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macrumors 65816
Mar 28, 2010
MMW, if this is true, did Comex mean that the leak cut two days FROM the release or cut it to two days from the email? Meaning, would the release be either today/tomorrow or later? I don't want to get my hopes up only to have them dashed yet again.


macrumors 68000
Original poster
Aug 1, 2010
MMW, if this is true, did Comex mean that the leak cut two days FROM the release or cut it to two days from the email? Meaning, would the release be either today/tomorrow or later? I don't want to get my hopes up only to have them dashed yet again.

How am I supposed to know that? I'm reading the same email as you are.


macrumors 65816
Oct 14, 2007
How am I supposed to know that? I'm reading the same email as you are.

Could it be that Comex was playing you and gave you bogus info knowing you would spread it around? Either Comex is playing all of us or this is legit because Comex hasn't said a word about this and its all over the net, so if this were bogus Comex would be the first one denying he ever sent this so I believe this email is legit I just wonder if what Comex said is true


macrumors newbie
Jul 2, 2011
Saving face

Because I'm not trying to be like everyone on twitter and whining to him about the jailbreak release.
Originally Posted by Trevornewell
Just a thought. You you have a direct line to COMEX, why not just shoot him a email and ask if he has a eta?

Maybe just maybe...this could be your opportunity face. Use the in you may or may not have to ask @comex if he would be willing to give an eta. Just explain the situation and you never know he may be willing?

If you are truly trying to level up your respect around here and the whole JB community for that matter..this could be your chance.

Otherwise.....more of the same disrespect that you've been receiving and on the whole the more muddied you and your name become.

If this JB never materializes you sir WILL be the scape goat!

Just like that cubbies fan etc.


Last edited:


macrumors 6502
Jul 7, 2010
Like I said before, Will's an idiot for leaking an unfinished jailbreak, however this jailbreak WILL come out, only because comex has a monetary incentive for doing so from "donations".

If you want future jailbreaks from the guy, keep his income flowing. Donate.


macrumors 65816
Mar 28, 2010
Like I said before, Will's an idiot for leaking an unfinished jailbreak, however this jailbreak WILL come out, only because comex has a monetary incentive for doing so from "donations".

If you want future jailbreaks from the guy, keep his income flowing. Donate.

I haven't donated once a jailbreak is released, but I will be so happy if this one ever comes out that I probably will. How much do people usually donate?


macrumors 68000
Original poster
Aug 1, 2010
I can understand that, but I say %99 of people would stop asking if there was a eta. Just a short and sweet question. Do you have a jb eta? No bit**ing or whining.

Well if you look at the email it says "tomorrow"

If I'm not mistaken, the ETA is "tomorrow" as of this morning at 12:15 am.


macrumors 6502
Jul 7, 2010
I haven't donated once a jailbreak is released, but I will be so happy if this one ever comes out that I probably will. How much do people usually donate?

What you feel it's worth, I guess.

For the record, if every one of comex's followers donated $10.00 USD for JBMe 3.0, he'd make about 1.6x million USD :)


macrumors member
Mar 27, 2011
Well if you look at the email it says "tomorrow"

If I'm not mistaken, the ETA is "tomorrow" as of this morning at 12:15 am.
So if it dosen't come today, then what, more of the same waiting, which is fine. I have no problem wIting. All good things come to those who wait, as the saying goes. But a real honest to goodness eta would be nice to have. I know that you and he have a bit of a messed up thing going on, and with all respect it's all ur fault. I'm not saying that I would of done the same thing that you did or not, but I would try try to apologize and make amends. That would foreshadow a silly jb eta question any day, but I guess if you could help out here that would at least get you some friends back here, then you could work on the COMEX thing.


macrumors member
Mar 27, 2011
If you don't agree that's fine. I'm glad you get to express your self, but tell me one thing. Would you rather listen to all the name calling and childish bickering, or have a day where you could wake up and say "that I will be able to jb my iPad 2 or whatever device you have" today. No more guessing.


macrumors regular
May 18, 2011
Comex probably has a life outside of jailbreaking. Give the guy a break :rolleyes:

Also I'm totally unaware of how Comex could know precisely when the JB would be done. He's got work to do, and some parts are probably easy, and some parts he probably gets hung up on. ???


macrumors 6502a
Mar 7, 2011
I dont mind not knowing exactly when it will come out, he himself doesn't know because its an active work. But in situations like over two weeks ago where some tweet made people think it could come out any day.. surely then Comex knew he actually wasnt within a week or two of releasing and could have let people know it will still be a while without any effort at all.

He probably likes people hanging on every word...


Seems like its not coming out today. Dont see how that two day mention couldnt be a reference to two days from the leak, though he could have meant it and just hit a snag. If it was him anyway.


macrumors newbie
Jul 4, 2011
Did you guys see that has a new sign up.."we'll be back soon"
Well I thought this had to do with the sale of the site, but if you go to that seems intact. Jus thought I'd share. Happy 4th all my American friends!


macrumors 65816
Mar 28, 2010
Did you guys see that has a new sign up.."we'll be back soon"
Well I thought this had to do with the sale of the site, but if you go to that seems intact. Jus thought I'd share. Happy 4th all my American friends!

Star is the old 2.0. Still very anxious now!
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