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Moderator emeritus
Jun 25, 2002
mateybob said:
i have a number of problems with .9...
firstly its uglier
secondly they didnt fix the expose bug
thirdy, and this is the big one, it has a major memory leak... on startup it uses about 12mb but after an hour it was using over 100mb even though i only had one window open with no tabs... check for yourself in the activity monitor... its not releasing a LOT of memory... that probably explains crashes people are having..

There is no Exposé bug. The extra window is part of the Mozilla design and has been there since Mozilla version 1.0.


macrumors member
Apr 18, 2004
whether or not its a bug it still shouldnt be there... its a window that you cant normally see and serves no purpose.. so why should it show up when you hit f9? it just looks ugly...


Moderator emeritus
Jun 25, 2002
mateybob said:
whether or not its a bug it still shouldnt be there... its a window that you cant normally see and serves no purpose.. so why should it show up when you hit f9? it just looks ugly...

I've seen it working several times, although it looks as though it's there for debug purposes.

I'm not sure whether there's actually a memory leak or not, but I recorded the following:

At 22:24 I started Firefox and it showed as 33.28 MB real memory and 310.93 virtual memory.

At 22:57, it showed 83.70 and 390.84.

It's not unusual for C++ programmers to forget to dispose of memory. It's especially a problem with games, and most any application in the Windows world too.

I still suspect that there is some problem with the bookmarks, but those have been managed in JavaScript for the longest time. The way they work down the folders takes up more memory but they should be releasing it on the way back up. Besides, I haven't noticed any duplications, as I did with so many early Mozilla releases.


macrumors member
Apr 18, 2004
mines up to 120mb at the moment... what seems to happen is whenever you create a new tab (and probably window.. dont know i dont use them) it allocates something close to 5mb to it but when you close the tab that memory is simply never released...
kind of a major memory leak for them to not notice...
but hey the first program i wrote in a proffesional setting leaked 500mb over half an hour :/


Moderator emeritus
Jun 25, 2002
mateybob said:
mines up to 120mb at the moment... what seems to happen is whenever you create a new tab (and probably window.. dont know i dont use them) it allocates something close to 5mb to it but when you close the tab that memory is simply never released...
kind of a major memory leak for them to not notice...
but hey the first program i wrote in a proffesional setting leaked 500mb over half an hour :/

Well, I don't use tabs and I didn't create any extra windows and stayed pretty close to just a few pages.

I wasn't able to leak memory on most machines, but I remember working on some report and I didn't advance the table cursor, so I kept reading the same record and the print job had over 20,000 pages when we killed it all. :D :D


macrumors 65816
Oct 19, 2003
mateybob said:
whether or not its a bug it still shouldnt be there... its a window that you cant normally see and serves no purpose.. so why should it show up when you hit f9? it just looks ugly...

It is a design decision on the part of the mozilla team, as a way to keep mozilla firefox resident in memory without any (visible) windows open. Since expose is an OS level feature, it does not know that window is not supposed to be shown, and there is no way to "register" no exposed windows.

You can complain all you want, but it's not going to change, as it is a concious design decision. If it bothers you that much, use Camino.
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