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macrumors 65816
Sep 13, 2018
New Jersey
No form of electronic communication is private. Governments and the global corporations that control them have access to everything any time they want. If you want to conduct a private conversation, do it in person at least 10 miles from any electrical service...and even then you could be monitored on from space if the elite think you need that level of scrutiny.
Dude..put down the pipe and step away


macrumors 6502
Nov 18, 2018
Ontario Canada
Should this concern me if I DONT USE Facebook (had Facebook but stopped using in 2015ish)? Is there other ways it could give me privacy concerns in this scenario?
Could it use my old Facebook account or something?


Staff member
Dec 9, 2008
Apple's requirement that developers submit information about what user data they collect for privacy labels on the App Store, saying that it could give its messaging app a competitive disadvantage.
They’re sad they’re no longer able to violate users’ privacy… in privacy.
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macrumors 6502
Jan 30, 2007
i have been using signal for a year now and while they aren’t as featureful they are trustworthy and reliable. And you can check the code yourself to see if they are doing anything shady which is awesome.
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macrumors 65816
Oct 19, 2016
Just deleted the WhatsApp app the other day.
Remember all those promises by the original developers how they were going to protect our data. LOL they sold us out for money. o_O
Yep. I remember back in the day paying money for WhatsApp. A couple months later they sold to Facebook for a truckload of money, took our money, and sold off our privacy? Cool cool.
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one more

macrumors 601
Aug 6, 2015
Signal asks for your phone number in order to use the App.
Use Session instead. This one doesn't ask anything. They just give you a random ~30 characters ID you gotta save somewhere, and that's it. Nothing can be linked to you personally at all.

One big advantage of a messaging service being linked to your phone number is that it makes it much easier for other people to find you. If they already know your number, it makes it much easier.


macrumors 6502a
Aug 11, 2017
Getting closer every day!

Myth 2: You have to disclose your cellphone number to use Signal​

Wrong. You can register an arbitrary phone number, but you must confirm that you have access to this phone number during the initial setup. Disclosing your cellphone number isn’t necessary to use Signal.

However, keep in mind that somebody could try to re-register for Signal when you use a public phone number. We recommend setting the Registration Lock PIN or Signal PIN.

In the (near) future, Signal may introduce either accounts without phone numbers or communicating with others without sharing your phone number.

I might add that it's not terribly difficult to find someone's phone number, these day. It's probably already out there on the 'net.
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macrumors 68040
Jun 29, 2012
One big advantage of a messaging service being linked to your phone number is that it makes it much easier for other people to find you. If they already know your number, it makes it much easier.

When you say "they" who exactly are you referring to?
--privacy jokes

All kidding aside, there is no privacy in digital.


macrumors 6502
Oct 28, 2015
I do the same, talk with my Android friends on Signal and it works wonderfully.
Can I ask why? A few people that I know have Androids and iMessage works well for me when I text. Are there features that Signal has that iMessage doesn’t? Not being nosy just curious. I was thinking about signing up for Signal but it seems like they force you to Enable Permissions before you can proceed so I stopped.


Jan 10, 2012
Well, I left WhatsApp - and a good number of family - to go to Signal. I've always used Signal (for years now) but few people I know use it. I deleted my Facebook account years and years ago. This was the last straw for WhatsApp. Told my family about Signal when I left - 3-4 installed it and joined a family chat. Rest don't wanna move. :p.

I noticed that those who install it don't automatically show up in the app till I search for them in the app - even if they're in my contacts.

Glad to see Signal getting some attention. Some people care about their privacy.
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macrumors Nehalem
Nov 30, 2013
Gotta be in it to win it
Anybody that moves away from WhatsApp to a rival app which then increases that app's userbase, Facebook Inc will just come along and purchase Signal so Facebook can take advantage of it's userbase. They did it with Instagram, bought it then changed it's terms and conditions so it's users information could be passed over to Facebook legally and now they are doing it to whatsApp. Change it's terms and conditions so all the users of whatsApp have their information handed over to Facebook.
Thankfully imessage will never be for sale.
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macrumors 6502a
Apr 15, 2012
Just deleted the WhatsApp app the other day.
Remember all those promises by the original developers how they were going to protect our data. LOL they sold us out for money. o_O
The original devs/owners actually had a contract with FB in which FB promised that they would uphold those promises. One of the founders left FB when he realized that they are fighting strongly against them to circumvent that promise, the second left a few years later. Now there are none left defending their product as the current lead is a FB operative.


Oct 24, 2019
Can I ask why? A few people that I know have Androids and iMessage works well for me when I text. Are there features that Signal has that iMessage doesn’t? Not being nosy just curious. I was thinking about signing up for Signal but it seems like they force you to Enable Permissions before you can proceed so I stopped.
When you send a text to non-iOS users they’re sent as regular SMS. And SMS can be read by the carrier, the government and anyone with proper tools/access.
iMessage is the technology or technically an end-to-end encrypted tunnel created between you and the recipient to exchange messages. These messages can’t be read by anyone else but you and the intended recipient without the decryption key. Hence, privacy upheld!

The Messages app on your iPhone is just that, an app to send/receive messages. And iMessage is an encrypted messaging protocol proprietary to Apple.

Hope this clarifies your dilemma.


Aug 12, 2017
So, I already managed to move 5 of my friends to Signal. I am using the desktop app too, which is bloody brilliant! It even has audio and video calls! I mean, it has all the features of WhatsApp, and more, with encryption and privacy and no data collection of any kind. It also uses far less resources on my Mac compared to WhatsApp. For the life of me, why the hell have we all been using WhatsApp after Facebook bought it?!? I guess ignorance and complacency on my part, but hey, it all ended yesterday. Zuckerberg can shove his apps and services up where the sun don't shine!

I also made a donation to the Signal foundation today, I urge more people to do it. Efforts like theirs need to be kept alive!


macrumors 68040
Apr 26, 2013
What will happen is that those who agree to the changes will start to see unwanted text messages on their mobile phone from advertisers because the writing of the terms and conditions will state that users information (including phone number) will be shared with partners of whatsapp. These 'partners' armed with millions of whatsApp users phone numbers will start to mass advertise and they will say it's all legal and thus they are allowed to do it because they are a 'partner ' of whatsApp and thus legally allowed to share users information.

You watch when the new agreement date arrives. A few weeks latter whatsApp users will start to receive text advertisements and the companies will say you agreed to receive the text adverts because you agreed to the new terms and conditions.
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Aug 12, 2017
What will happen is that those who agree to the changes will start to see unwanted text messages on their mobile phone from advertisers because the writing of the terms and conditions will state that users information (including phone number) will be shared with partners of whatsapp. These 'partners' armed with millions of whatsApp users phone numbers will start to mass advertise and they will say it's all legal and thus they are allowed to do it because they are a 'partner ' of whatsApp and thus legally allowed to share users information.

You watch when the new agreement date arrives. A few weeks latter whatsApp users will start to receive text advertisements and the companies will say you agreed to receive the text adverts because you agreed to the new terms and conditions.

Yup. I expect a few more surges of people leaving WhatsApp in droves and joining Signal. There are zero reasons not to. I officially declare that being on WhatsApp and Facebook is not cool any more. So last decade... ?
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