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macrumors 6502
Apr 18, 2009
Another "grey" area

This may be a little off topic but I think it is part of the trend to grey out the OS.

If you have the latest iTunes (I have 10.6.1) look at your preferences and look at the tabs at the top. They used to have colored icons, now they have no icons at all. The size and shape of the tab is the same but the icons are gone.



macrumors 68000
Jan 18, 2011
Jesus, one of the last ui element we could tell apart, I kept thinking boy am I glad the greying out fascist at apple's ui dept. has missed it... Glad too apple doesn't own mr cause we'd be seeing greyed out emoticons, and greyed out text options on top our reply space...

Seriously though, all this greying out is making the os unusable, devs have followed and are starting to grey out too... For some reason ibooks author is one of the few new pieces of software to come out of apple still having colour cues in the buttons... how long until they grey this out to?:eek:


macrumors newbie
May 7, 2012
Color option for finder icons greatly increases efficiency

I'm with anyone else here who realizes how much less efficient the Finder sidebar is without having the color option. Yes, you can see the place to change to colors, but it will not let you change to them.

I use PC and Mac heavily, and for any number of reasons, the Win 7 file explorer runs rings around the Mac versions, including Lion--and now they made things worse with Lion with less options. I'm always amazed at the number of people on boards like this who want to defend dumb decisions Apple makes.


macrumors 68000
Jan 18, 2011
Cool, thanks a lot, you guys did a lot of work, and it's appreciated :)

Having said that simbl is problematic to os x, all the more so to lion with its own share of problems, of course for most of us we ll make do with it.

Thanks again.


macrumors 6502a
Jan 16, 2003
Is there any chance Apple will bring back colour in the finder sidebar and in the sidebar of the open/save dialogues? When I am using these the colours helped me work faster. I totally agree with Apple that colour should not detract from the creative process (I refuse to have colour menubar icons). I just don't understand why colour can't be used to help us find and file. At least make it an option.


macrumors 68000
Jan 18, 2011
Is there any chance Apple will bring back colour in the finder sidebar and in the sidebar of the open/save dialogues? When I am using these the colours helped me work faster. I totally agree with Apple that colour should not detract from the creative process (I refuse to have colour menubar icons). I just don't understand why colour can't be used to help us find and file. At least make it an option.

Apple doesn't believe in options. They started believing a bit more in them with lion because the user community has been up in arms about their ui design, and has showered with "feedback". Apparently the colourless sidebars is one of the last bastions of their ego and they don't seem to even consider changing them right now. At least so far simbl hasn't been disabled but I don't see it sticking around for long before apple take the ability to run it away with their new walled garden approach to os x.


Is there any chance Apple will bring back colour in the finder sidebar and in the sidebar of the open/save dialogues? When I am using these the colours helped me work faster. I totally agree with Apple that colour should not detract from the creative process (I refuse to have colour menubar icons). I just don't understand why colour can't be used to help us find and file. At least make it an option.

Apple doesn't believe in options. They started believing a bit more in them with lion because the user community has been up in arms about their ui design, and has showered with "feedback". Apparently the colourless sidebars is one of the last bastions of their ego and they don't seem to even consider changing them right now. At least so far simbl hasn't been disabled but I don't see it sticking around for long before apple take the ability to run it away with their new walled garden approach to os x.

It's such a shame really because colour in the sidebar in the finder is very important for so many people's daily mac use, and it's also typical of sidebars in iOS so it's not as if they have taken a cue from there (the standard excuse for suffering through ui thoughtlessness in os x).


macrumors 6502
Apr 18, 2009
Use Apple feedback

Is there any chance Apple will bring back colour in the finder sidebar and in the sidebar of the open/save dialogues? When I am using these the colours helped me work faster. I totally agree with Apple that colour should not detract from the creative process (I refuse to have colour menubar icons). I just don't understand why colour can't be used to help us find and file. At least make it an option.
I followed this link provided by Orthorim in Post #46 and gave Apple my feedback on color icons. I don't think Apple has manpower assigned to read groups like this but they do read their own feedback mail.

I see that Lion 10.7.4 now shuts down with the "Reopen windows when logging back in" box not checked. I am sure that was the result of user feedback into their system. If everyone who read this discussion put input into their system there is no guarantee Apple will change but at least they will hear us.


macrumors 68000
Jan 18, 2011
I followed this link provided by Orthorim in Post #46 and gave Apple my feedback on color icons. I don't think Apple has manpower assigned to read groups like this but they do read their own feedback mail.

I see that Lion 10.7.4 now shuts down with the "Reopen windows when logging back in" box not checked. I am sure that was the result of user feedback into their system. If everyone who read this discussion put input into their system there is no guarantee Apple will change but at least they will hear us.

Feedback is always the best route. Having said that if apple haven't figured by now that a vast number of their user base is exasperated by their decolouring of the sidebar via theirs and other fora and discussions and comments on the interwebs then they ve already built the spaceship campous, launched it, and are living on mars.


macrumors newbie
Jul 28, 2012
SideEffects does not solve the complete problem

Sideeffect does put the color back in the sidebar when used in the finder. That said, try to open a file within an application and behold apple's monochromatic sidebar is still there.

This is a problem that apple needs to resolve. So far they just ignored our complaints.

Any ideas how to get apple to respond????


Moderator emeritus
Sep 8, 2010
Sideeffect does put the color back in the sidebar when used in the finder. That said, try to open a file within an application and behold apple's monochromatic sidebar is still there.

This is a problem that apple needs to resolve. So far they just ignored our complaints.

Any ideas how to get apple to respond????

You're right, SideEffects doesn't add the color to the Finder structure completely throughout OS X as you describe. I wouldn't categorize this color issue as a problem per se, because Apple changed to the monochrome look purposefully.

The only way to get Apple to respond is if enough users give them feedback on what they desire for OS X. But that's all we can do, it's up to Apple to change it if they feel like it.

You can leave feedback here, as I have, concerning the colors and Exposé & Spaces.


macrumors newbie
Apr 7, 2007
Color toolbars

Lion is almost half the size of SL because they cut out a lot of fat. Do you really need colored sidebar icons? I mean really?

Will You serious and dull humor developers give the wrest of us a brake.. Because you don't see beauty in colors and everything is business ... Again .. give the world a brake .. All this gray,gray high technology and nothing to make your eyes smile .. Please get your heads out of the sand or mud and let the rest of us enjoy the colors that make life happy even if you don't We now have all gray toolbars ... and a GRAY APPLE for Mac ... Will you guys please get a grip ..... Give the non business people what they want or at lease a option to have all gray or not .. thats only fair ...:mad: Don't we have a choice ..these days ????????????


macrumors 6502
Apr 18, 2009
Total Finder update

It's been seven months since anyone posted here and I imagine many have moved on to ML but I think this is significant. The latest update of Total has a color icons option based on the SIMBL routine discussed here. I dropped my "" that I had made from my startup items and the Total Finder still gives me color. Version needed is 1.4.9 and set color icons in Preferences>Total Finder>Sidebar.

Total Finder is so great, its hard to believe Apple hasn't bought them out. It's a good thing they haven't though, because if they did, they would probably kill the color icons again.


macrumors newbie
Mar 18, 2011
Thought I'd post up and keep this thread going. I can't believe Apple still hasn't addressed this problem.

You idiots that think this is no big deal must work so slowly on your computers that you don't notice the difference in productivity without the color... or maybe you are just color-blind and the whole world looks like army camo anyway, so you don't get much use out of it (seriously).

I have had my Lion+ only MBP for two years now, and I still get hung up clicking on folders in the sidebar. It's like running into a thick patch of beach sand during a road bike race.

Thanks for the solutions all you guys have come up with, I love this forum.


macrumors newbie
Jan 26, 2016
Does it really use up a lot of resources? Really?
Yes I really need the colored icons in all imac programs and look every single day to see if there is a fix. I need the colors to recognize and differentiate the icons. I am old I guess at 59 and don't see as well as I used to but I have always liked the colored icons and why would Apple take them away from us??!!
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