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macrumors 6502
Nov 17, 2005
Halifax, Canada
Some may already know, but Obama was very instrumental in getting Apple/Mac into the White House. Prior to his arrival the WH was mostly Windows XP, and some 7 [figures...Bush...]

Uh, Bush used a Mac. There's another picture where you can see the glowing white Apple on his Lombard.

I was so disgusted with Bush, the Republicans and the horrible bouncing of the wall campaign that McCain ran that I voted for Obama - thought he couldn't be any worse.

McCain wouldn't be doing any better with the hand he was dealt from the previous administration.

I wonder if Jobs will give him crap for his Blackberry. :D


macrumors 6502a
Feb 26, 2010
Obama is going yell at Steve for being a capitalist bastard and make him cough us the 50B of cash so he he can piss it a way as a stimulus.


macrumors 65816
Mar 26, 2008
He has his goals for this country and if the goals are constitutional, then that's just gravy. He is an idealist with a grand vision of what America should be like. That's why it doesn't matter if his advisors or the public at large is with him. He is doing exactly what he conceives is the best course for the US.

Wait, are you talking about Obama or Steve? :rolleyes:


macrumors 6502
Jan 19, 2003
60% of the readers of the Economist think Obama's been good for business (source).

Considering the Economist endorsed him and the fact that it is run by Keynesians, that is hardly a surprise. In fact I bet the remaining 40% are mad at him for not going 10x more stimulus.


macrumors 65816
Jul 23, 2009
I couldn't make it due to a scheduling conflict. Both of them wanted to hear my opinion on several topics.


macrumors 6502
Jul 21, 2007
The real question is; are all the -100 posts macrumors members spamming the board right now just to be involved in this ultra premium apple politics discussion?


macrumors G4
Nov 3, 2005
Considering the Economist endorsed him

There's no way any sane individual would have endorsed McCain, you could have got President "I can see Russia from my house" Palin if McCain had died*.

and the fact that it is run by Keynesians, that is hardly a surprise.

What does that even mean?

* = For non-PRSI regulars, I know she didn't say that, but she did say something similar.


macrumors 65816
Dec 3, 2002
Steve would only proffer solutions that are politically untenable. Things like "make Congress do its job" and "get rid of extraneous features that only add complexity".

He'd also veto every damn thing that came out of the Capitol building for being utter ********. Steve only allows insanely great laws.


macrumors 68000
Aug 24, 2008

Obama could learn quite a few things by watching the efficiency of Apple's teams. Less is more Barry!

Exactly what is Obama to do? Fire Congress like Steve would? You've watched Bush get what he wants and looked how it turned out. Meanwhile Congressional Dems betrayed Obama on health care and most other things for the sake of being re-elected totake money from K-Street.

BTW, you wouldn't like Jobs anyway. You'll hate him for the social reforms. Maybe he should give everyone an Apple sticker to shut them up.

Haven't rarely posted recently but it's sometimes necessary.


macrumors 68020
Jan 19, 2008
I hope the President gets a free iPad out of the meeting. Think of the Ad placement value :)


Apple Corps

macrumors 68030
Apr 26, 2003
Uh, Bush used a Mac. There's another picture where you can see the glowing white Apple on his Lombard. McCain wouldn't be doing any better with the hand he was dealt from the previous administration.

McCain was and is brain dead - useless clown.

Remember, Obama was NOT dealt a hand. He knew the economic condition was horrible and getting worse. He RAN for office and promised change - things have gotten steadily worse.


macrumors G5
Mar 20, 2003
Bay Area
Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/532.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0.5 Mobile/8B117 Safari/6531.22.7)

gleepskip said:
Give Obama an iPad with the Constitution on it. Maybe then he will read it.

Haha! +1.

Obama is a rare breed. Truthfully, he doesn't really care so much about what is in the Constitution. He has his goals for this country and if the goals are constitutional, then that's just gravy. He is an idealist with a grand vision of what America should be like. That's why it doesn't matter if his advisors or the public at large is with him. He is doing exactly what he conceives is the best course for the US. Unfortunately, idealists don't fare so well in a free democracy.

Rare breed? You just described Bush jr. to a T. The truth is that most politicians care about their agendas a lot more than the constitution or other ideals (eg the defense of states' rights lasts exactly as long as the states having rights leads to the results you favor).


macrumors 6502a
Jan 27, 2009
NW Indiana
I love meaningless political debates! Repubs blame the Dems, Dems blame themselves, everyone else stays confused. And for people to think one president can change the landscape of nearly 30yrs of bad policy is just nonsense.

The president is a figurehead put forth by their party to be a temporary face/shield for their agenda. Want to make a difference? Stop reelecting congressmen and women with 5+ terms in office who do nothing but allow corporations and their lobbyists to fatten their wallets and take us to town.

Gah it doesn't matter what I say I'll get both sides blasting me so I'll stop here. :D


macrumors regular
Jul 21, 2008
These two were made for each other.
They're both arrogant enough to think that they're better at deciding what's best for me than I am.

The democrats need a healthy dose of: Mind your own business.
Get out of my paycheck, get out of my healthcare, get out of my dietary decisions.

The democrats' own controlling nature will be their final downfall. Bring it on
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