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macrumors member
Original poster
Nov 28, 2007
Does anyone else have issues with Mobile Me webmail or is it just me? On a scale of 1-10 for usability I would give the webmail feature of Mobile Me a 1. It is constantly crashing or telling me that it can not find the server. It does not send emails that I type sometimes. It never puts the messages that I send in the "sent" folder (I have noticed that this happens with the mail on my iphone sometimes too). It is slowwwwwwww! Does anyone else have these issues? I have had MobileMe services for around 5 years and have never really complained until now because I have generally in the past used the mail client on my mac to do the emailing. I do check my mobile me account from my work PC now through the webmail client.

Please tell me that someone knows a way to speed this up and get this service working better for me.


macrumors 6502a
Jun 16, 2009
I'm right there with you. It's constantly timing out and throwing errors like you mentioned. Funny, it runs better on Firefox than Safari for me. :p

Overall, more than the errors it's the speed - I can't stand how slow it is.


macrumors member
Original poster
Nov 28, 2007
Funny, it runs better on Firefox than Safari for me. :p

Overall, more than the errors it's the speed - I can't stand how slow it is.

Yeah, I always run firefox on my PC at work. It is a bit better but I would not say that it is even remotely a workable webmail client. I am a huge apple supporter but this crap really does blow. Come on Apple, surely you guys know how much this webmail client stinks.


macrumors 68040
Jul 11, 2007
Torrance, CA
You are not alone. Best to use a Mail Client like you said.

You said you have used MM for 5 years. You must be talking about "" or whatever the name was before MM since MM has not been out that long.


macrumors member
Original poster
Nov 28, 2007
You are not alone. Best to use a Mail Client like you said.

You said you have used MM for 5 years. You must be talking about "" or whatever the name was before MM since MM has not been out that long.

Yeah, I have been using it since it was .Mac. I think they made the switch to MobileMe a few years back. In my opinion, it was a better mail client back then.


macrumors 65816
Sep 29, 2006
Never had a problem using the Apple mail program, but a friend hates MobileMe (he uses Windows). Constantly getting the "cannot contact server" or server connection lost after writing a long email.

Yeah, I have been using it since it was .Mac. I think they made the switch to MobileMe a few years back. In my opinion, it was a better mail client back then.

I like MobileMe but miss the simple things that got left out like Fonts/Font Sizes. I thought every web email program did that.


macrumors 601
Oct 4, 2003
Mobile Me's webmail is the sole reason I did not renew my subscription. It is unreliable and extraordinarily slow. I was willing to give them some leeway with the first 3-4 weeks of the transition, but a year later with the same issues is inexcusable.


macrumors member
Original poster
Nov 28, 2007
Does anyone know if Apple is working on any fixes to this? Surely they know how crappy this webmail client is and are doing something to fix it. If the cheapest of web hosts can have a decent webmail app, Apple Inc. should be able to come up with a better app.

Sometimes I feel that using snail mail would be an easier process. HAHA There is nothing worse than typing a long email only to find out after you hit the send button that the damn thing will not go through and you lose all that you have typed. And, since it hardly ever puts my sent messages int he "sent" folder, I do not know which ones are going through and which ones are not.


macrumors 68040
Jul 11, 2007
Torrance, CA
My son still uses MM Web Mail and complains about it all the time. I ask why don't you simply use a Mail Client (which he can at work and home) and his reply is that he likes the way it looks and thinks someday it will get better.

To me, if you have any volume of email you should use a mail client and only use the Web Mail when you have to. Even if it worked it would not be as fast as a dedicated mail client.

My too cents. If it has not gotten better after all this time I would not expect it to get better anytime soon.


macrumors member
Original poster
Nov 28, 2007
I can't believe people still pay them for this s***...
I use it for the other features as well so it is worth it to me, but if it were solely a dedicated mail app I would not dare pay for it. My gripe is with the mail, every other feature is great.

To me, if you have any volume of email you should use a mail client and only use the Web Mail when you have to. Even if it worked it would not be as fast as a dedicated mail client.
I agree. I do use the mail program on my mac at home, but can not put it on my PC at the office so I am stuck using the webmail client. I have no issues what-so-ever with the mail on the mail program on my mac, just the webmail.


macrumors 65816
Sep 14, 2009
I can't believe people still pay them for this s***...

I only pay for it for the iPhone tracking since I loose my phone way too much. Plus I get some use out of the contact/ect syncing and space for extra crap...

I have never used the webmail before since I have my own. :D


macrumors G5
Mar 20, 2003
Bay Area
I can't believe people still pay them for this s***...

I use mm for all its features except mail. I love the contact and calendar sync, the gallery, the iDisk, and of course the hopefully-never-needed find my iPhone. All that stuff is great. But yes, the webmail is horribly slow. If the webmail client were better I'd probably give up gmail, but yeah, it's pretty bad as-is.


macrumors regular
Jan 11, 2005
Ironically, I wish I could use the web access version at work. My old office computer has IE 6 & I don't have administrator privileges, so I use to get my MobileMe e-mail. Since MobileMe won't let me on directly with IE 6.



May 15, 2006
Ironically, I wish I could use the web access version at work. My old office computer has IE 6 & I don't have administrator privileges, so I use to get my MobileMe e-mail. Since MobileMe won't let me on directly with IE 6.

My hospital uses IE6 as well. It's a royal PITA to not be able to access my mail from work. I don't think Apple has any intention of supporting IE6, even though they should (it wouldn't be that hard to throw in a detection tool that would reroute IE6 to a basic version of webmail).


May 21, 2009
One thing is for sure is that it's a hell of a lot better than it was last year during the MM/.Mac transition. :eek:

I primarily use MobileMe and used to have a lot of problems using it w/ Firefox 2 and IE7. It appears they've done a lot of fine tuning b/c it screams on FF3 but chokes on IE8 in Windows.

My campus Gmail account works fine on anything, but then again it's Gmail. For Webmail, you're hard-pressed to use anything better than Gmail or Yahoo Mail. Webmail is not the strength of MobileMe but I don't believe it is supposed to be--it's very basic yet seems to use a lot of 'overhead', more than Gmail/Yahoo it seems.


macrumors regular
Jan 11, 2009
My hospital uses IE6 as well. It's a royal PITA to not be able to access my mail from work. I don't think Apple has any intention of supporting IE6, even though they should (it wouldn't be that hard to throw in a detection tool that would reroute IE6 to a basic version of webmail).

There is no way they will start supporting IE6 these days. And to be fair, IE6 really is awfully antiquated now. But I'm in the same boat as you - that's what we have at work. I have found two ways around it - I was able to put Firefox on my office computer, which works fine. For when I am at other computers, I use Mobile Firefox, which you can put on a jump drive (in my case I use it from a virtual drive I have access to). Ironically, Mobile Firefox, which is an older version of Firefox, works just fine with Mobile Me. That may not be a solution for those who can't use any other program at work, but if you can, you should try it. It's nicer than using Mail2Web, in my opinion.


macrumors member
Original poster
Nov 28, 2007
It does not matter what browser I am using. Mobile Me webmail is still crap. Even on Safari it is crap. I primarily use Firefox (Latest version). Is there a way to put a complaint in to apple about the "buggyness" of this. It will prolly be a waste of time doing so, but at least I will have put my 2 cents in.


macrumors regular
Jan 27, 2008
Yup, MM web mail is a hideous POS. How can they get something so (relatively) simple so badly wrong? It's not just a little bit dodgy, it's comprehensively atrocious. I keep thinking that any day now, they'll issue a grovelling apology and announce that everything's been fixed - but I'm beginning to lose hope.

Even though I love the rest of the service, I'll think long and hard about renewal.


macrumors 6502a
Jun 5, 2007
It obviously isn't what apple meant it to be...

It obviously isn't what apple meant it to be and until it is I refuse to use it. Local Apple mail all the way...


macrumors G5
Mar 20, 2003
Bay Area
Ironically, I wish I could use the web access version at work. My old office computer has IE 6 & I don't have administrator privileges, so I use to get my MobileMe e-mail. Since MobileMe won't let me on directly with IE 6.


My hospital uses IE6 as well. It's a royal PITA to not be able to access my mail from work. I don't think Apple has any intention of supporting IE6, even though they should (it wouldn't be that hard to throw in a detection tool that would reroute IE6 to a basic version of webmail).

I was in this boat until recently (now we have IE 7! yay! :rolleyes:)

Just do what medgirl2001 said - firefox portable. It's not installed on the computer, so you should be good to go.*

*I take no responsibility if IT has you escorted from the building for this. ;)
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