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macrumors 6502
Feb 12, 2009
The best way to get your color back is to UPGRADE to Snow Leopard. Thats right, I said it.

Now if I could only get iTunes to restore the color as well.

Bringing Back Color iTunes Icons to OS X Lion
The best thing about this tip is that it doesn’t require SIMBL or any additional installations, making it very simple. This has been verified to work with the latest version of iTunes 10.5 in Mac OS X Lion 10.7.2.
Before applying the customization, ensure iTunes text size is set to small.

First things first, you need to download a new color iTunes icons resource file and rename it:
• Download iTunes colorized resource file
• Unzip this file and rename it to iTunes.rsrc, place it somewhere easy to find like the Desktop
Now that you have that ready to go, you can proceed with the actual resource file change:
• Hit Command+Shift+G and enter the following path:
• /Applications/

• Locate the file “iTunes.rsrc” and rename it to “iTunes-backup.rsrc” – you will need to authenticate renaming the file, and this is important because you want to be able to revert the changes
• Now drag the newly downloaded version of iTunes.rsrc into the open /Resources/ folder – you will again need to authenticate
• Relaunch iTunes and enjoy your new color icons again

Make sure the iTunes icon size has been set to small via preferences before applying this modification.


macrumors 6502
Feb 12, 2009
Yeah. Old news. By the way, colorising the iTunes (at least as far as version 10.5 goes) is not fully compatible with navigation within the iPhone section of it. As soon as you try to go, for instance, to your iPhone Apps (at least with iOS 5), iTunes just quits.

Yep, the color icons will also cause iTunes 10.5 to crash if you try to select Preferences. Looks like we'll have to modify the newest icon file package with an rsrc editor and give that a try.

Over at MacThemes there seems to be an updated version for iTunes 10.5 by Shaun-R, including a complete GUI overhaul:

Thanks Shaun!
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macrumors 68040
Apr 13, 2009
New Jersey
This is driving me nuts at work, and the grey sidebar icons are nearly bad enough to send me back to SL.

Yes well with the new 2011 Mini we do not have that option, however I am thinking of selling this and going back to my 2010 Mini with SL.

I know some ppl may think I am crazy but why when you are used to something for so long, then out of nowhere with no good reason you take it away, however no matter how bad things are I will never go back to using that evil software that Gates stole from S. Jobs back in the day, I hate MS Windows.:rolleyes:


macrumors 6502a
Jun 20, 2007
I'm using that SIBL plugin thing.
Does this happen with anyone else?

1. Anytime I restart the color goes back to b&w, does this happen with anyone else?

2. The colors only effect the finder in the dock, but anytime I do a "Save As" from photoshop for example, I get a b&w finder instead of the color one, anyone else?

After reading some of the comments above it looks like I'm lucky if that plugin even works part of the time. *sigh.

John Greer

macrumors member
Jun 20, 2011
Wayne, NJ USA
I'm using that SIBL plugin thing.
Does this happen with anyone else?

1. Anytime I restart the color goes back to b&w, does this happen with anyone else?

2. The colors only effect the finder in the dock, but anytime I do a "Save As" from photoshop for example, I get a b&w finder instead of the color one, anyone else?

After reading some of the comments above it looks like I'm lucky if that plugin even works part of the time. *sigh.

  1. Me too!
  2. Me too!


macrumors 65816
Jul 23, 2007
Hoping the icons will be updated for 10.5.1. Just had to reinstall the latest version and lost the color. Also had to go to the 'apps' tab and 'preferences' and itunes constantly crashed so the colored icons had to go. Grey icons look absolutely horrible.


macrumors member
Dec 4, 2010
Amsterdam, NL
I'm using that SIBL plugin thing.
Does this happen with anyone else?

1. Anytime I restart the color goes back to b&w, does this happen with anyone else?

2. The colors only effect the finder in the dock, but anytime I do a "Save As" from photoshop for example, I get a b&w finder instead of the color one, anyone else?

After reading some of the comments above it looks like I'm lucky if that plugin even works part of the time. *sigh.

I had this problem also. I think the issue is that the Finder is started before SIMBL and because of this SIMBL is not able to change the Finder.

I have a small Applescript to solve this problem:

delay 5
do shell script ("killall Finder")

This script is automatically started after I'm logged in. This solution was already given earlier in this thread.

Haven't seen a solution for the problem of grey icons when doing "save as" either.
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macrumors newbie
Jan 7, 2012
Los Angeles
Let's really fix this the right way.

Lets stop wasting our time complaining to each other. Everybody copy and paste their complaints on Apples feedback page:

Lets get Apple to fix their own mistakes so we can get on with our lives and get stuff done.

Do this NOW!!

Thank you all.


macrumors 68040
Dec 16, 2011
Lets stop wasting our time complaining to each other. Everybody copy and paste their complaints on Apples feedback page:

Lets get Apple to fix their own mistakes so we can get on with our lives and get stuff done.

Do this NOW!!

Thank you all.

...Because having grey icons instead of color prevents you from getting anything done?


macrumors 6502a
Oct 4, 2008
...Because having grey icons instead of color prevents you from getting anything done?

Some of us rely on colour cues to know what we're hitting with the mouse then actually reading and parsing a monochromatic icon with the associated text.

This isn't the 80s. We're not all stuck with monochromatic NeXT slabs anymore.

But hey, you're absolutely sure Apple is totally infallible and a good portion of the Macintosh user base suddenly went bat-**** insane overnight. So that's cool. You elitist "zomg lion ftw1111" people (I'm referring to those of you who feel the need to point out just how wrong the rest of us are) must have one hell of a view from your high horses.



macrumors 603
May 20, 2011
Dublin, Ireland
Just installed it on lion 10.7.2

Works like a charm...

Both with TotalFinder and Without

Did you download (Snow Leopard and Leopard)?

Edit: Just tried that and it worked until I logged out or restarted then they went back to grey. I can't be bothered to type "killall Finder" in Terminal every time to get this to work.
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macrumors 6502
Apr 18, 2009
Just let you know - no guarantees

I have had a problem with shutdown that is posted elsewhere and without solution. I went to Apple for a solution and found myself in small talk with the technician while waiting for reboots and such.

One thing we talked about was the no longer color icons. Also talked about how on Shut Down or Restart the check box to reopen windows has to be unchecked every time (assuming that's your preference.) He said Apple was fully aware of user dissatisfaction and he thought these would both be addressed in future upgrades.

Like I said, no guarantees. Just his opinion but at least from someone at the right water cooler.



macrumors 601
Jul 3, 2011
I have had a problem with shutdown that is posted elsewhere and without solution. I went to Apple for a solution and found myself in small talk with the technician while waiting for reboots and such.

One thing we talked about was the no longer color icons. Also talked about how on Shut Down or Restart the check box to reopen windows has to be unchecked every time (assuming that's your preference.) He said Apple was fully aware of user dissatisfaction and he thought these would both be addressed in future upgrades.

Like I said, no guarantees. Just his opinion but at least from someone at the right water cooler.


If you're talking about color icons in the finder you need to relaunch finder every time you reboot. If you google the issue you find a a program that you put in you startup application that will relaunch finder as soon as you boot.


macrumors 6502
Apr 18, 2009
Purpose of my message.

If you're talking about color icons in the finder you need to relaunch finder every time you reboot. If you google the issue you find a a program that you put in you startup application that will relaunch finder as soon as you boot.
No I think you misunderstood. The shutdown problem is incidental. I just wanted to let contributors know what the technician had said about Apple's awareness of the color icon issue.


macrumors 68000
Jan 18, 2011
Please do leave feedback to apple if you feel for this issue which to some of us is a major usability problem.

They do read feedback and if they realize it becomes a major problem for a lot of users they do take into account, especially so when it is a software issue (this is a fact).

Your voice gets lost here in the forums so make it heard at apple instead:

Some of us rely on colour cues to know what we're hitting with the mouse then actually reading and parsing a monochromatic icon with the associated text.

This isn't the 80s. We're not all stuck with monochromatic NeXT slabs anymore.

But hey, you're absolutely sure Apple is totally infallible and a good portion of the Macintosh user base suddenly went bat-**** insane overnight. So that's cool. You elitist "zomg lion ftw1111" people (I'm referring to those of you who feel the need to point out just how wrong the rest of us are) must have one hell of a view from your high horses.

lol-ed so much with your post.:D


macrumors newbie
Apr 6, 2012
Why I hate my Mac

Yes, I really do need to use whatever icons I want. I don't need Teh Steve or anyone else telling me how to use my computer. Allowing for custom icons would not add noticeable space to the 10.7 installer. I want to use my own icons. Ubuntu has had the functionality of adding custom system icons sets since forever and their installer fits on a CD.

Makes no sense that Apple is making their OS LESS customizable, not more, like they should. :confused:

PS. I signed up to Macrumors just to reply to your asinine line of questioning. Aren't you special!

I too signed up just to respond to that extremely rude, narrow minded and uninformed response. This change is very close to the last straw to get me to switch back to Windows - the only thing stopping me is that Windows is the other extreme of this nightmare. They are changing it around and adding features so much that it feels like learning a new system every time a major upgrade comes out. The worst part is i had no idea what I was in for. The update was done only because of the MobileMe/icloud change had I known I never would have done it.

And YES the loss of colour is a VERY big deal. I do everything by colour/icon including in my paper world and have for years. It's extremely efficient. And some of the changes to the address book and calendar are ridiculous. I can't find anything in my address book now - it was fine the way it was. And now it takes three clicks instead of one to open an appointment from a reminder to edit it. And what the hell is the point of that "apply" button?

I have been compiling a list of all the reasons I have come to hate my Mac after loving it almost since I got it a year ago just as a place to vent. Basically - love the hardware, hate the software.

I bought Office for Mac but its crap as I have now learned the operating system controls and limits just about everything. Word and Excel are OK but Outlook, which I live by, is garbage. I hate Mac mail but not enough to deal with all the issue in Outlook.

I am looking in to options to run my Mac with an XP operating system. I have to deal with Windows at work all the time anyway and most of my business software either doesn't run on a Mac or runs like #@@** I already run Parallels when I have to.

If the Mac was as good as my iPhone I would be thrilled - but it's not. My first computer was a Mac many many year ago and I loved it. This one - I could get over it.
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