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Small White Car

macrumors G4
Aug 29, 2006
Washington DC
So lets see, 650,000 iOS Devices lets say at $300.00 each equals $195,000,000.00 - I'm glad that all of you are good with the fact that the rest of us are scratching to put food on the table and our government spends that kind of money for just 1 department on phones and tablets.

I swear America is comprised of a bunch of spineless and gutless SAPS anymore! You know it's pretty bad when a descendant of General MacArthur (Me) has that to say about the country he is from born and raised.


In other words, the same cost as about 16 hours of us being in Iraq.

I find it amusing that it's mostly the same people who thought we should be in TWO countries for TEN years (at those prices) who now complain about stuff like this.

I'm not saying you're one of those people Esau, just that it's mostly the ones who were ok with the big huge elephant wars are the ones who complain the loudest now about little peanuts like this. Maybe you're not one of them, but there sure are a lot of them out there.


macrumors regular
Mar 14, 2013
Its a good marketing strategy : "If it's good enough for the USA armed forces it's, probably, good enough for you non life-or-death corporate users"

Worked for Hummer. They sell crappy cars easily, and I'm not talking about the bad fuel economy.

Brother Esau

macrumors 6502
Jun 30, 2010
realism in not one of the strong suits of many MR forum users

Yeah no kidding... These kids are completely oblivious to everything going on around them and don't give a rats ass about anything but themselves.

I am afraid that we are doomed!


macrumors regular
Mar 14, 2013
In other words, the same cost as about 16 hours of us being in Iraq.

I find it amusing that it's mostly the same people who thought we should be in TWO countries for TEN years (at those prices) who now complain about stuff like this.

I'm not saying you're one of those people, btw, just that it's the ones who were ok with the big huge elephant wars are the ones who complain the loudest now about little peanuts like this.

Yeah, that's why it's hard to associate with any political party now. Democrats waste money on some things and are sometimes racist, and Republicans waste money on other things. But it's an easier choice when talking about local government since there's no defense budget to dump money into.


macrumors member
Mar 20, 2011
Sunnyvale CA USA
Ever occur to you that open source has less security than an iOS device? Especially that mountain of crap called Android?

Have you ever heard of the fallacy of "security by obscurity?" Closed source software is less secure than "popular" open source software, almost by definition.

Brother Esau

macrumors 6502
Jun 30, 2010
In other words, the same cost as about 16 hours of us being in Iraq.

I find it amusing that it's mostly the same people who thought we should be in TWO countries for TEN years (at those prices) who now complain about stuff like this.

I'm not saying you're one of those people, btw, just that it's the ones who were ok with the big huge elephant wars are the ones who complain the loudest now about little peanuts like this.

First of all, I am not one of those people and I have never endorsed any of that trumped up B.S lie that the US Government fabricated about the 911 Towers being blown up by terrorists.

Secondly, I have always firmly stated from day one that the US Government deliberately blew up that building to evoke the new world order and to justify the war in Iraq and US military presence around the globe.

Anyone familiar with explosives can tell you first hand that building or buildings dropped in a sequential order from detonation and no airplane is capable of bringing down a building of that size end of story....


macrumors 68020
Jul 24, 2010
So lets see, 650,000 iOS Devices lets say at $300.00 each equals $195,000,000.00 - I'm glad that all of you are good with the fact that the rest of us are scratching to put food on the table and our government spends that kind of money for just 1 department on phones and tablets.

Would you prefer that the DoD spend hundreds of millions to design, contract, build, test, and deploy an in-house solution? Which would make your $195M look like lunch money.

I swear America is comprised of a bunch of spineless and gutless SAPS anymore! You know it's pretty bad when a descendant of General MacArthur (Me) has that to say about the country he is from born and raised.


He would be proud of you. No doubt.


macrumors 65816
Dec 27, 2006
I DID build that!
Buying American supports its own economy and a heavy percent will go back into their pockets as tax revenue.

Unless it's American oil... Then it's Brazil all the way baby!... We'll be their best customer according to the Administration. :rolleyes:
In other words, the same cost as about 16 hours of us being in Iraq.

Or 6 hours in Congress or 30 minutes in the Administration's hands! Remember, "We don't have spending problem!" so the whole Iraq thing is mute I guess :D
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macrumors 68020
Jul 24, 2010
First of all, I am not one of those people and I have never endorsed any of that trumped up B.S lie that the US Government fabricated about the 911 Towers being blown up by terrorists.

Secondly, I have always firmly stated from day one that the US Government deliberately blew up that building to evoke the new world order and to justify the war in Iraq and US military presence around the globe.

Anyone familiar with explosives can tell you first hand that building or buildings dropped in a sequential order from detonation and no airplane is capable of bringing down a building of that size end of story....

And away we go. I wish you would have included those comments in your original post, I wouldn't have responded.


macrumors 6502a
Oct 10, 2008
Its a good marketing strategy : "If it's good enough for the USA armed forces it's, probably, good enough for you non life-or-death corporate users"

I guess Microsoft should be saying the same thing for the PC and windows 8

Bubba Satori

Feb 15, 2008
This is only slightly less scary than Homeland Security buying 1.5 billion bullets.
Or Joke Biden selling shotguns.



macrumors regular
Mar 14, 2013
While I am a long time Mac fan (my first Mac was a FatMac in 1984), this is a very poor decision by the DoD. They should be choosing open source solutions whenever possible and with smartphones and tablets, they have an easy choice, Android.

I watched and participated while our government's time and money were wasted with proprietary Microsoft DOS, Windows, etc. Microsoft continually jerked our DoD around and I see no reason to believe that Apple won't do the same.

I know fans of iOS will be happy to have their personal choice validated, but this is not a good direction for our tax money.

It's not a good decision for our tax money anyway to buy smartphones. But open-source, even though it's cheaper, is less secure.


I guess Microsoft should be saying the same thing for the PC and windows 8

The government uses XP probably. Maybe 7. The DMV uses XP plus Bonzi Buddy.


There goes the Applecare warranty.

Best comment here. :D


macrumors 6502a
Aug 10, 2012
Calgary, Canada
When I first saw the title my first thought was 'they were seizing 650,000 iOS devices'...So I thought I was in trouble. :eek:

Anyways, I don't think it's such a great idea that they bring iPads, iPhones and iPods onto the 'battlefield'. I see a lot of cracked iPods/iPhones at school (plus my brother's iPod touch is broken) so I know how easy they are to break. I'm surprised my iPod doesn't have a cracked screen yet.

What if Apple made toughbooks?


macrumors 6502a
Oct 10, 2008
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macrumors 6502
Jul 29, 2008
Wales UK
If you worked in the security sector you would enderstand why they chose ios, Android is a complete non started due to the hundreds of security holes,hidden code running on some handsets as well as key loggers and location services being monitored, a very close friend is high up in GE aviation security and they deal with US and Uk military contracts for aviation, they won't even allow an android handet on the internal wifi, he wont even own one, Apple has been well adopted but even that has known vulnerabilities not known to the public its far safer.

They were recently given a demonstration on a android handset picked off rhe shelf by UK government security being remotely hijacked an all contact and message data was pulled off and keyboard logging installed, all done fro an email attachment.

Scary stuff and its only getting worse.

We also had an even longer conversation on the Chinese and Hawie but that's for another year
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