus 7's, right?

Well, put them beside each other, and the story changes. Web page rendering on the Kindle Fire is, frankly, awful. It's blocky, and there's a yellowish cast which personally I dislike. The iPad mini is bright, and white, and the text rendering is good – and there's no obvious pixellation. Kindle books look as good on the iPad mini as on the Kindle Fire. (The latter is optimised for reading those, but not for the web; Amazon would rather you bought books than surfed the web.) Icons on the iPad mini look sharp; on the Kindle Fire, not really.
Last edited:


macrumors 68030
Nov 3, 2008
I will be eagerly following all the rumors of the iPad Mini with Retina on my iPad Mini without Retina.


macrumors 68030
Nov 3, 2008
It will never be $250.
The iPad will never work on a smaller form factor
The iPhone will never be bigger than 3.5"
The iPad3 won't get an update this early
The iPhone 4 couldnt possibly get thinner

Seriously, when are people going to stop being so definitive about what can and can't happen in technology.


macrumors 68000
Nov 2, 2009
I'm waiting.

There is no way I'm dropping $500 on an LTE model without Retina only to feel like a chump when the Mini 2 rolls out next spring/summer.


macrumors 6502a
Dec 14, 2010
I think the mini 2 will be A6 or A6x, 1 or 2GB of ram, retina screen and 32, 64 and 128GB storage options. That would be perfect.


macrumors P6
Jul 4, 2007
Atlanta, GA
The iPad will never work on a smaller form factor
The iPhone will never be bigger than 3.5"
The iPad3 won't get an update this early
The iPhone 4 couldnt possibly get thinner

Seriously, when are people going to stop being so definitive about what can and can't happen in technology.

Well historically Apple sticks with its price points.

Ever since the 3G the newest iPhone has started at $199.
The iPad has always started at $499.

Google is able to get it's low price by subsidizing with ad revenue and has accepted it will break-even or take a small loss on the hardware; Apple does not have this luxury. Maybe they will do $299, but I doubt it will go down from there.

My point is that saying you won't buy a Mini because it is overpriced means you will never own an iPad Mini.
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