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big samm

macrumors 68000
Oct 27, 2008
Ill skip the first ipad mini, ill stick with my i4s i5 and my ipad 3 which are all retina display... I just can't go back! My nexus 7 will fill that hole for now!


macrumors 68020
Jan 13, 2005
we'll see, I'm not going to make a decision until after I'm at the apple store holding the mini in my hands and testing it out. Probably, I just updated to the nexus 7 32gb, so I'm all set for a smaller tablet, if I like the mini I might sell my larger Ipad and get one, I'm tending to be going for smaller more portable devices


macrumors 68020
Oct 19, 2009
I think the mini 2 will be A6 or A6x, 1 or 2GB of ram, retina screen and 32, 64 and 128GB storage options. That would be perfect.

You must have an extremely optimistic nature. I think if you substitute "mini 2" with "mini 4" or "mini 5" I might agree with you.


macrumors 6502
Mar 4, 2008
I'll pay the price for retina screen.
No way i can go to lower rez.

It seems to be an understated issue in many reviews I've read.
They claim the mini screen is, "not that bad", "it's passable", "do not expect retina quality".

It's looks like a great device.
Once they give it the proper screen- I'm all in.


macrumors 68040
Jun 16, 2008
I will buy this mini when the retina display comes out.....6 months to a


macrumors 65816
Jul 10, 2008
I'll take one now please and then wait for something better. Remember it took two years for apple to move to a retina display on the 10inch iPad.
The mini is better than the iPad3 in so many ways other than retina.
gruber agrees
I wouldn't bet on next years mini getting a retina display yet. The display has to be thin and light besides just retina. I would tend to think that isn't possible at a reasonable cost and won't be for a while. We might see it in an OLED screen though someday.


macrumors member
Jun 23, 2010
2 cents

I've been lurking on here for a while, and everyone assumes the next mini will have retina display. My opinion is that the mini will not have it on the next one, maybe not ever. The reason is cost, the mini retails for 329 for about 40% profit margin for apple which is lower than the regular ipad. Apple will not raise prices on the mini, and the cost of making it retina like the resolution of the ipad3 or 4 would be significant. The only way they could do retina is to create a new resolution but this would require devs to update apps for another resolution.


macrumors 68000
Mar 5, 2009
Atlanta, GA
I'm waiting.

There is no way I'm dropping $500 on an LTE model without Retina only to feel like a chump when the Mini 2 rolls out next spring/summer.

There's going to be a tradeoff either way. A Retina mini will be heavier and run warmer. Just like this one, it won't be perfect.


macrumors member
Jul 20, 2011
I have a 3 right now, but I think I'm gonna end up selling it and jumping on the Mini once I see it in store... Resell value is normally very good, so I've got no problem getting the mini now and offloading it just before the next one is announced. Of course, I got caught a little short-changed this time by Apple updating the iPad before anyone really expected it.


macrumors 68030
Sep 22, 2009
I bought this Mini. When the next one comes out, I'll sell this one and buy the new one.

Drunken Master

macrumors 65816
Jul 19, 2011
Yep, waiting for the retina version. Maybe it will see a slight redesign too?

I'm surprised Jony Ive decided to go with the shiny edge on the chamfer for the iPad Mini and iPhone 5. Supposedly when Dieter Rams first saw an original iPhone in person, he remarked that it was "too shiny".


macrumors P6
Jul 4, 2007
Atlanta, GA
It seems to be an understated issue in many reviews I've read.
They claim the mini screen is, "not that bad", "it's passable", "do not expect retina quality".

I think it's understated because not everyone has an issue with non-retina screens. I flip between my iPhone and ipad2 all the time. After selling my 4S I used a 3GS while waiting for the 5, and while I noticed it initially it really didn't bother me.


macrumors G5
Jun 12, 2012
i dont think 6 months, but deffinetly in a year. but really if you use it for a year...its only 27$ a month.
Not that big of a deal. i spend more money on energy drinks.

this is the best way to look at it, and you will still get great re-sell value. One of the best things about apple can upgrade at every new installment for a hit of around $30 a month at most. Mac's will be a bigger hit, but if I could upgrade once a year to a new mac and only lose $500ish ($40 a month)....i'll take it.


macrumors 68020
Jan 12, 2011
Pittsburgh, PA
Yes I am waiting on the next iPad Mini. But I am doing so with a 1st Gen iPad Mini. Otherwise the wait would be intolerable. ;)


macrumors 68000
Nov 2, 2009
this is the best way to look at it, and you will still get great re-sell value. One of the best things about apple can upgrade at every new installment for a hit of around $30 a month at most. Mac's will be a bigger hit, but if I could upgrade once a year to a new mac and only lose $500ish ($40 a month)....i'll take it.

I can't do it this time. If I pay full rate now and justify an upgrade 6-12 months by now by selling the old one, I'm enabling them to play me for a sucker. They get full retail each time, so they have no incentive to really innovate, push hard and earn my business.

If this product had a better screen OR higher stock memory OR a lower price ($299) - any one of those things, I'm not asking for two or three of them, I'd buy it. But I'll just wait for the next version.


macrumors G3
Jan 24, 2008
I don't think a retina screen on the iPad mini is as inevitable in the next revision as people seem to think. It would put Apple in the odd position to have a higher quality screen on the iPad mini than the full iPad, assuming they aren't going to add a new resolution for developers to deal with.

The reason is cost, the mini retails for 329 for about 40% profit margin for apple which is lower than the regular ipad.

That's not quite true. Cook actually stated that gross margins for the iPad mini were significantly below their corporate average (40%). Net profit margins would be significantly less than that.


macrumors G5
Jun 12, 2012
I can't do it this time. If I pay full rate now and justify an upgrade 6-12 months by now by selling the old one, I'm enabling them to play me for a sucker. They get full retail each time, so they have no incentive to really innovate, push hard and earn my business.

If this product had a better screen OR higher stock memory OR a lower price ($299) - any one of those things, I'm not asking for two or three of them, I'd buy it. But I'll just wait for the next version.

I understand that. If they did not hold value well then I would feel dumb, but since I could probably re-coup $200 on a mini I would be happy.


macrumors 6502a
Jul 5, 2007
Yes, I'm waiting for the next one and thats when I'll give this one to a family member or sell it.


macrumors 6502a
Oct 10, 2007
Bristol, UK
we'll see, I'm not going to make a decision until after I'm at the apple store holding the mini in my hands and testing it out. Probably, I just updated to the nexus 7 32gb, so I'm all set for a smaller tablet, if I like the mini I might sell my larger Ipad and get one, I'm tending to be going for smaller more portable devices

Totally agree. I will wait and see what it looks like on Friday.

Bought a Kindle Fire HD the other day to try out the smaller form factor and see what all the fuss about Android was. Far more impressed than I expected to be! A very good mini tablet for the price.

I have the 4s and the iPad 2 so I am not overly fixated about ppi. It's the overall package that I am interested in.


macrumors regular
Feb 4, 2011
I've been lurking on here for a while, and everyone assumes the next mini will have retina display. My opinion is that the mini will not have it on the next one, maybe not ever. The reason is cost, the mini retails for 329 for about 40% profit margin for apple which is lower than the regular ipad. Apple will not raise prices on the mini, and the cost of making it retina like the resolution of the ipad3 or 4 would be significant. The only way they could do retina is to create a new resolution but this would require devs to update apps for another resolution.

This is exactly my thought. I'm not a developer (yet) but I'm sure that a retina display on the mini would cause them a lot of difficulty unless they scale it the same as the 4G iPad, not to mention having to deal with an acceptable battery life in such a small form factor. So its possible it may never come but if it does, I would think it'd be no earlier than the 3G.

Hopefully I know what I'm talking about :D


macrumors regular
Mar 27, 2008
I'm also waiting for iPad mini 2 here. Basically if it has the spec of iPad 3 I will switch. I can accept a lateral swap from hardware perspective (I have iPad 3 currently), but not a downgrade.


macrumors 6502a
May 12, 2010
While the quick upgrade in specs for the 4th gen. iPad has left somewhat of a bitter taste in my mouth...I see myself wanting my next tablet to be a smaller iPad. I have a 3rd gen. and have only had it since July. I personally don't see the performance hickups that many are complaining about especially when comparing apps opening and running side by side to my iPhone 5. The iPad may be in the nano-seconds slower on certain things, but come on, the resolution is four times 1080p!!!

Anyway as for my next. I think I'm tiring of the 10" tab form factor. I currently have a Nexus 7 and perfer its size and shape to the iPad, but still prefer the iPads ecosystem and optimized apps to Androids scaling apps.

If Apple were to do to iPad Mini owners what they just did to the 3rd gen. owners and release a iPad Mini (early 2013 / 2nd generation) model then I'd look closely at getting it only if they boost the specs to at least the iPad 3 specs. If they don't include a retina display and bump of the 512 mb ram I'll gladly continue using and loving my iPad 3 at that point in time.

Of course, unless Apple comes out with a new form factor for iPad 5 that I couldnt resist...who knows. By this I mean a dockable keyboard combo like the Transformer...instead of just spec bumping and maybe redesigning to look similar to the iPad Mini body.


macrumors 6502a
Apr 22, 2010
Southeast USA
i dont think 6 months, but deffinetly in a year. but really if you use it for a year...its only 27$ a month.
Not that big of a deal. i spend more money on energy drinks.

Exactly. And you can't sell back the energy drink cans for >60% of the price!

I have an iPad 2 and my wife has an iPad 3. I have used hers and personally, the retina display is nice but for me is not essential. Some people are much more sensitive to ppi I think... which is funny considering how new the whole "retina" phenomenon is. Will I upgrade when the Mini 2 comes out? Probably. Will I love the hell out of my Mini until then? Abso-freakin-lutely!


macrumors 6502
Aug 31, 2010
I think 2-3 months before Christmas is a perfect time for iPad mini. It's a good Christmas gift for family members, etc. I doubt this is going to be updated in six months.
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