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macrumors 68040
Aug 7, 2013
Notch will be gone for photos, movies, and all things not notch-friendly .

Notch free will be a big sell. Apps will need to be notch-approved.

(I'm thinking I'm already REALLY tired of this word.)


macrumors 68030
Jun 24, 2004
As I stated above (and illustrated in that Wonder Woman image), HD/4K content is natively 16x9 (1.78 aspect ratio). The iPhone X display is far from that aspect ratio. To be clear, the screenshots mds1256 provided above show native aspect ratio vs. scaled (double tap) aspect ratio (neither of which are native resolution, but that doesn't really matter too much).


Lots of movies have a wider aspect ratio than that. What will they look like?


macrumors 601
Dec 22, 2016
So my biggest hang up for the iPhoneX right now is that dumb notch on the top. I get why it's there, but when they showed the horizontal full screen video in the demo and that was sticking into it, I think I experienced OCD for the first time.

Do you guys anticipate, or have you heard about, the ability to change your screen settings so that video ends before the bump? Or do you think this'll be an Apple knows best situation where they don't allow you to change that without jailbreaking.

Yeah this stood out to me too. I presumed video would end below the notch so nothing gets blocked out.

Jimmy James

macrumors 603
Oct 26, 2008
First thing I noticed and thought it would be very distracting while watching movies. Even on the apple website on the Wonder Woman video it has the notch and the video extends to that area so technically you will be missing part (albeit small) part of the video. I hope it is optional.

It's like having the time embedded on your tv screen while watching a movie.



macrumors 68000
Apr 8, 2010
I think eventually people will get used to the notch, it looks like full screen video doesn’t show notch or in the full screen photos.


macrumors regular
Apr 4, 2016
I thought videos would stop at the notch, and if playing 1080p the big bezels are back and looks like a regular iphone, that handle thing at bottom as well is annoying me, and I haven't seen browsing in landscape as well as landscape features like the 7plus


macrumors 601
Dec 22, 2016
Here to at 2:19, they play Wonder Woman and demo changing video size.

Ok so with full screen, the left/right parts of the film are cut off since it's not actual aspect ratio. To watch in proper aspect ratio, you lose the full screen use & have to contend with borders all around.

Interesting to see how videos viewed in proper aspect ratio utilise the screen on the X compared to my 6S.


macrumors 68040
Apr 12, 2012
Okay, not so bad, but still... in your screenshot, there looks to be clearly some space to the left of the video where the video could fill the space while maintaining a rectangular shape. For the iPhone X to not take advantage of that seems kinda silly to me...
In that example you would either stretch the image or chop bits from the top or bottom if you had it wider.
How is this not obvious.
Videos have a native resolution.


macrumors 6502
Jun 23, 2012
Do we know yet how the notch will be handled in Safari when using the phone in Landscape? Will it block content and/or the page scroll bar?
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