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macrumors 604
Original poster
Jul 4, 2001
1 Block away from NYC.
Unless they know how to look at process viewer or the 'top' command.

But what are they going to care, it uses up the CPU when no one else it running something, OH NO!


Moderator emeritus
Nov 28, 2001
down in Fraggle Rock
Originally posted by alset
If they are running X you can use them without getting in the way. I installed on machines in the labs at my school, this weekend. Nobody will ever notice.


i dont think you understand. this is a laboratory. the computers are clustered and spend months working together crunching data.


Moderator emeritus
Oct 5, 2001
San Diego, CA
Originally posted by eyelikeart
so I'm trying to figure out...

how long will it take before I start showing up in the rankings?

Once you complete your first WU, it takes some time for yout to show up on the stats websites.

Have you finished one yet?


Moderator emeritus
Oct 5, 2001
San Diego, CA
Take a look at FAHlog.txt and search for lines that look like this:
+ Attempting to send results
[02:27:44] + Results successfully sent
[02:27:44] Thank you for your contribution to Folding@home.
[02:27:44] + Number of Units Completed: 22

Over Achiever

macrumors 68000
Ok, first time running folding on a mac. I'm using the console version, and am wondering certain things:

How do I pause the program? How do I quit it? Does quitting it corrupt the protein? How fast do you think a 1 GHz G4 (17" powerbook) will crunch? :D


macrumors 68000
Apr 16, 2002
Originally posted by Over Achiever
How do I pause the program? How do I quit it? Does quitting it corrupt the protein? How fast do you think a 1 GHz G4 (17" powerbook) will crunch? :D
kill -STOP <PID>
kill -CONT <PID>
kill <PID>

to find PID use top. to quit top use the keystroke q. look for the processes called FahCore_65 and OSX-3.24.

to terminate folding, just kill OSX-3.24
to pause folding, just kill -STOP/CONT FahCore_65

folding saves the last completed unit to ur HDD, so if u kill it'll just start at the next frame after the last completed one saved to HDD. i do it all the time.

my DP script automates killing processes, my SP script soon to do the same...

1GHz PB would crunch fast, but it would heat it up a lot...your call.


macrumors 68020
Nov 18, 2002
hey mc68k, i've got a question about your single processor script.

i've been folding with the terminal and this is how i've got it set up...the os x 3.24 file renamed to (fold) is in my applications folder and when i want to run it i just cd to that folder and type ./fold.

now i wanted to use your script and i set it up but it seems to download a new protein...633 instead of the 643 i was working on. is there some way for it to pick up off my old data or does it start fresh?



Moderator emeritus
Oct 5, 2001
San Diego, CA
Originally posted by eyelikeart
I cannot wait to show up...

I've made a lot of progress in the last 2 weeks on 3 processors... ;)

OK, silly question here:
What's your username and team number you signed up with?

You should have shown up by now...:confused:


Moderator emeritus
Jan 2, 2001
Metairie, LA
Originally posted by Rower_CPU
OK, silly question here:
What's your username and team number you signed up with?

my name is "eyelikeart" (who'd have guessed?) and the team # is 3446...

I'm up to WU 2 on each machine... ;)
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