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Designer Dale

macrumors 68040
Mar 25, 2009
Folding space
Just as a side note here, child sex and pornography investigations tend to be rather high profile in the news media. I have yet to read of one in which the sole device holding evidence was a smartphone or tablet of any kind. These people collect tens of thousands of images off the net and get caught doing dumb things like trading them on-line with FBI agents or sexting with minors. In the case of text messages, the messages on the victims phone would be sufficient evidence for arrest. Lack of access to an iPhone won't hinder an investigation at all.

Drug dealers may be interested in this, but they are pretty sophisticated as is.



macrumors Penryn
Jul 11, 2003
Are you glad that rapists, child killers, and terrorists will now be protected by Apple?

Looks to me as if you're one of those scared Americans. Can you point out where evidence from cell phones convicted a terrorist, rapist, child killer or pedophile?


macrumors 601
Jun 19, 2007
Plymouth, MN
Are you glad that rapists, child killers, and terrorists will now be protected by Apple?

That’s poisoning the well. Apple and tons of companies sell/include encryption software and they are never accused of protecting such people. Does MS get flack because their browser (IE) facilitates obtaining their illicit wares on another product (Windows) No. That would be stupid. These products are not intended to protect criminals and their behavior.

Really though, the FBI and other law enforcement agencies will have little problem continuing to go after criminals. They do not depend solely on one source.


macrumors 6502
Sep 7, 2010


Jul 17, 2010
Looks to me as if you're one of those scared Americans.

Your reading comprehension skills are severely lacking, I have no problem with the police and the FBI, accessing data if they have a warrant. Unlike you I have nothing to fear, and I wonder what you are hiding and are so nervous about the FBI discovering......


macrumors 603
Dec 11, 2006
Your reading comprehension skills are severely lacking, I have no problem with the police and the FBI, accessing data if they have a warrant. Unlike you I have nothing to fear, and I wonder what you are hiding and are so nervous about the FBI discovering......

Speak for yourself. They can still get a warrant for your data and force you to unlock your phone. What this means is they can no longer go around getting a warrant by getting your data from Apple instead.


macrumors Penryn
Jul 11, 2003
Your reading comprehension skills are severely lacking, I have no problem with the police and the FBI, accessing data if they have a warrant. Unlike you I have nothing to fear, and I wonder what you are hiding and are so nervous about the FBI discovering......

My reading comprehension skills are just fine thank you. As for yours…

Did you miss the question posed to you? Can you point out where evidence from cell phones convicted a terrorist, rapist, child killer or pedophile?

Breaking Good

macrumors 65816
Sep 28, 2012
The United States isn't a democracy. It's a constitutional republic that's morphed into a corporatocracy. Both parties are bought and paid for by big business, and no matter who you vote for they put big business over the citizens.


I agree with what you say, but it has happened because of the apathy of the citizens.

The citizens still have the ability to change it if a majority chose to engage in critical thinking skills. Too many people are willing to just stick their head in the sand.


macrumors 65816
Mar 2, 2007
So you're sayjng you actually live in fear of your government? I don't like warrant less spying but I'm not living in fear. All things considered we live in among the safest places and times in all of human history.
Your last statement is indeed correct, yet politicians would like us to think otherwise. The fear comes from the fact we can't assume anymore that long-standing laws or a Constitution would keep safe citizens from abuse. On a much lesser scale here, demonstrations have been legit for decades until the executive changed the rules unilaterally by allowing political profiling of protesters. Hundreds were detained without charge. Now I am indeed very wary of spreading my thoughts.

We have a RIGHT to privacy. It's their job to catch thieves while following the law regarding our rights!

Catch thieves? Quit dreaming. Our naïve understanding that police is here to catch thieves and petty wrongdoings is outdated as there's no ground to be gained for the State who pays their wage. Even served with all possible information, it's so unlikely that the police will go after, say, a laptop or phone thief that when it does, it makes a headline.

Bravo, Mr. fusion! Bravo!

The United States is a democracy and we've elected the government that we deserved.
Two turns presidential election with intermediate voters? I don't call that a true democracy. It's much easier for corporate (both public and private) interests to buy off a handful of "big voters" (don't know the US-proper term) than millions of (hopefully) informed Americans.

**** the law. I desire privacy.
Then your profile says you're in one of the worst countries for that desire to become reality.
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