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macrumors 65816
Feb 2, 2021
Their state spies and censors but they don’t want private companies collecting data on citizens because that data can be taken by a foreign country to spy on them.

That is how western social media platforms collected data and sold it to criminals and political operatives. The west is still allowing this crooked activity because our prostitute politicians take money from lobbies and donors.

In China they have weaker lobbying and they learn from western mistakes so they can reach their long term goals of stable growth. If they had a Zuckerberg or Dorsey screwing their society those two people would have been jailed long time ago.
You are naive if you think there aren’t Zuckerberg and Dorsey equivalents working with the CCP over there.
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macrumors 65816
Oct 26, 2004
Didn't Didi just have an IPO. Sounds like a Chinese Gov. shakedown. Company is flush with funds and lots of party apparatchiks want to get their hands on some of the loot. Pay up or we will set the State on you. Common practice in countries such as Russia and China.
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macrumors 68040
Apr 7, 2008
Flea Bottom, King's Landing
It must be annoying for Tim to be China's lapdog.
You must be mistaken. Tim doing what's best for Apple's shareholders, not what's best for China. China happens to be the motherload of Yuan, so he's bending over, taking one for the team so Apple can make obscene amounts of $$$.

If the Chinese market were as profitable as the US market, he would have told the CCP to pound sand. Just goes to show how much money Apple is making from China.
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macrumors regular
Apr 28, 2011
Funny to see how Apple is now a victim of its own locked walled garden, with a open system this wouldn't have happened. Locked-in systems with a single point of failure gives shady governments the possibility to request app removals.

With an open system there’s less revenue sharing to Apple and more pressure to have their request fulfilled in less reasonable ways. They’re hardly “a victim” here.


macrumors 6502a
Jul 10, 2010
Since when the Chinese government is concerned about its citizen privacy? The issue appears to be that Didi denied to share data with the government agency and now suffers the consequences. It is absurd. China in general is absurd country. It is absolutely crazy that the soon to be the most powerful economy in the world, is communist regime led by a single party, without any form of elections or democracy. We definitely need Trump again.
Communist in name only, it's a front... it was capitalism that brought China to where it is now... Think about it, think about how much they produce and sell to the world...


macrumors 6502
Jun 22, 2011
Man big corporations and big governments really hate when someone ELSE is farming data.
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macrumors 68020
Oct 13, 2016
And ofc Comrade Timmy willing gets on his knees and bows to his Chinese Masters. Smh. This despicable CEO has no integrity whatsoever. The sooner he is gone from Apple the better off we'll all be
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May 9, 2015
The only "violation" here is if Didi Chuxing *didn't* give The Party enough data or a passenger escaped a ride en route to a camp for "re-education through labor"


macrumors 601
Feb 15, 2008
You are naive if you think there aren’t Zuckerberg and Dorsey equivalents working with the CCP over there.

Working with =/= screwing, I think you may have missed the meaning of the post you replied to.


macrumors Nehalem
Nov 30, 2013
Gotta be in it to win it
And ofc Comrade Timmy willing gets on his knees and bows to his Chinese Masters. Smh. This despicable CEO has no integrity whatsoever. The sooner he is gone from Apple the better off we'll all be
Just count down from 5….5 years that is. BTW please don’t include me in your “we”.


macrumors G5
Oct 10, 2011
If China tells Apple to do this then Apple has to do it.
Quick Tim, do it!

Just like Samsung, Microsoft, HP, Dell, LG, and every other tech company needing to toe the line that wants to do business in China.


macrumors 601
Sep 25, 2012
Slapfish, North Carolina
I find this to be very ominous.... on the eve of Didi Chuxing's IPO.

Oh well.... China's loss. China is essentially sabotaging and knee-capping its most innovative and most promising native companies.
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Nov 8, 2015
China doesn’t care about privacy. This is purely political.
So does the big greedy Apple, their privacy efforts are purely to generate revenue, and not because they care about you.
Once it stop working out, they will run over the data they collected all those years under their privacy cover, if they aren’t doing this already silently, because soon they will introduce their own advertising network. Their goal is to partly kill Googles ad network, then take it over, simply to get a cut of it (Embrace, extend, and extinguish).
They also don’t care about jobs in your country, that’s why they manufacture primarily in China, India like any other company.
Apple is a purely revenue driven company.
Thinking Apple cares about you, or about your privacy, is like having sex with a whore and think she really loves you(Sorry for the ones who likes Pretty Woman the movie).
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macrumors G3
May 17, 2008
My house my rules. US banned Huawei and TikTok , Twitter and Google banned Parlor and .

Makes me wondering why would corporates make multi-billion investments in such a totalitarian country where the rules can be changed so quickly, I would rather invest in something more like Thailand and India for cheap labour.


macrumors G3
May 17, 2008
So does the big greedy Apple, their privacy efforts are purely to generate revenue, and not because they care about you.
Once it stop working out, they will run over the data they collected all those years under their privacy cover, if they aren’t doing this already silently, because soon they will introduce their own advertising network. Their goal is to partly kill Googles ad network, then take it over, simply to get a cut of it (Embrace, extend, and extinguish).
They also don’t care about jobs in your country, that’s why they manufacture primarily in China, India like any other company.
Apple is a purely revenue driven company.
Thinking Apple cares about you, or about your privacy, is like having sex with a whore and think she really loves you(Sorry for the ones who likes Pretty Woman the movie).

" The Capitalists Will Sell Us the Rope with Which We Will Hang Them "​

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