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macrumors 6502
Sep 3, 2020
Great opener!
glad to see many (now older) people back!
Intriguing story lines all over.

  • Super happy for someone and her dad that she gets to go to the moon!
  • Glad the tether held. if I remember correctly Tracy/Gordo's oldest was in navy/airforce service, so potential astronaut?
  • Could Ed's broken leg lead to a forced exit from NASA, then he's picked up by the private sector?

Wish I could watch multiple/all episodes at once tough.
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macrumors 603
Mar 30, 2004
It's good to see my favorite Apple TV+ show back. The concept of this season premiere is a bit too familiar (Gravity meets The Towering Inferno/Titanic) and resolved a bit too neatly. But I like where the season is going. Private vs. USA vs. USSR, with a possibility of global escalation.
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macrumors 6502a
Jan 27, 2018
There were a couple of issues if you thought about to much. And I liked the season 2 opener better. But I'll not worry about some of the questionable parts of the episode and just enjoy the show. Looking forward to how all this plays out.

BTW, if you are looking for a great YouTube recap of the show, a guy named Pete Peppers does a fantastic recap of the show. He did seasons 1 and 2 and they were all great. He also did recaps for The Expanse - again all great. Here is a link if interested:

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macrumors 603
Mar 30, 2004
I digged the new episode, titled "Game Changer."

Dev, the CEO of Helios, is an interesting character. It's refreshing to see a space exploration company not molded after Elon Musk and SpaceX (e.g., Hulu's The First, Netflix's Don't Look Up). But I am guessing he's probably too good to be true.

At any rate, I am guessing Helios would pressure NASA (USA) and Roscosmos (USSR) to accelerate their Mars programs, most likely taking many more shortcuts and increasing espionage. The later would probably cost Margo her job, who will reel from Ed's defection on the next episode. Meanwhile, Karen no doubt will poach many more NASA employees unhappy with Margo's leadership.

The wildcards are the next generations -- Aledia, Danny, and Kelly. I suspect Aledia is primed as Margo's eventual successor. Danny is probably eager to usurp Ed and become the first man on Mars. And would Kelly betray her parents and join Danny and Danielle on NASA's mission to Mars?


macrumors 6502a
Jan 27, 2018
Episode 2 was a lot better than episode 1, for me anyway. Excited to see where the main story goes. However, I am not crazy about this Danny story line. I mean, 10 years later and its still happening? Hope it terminates quickly.
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macrumors 603
Mar 30, 2004
Episode 2 was a lot better than episode 1, for me anyway. Excited to see where the main story goes. However, I am not crazy about this Danny story line. I mean, 10 years later and its still happening? Hope it terminates quickly.
I also love the complexity of each character.

Ed is by far my favorite character, but man, his racist and sexist drunken outburst to Danielle was really something. That bar scene was particularly dramatic given the contrast with Danielle's far more graceful gesture to Ed when he was initially picked. Ed needs to accept and learn from his mistakes.

As an engineer myself, Margo is a character that I most relate to. She has literally devoted her entire life to NASA (and to a smaller degree, her protege Aleida). But her naiveté with USSR and lack of empathy ironically mirror that of her former fallen role model Wernher Von Braun. I hope she can steer herself back on course, righting her mistakes.
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macrumors regular
May 23, 2006
I watched episodes 1 and 2 of season 3 back to back. After episode 2, I tapped “Next Episode,” thinking it was just a preview. Nope. The whole episode is playing! I can’t figure out if I should tell everybody what happens or wait…!

I won’t give it away, but Dani is PISSED!

And Karen definitely ain’t too happy, either!


macrumors 603
Mar 30, 2004
The title "All In" is fascinating. Each of the lead characters make an important choice where there's no turning back.
  • Margo presumably helped Sergei by turning over NASA's nuclear engine design, a major nation security violation that probably eclipses that of her predecessor, Wernher Von Braun.
  • Aleida neglects her family as she devotes a majority of her time at NASA, where each of her achievement distances her that much more from her personal life.
  • Danny follows his father's footstep in neglecting his demons and vices, accepting the fate that is handed to him on a silver platter. Except in this case, the stakes are exponentially higher.
  • Ed is the classic overachiever with one heroic achievement after another. But back on earth, he is unfulfilled. He ignores all of his problems hoping that one last score will magically solve all the problems.
The last scene of 3 missions going to Mars, with 3 contrasting approaches, is just magical.
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macrumors 6502
Sep 3, 2020
Episode 3.2

  • Charismatic Dev, the space entrepreneur. Can't shake the feeling something is iffy, but it actually would be awesome if that's a red Hering and he has no sinister intentions (and no secret overlord desires and lairs)
    [*]I can see Molly's reasoning with choosing Ed.
    [*]Daniele handled it with class, Ed (somewhat) later on understandably not, still doesn't excuse him in the Outpost with Danielle however.
    [*]Ed getting THE big mission still, albeit as a privateer space captain (not sure he's a good match for such a "company spirit") - still a shoe box of medals and an unhappy life to show for it. I'm predicting him not surviving the season and somehow heroically rescuing the mission, his daughter, Danny or such.
    [*]Margo's fall from grace coming up eventually, didn't think she'd kick out Molly. WOW!
    [*]Could have done without the "Karen/Danny" thing brought up/back.
    [*]WTF for Ellen teaming up with such a candidate, sell your soul/success for the white house office. Her private life situation will blow up in her face I'm sure.

Episode 3.3
  • big decisions all around at NASA, Helios, "Ros-Cosmos", the white house, the Baldwins, Aleida, Margo
    [*]Guess the bathtub scene "Way to go Ed" was Molly's last

    [*]Margo's downfall in, one painful puzzle after another (Sergej, blackmail, flight director Bill leaving) - the only "win" for he is Aleida sticking with her
    [*]Aleida putting job before family (husband, kid, dad), probably kinda regretting or at least thinking about the Helios offer, especially with Bill leaving, still the "moon rock refusal" showed spine.
    [*]Danny Stevens following his Dad's footsteps, good and bad. Karen's delayed reaction to the announcement was lol. There is gonna be flying fists between Ed and Danny - eventually the cat will be out of the bag somehow.
    [*]Not sure Ed is really thrilled for Kelly choosing NASA. I'm just happy she's on board. IMO she's gonna find proof of past life on Mars and gonna be the new "Baldwin" main character in the future.
    [*]No big thing Ellen as the president, don't think she'll last (her actual vs "public" private life, her very differently aligned number 2.
    [*]3 horse race is on, all are all in.
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macrumors 6502a
Mar 16, 2015
Have to say the old-age makeup for season 3 rubs me the wrong way. Not looking forward to having to see that throughout the season. Young faces framed by grey hair doesn't make people look aged, just weird.
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macrumors 6502
Jul 9, 2019
Have to say the old-age makeup for season 3 rubs me the wrong way. Not looking forward to having to see that throughout the season. Young faces framed by grey hair doesn't make people look aged, just weird.
Some more than others. Joel Kinnaman is 42 so it’s not a huge stretch to age Ed Baldwin.


macrumors 6502
Jul 9, 2019
The title "All In" is fascinating. Each of the lead characters make an important choice where there's no turning back.
  • Margo presumably helped Sergei by turning over NASA's nuclear engine design, a major nation security violation that probably eclipses that of her predecessor, Wernher Von Braun.
  • Aleida neglects her family as she devotes a majority of her time at NASA, where each of her achievement distances her that much more from her personal life.
  • Danny follows his father's footstep in neglecting his demons and vices, accepting the fate that is handed to him on a silver platter. Except in this case, the stakes are exponentially higher.
  • Ed is the classic overachiever with one heroic achievement after another. But back on earth, he is unfulfilled. He ignores all of his problems hoping that one last score will magically solve all the problems.
The last scene of 3 missions going to Mars, with 3 contrasting approaches, is just magical.
Margo annoys me about as much as Karen does now. But Danny really creeps me out.

trash eighty

macrumors regular
Feb 12, 2020
Episode 4... oh wow. I'd say the show has hit high gear but saying its hit "high burn" might seem more apt!


macrumors 6502
Sep 3, 2020
  • Dev(il) starting to show his true colors, knew the "Ok Ed, we'll give you a manual override" had a catch or should I say override/lock out patch...
  • Those recordings that are on the time delay back of the Sovjet thrusters are gonna lead to Margo's downfall.
  • Aleida is super competent. Hope she will not suffer from Margo's downfall on a professional level. She has her own life issues to deal with however.
  • Liked how Ed and Danielle were competitive, but it seemed at least friendlier and the bar talk/scene behavior of Ed kind of forgiven.
  • Loved "Radio Kelly Baldwin" - very inspirational.
  • Still think Ed will perish this season while rescuing Kelly (and maybe others) whether in Space or on Mars
  • the Tracy/Gordon boys are just trouble on way or another... (Can't we just airlock them?!)
  • Feel like they always seem to find a way for a gruesome WTF astronaut/cosmonaut death. I still have nightmarish thoughts about the poor Cosmonaut on the moon (shot and burned alive), now her being crushed by a rocket)


macrumors 6502
Sep 3, 2020
good episode!

  • Loved Molly's husband showing up, didn't even mind Karen for once.
  • Character growth from Ed aborting the nearly mars mountain crash landing - still think he will heroically bite the dust saving Kelly
  • (inspirational) Kelly Baldwin upcoming story arc: will find out she's pregnant, then eventually will birth the first martian as well as finding proof of extra terrestrial life (in the flash forward/next season(s).
  • I expected the Russian commander to pull such a move after being told to shut up - hilarious, but fitting in a way. Glad Danielle made it just in time to stumble onto Mars together.
  • Creep/Cringe Danny with the master PW, now also professionally angry and not just jealous at Ed: what could go wrong...
  • Dev(il) still got some evil master plan I suspect.
  • Here's hoping Margo will be able to "rescue" Sergei and family, then coming clean about it to Ellen.
  • Aleida isn't going to handle it well for sure and I think she'll do something prior that inadvertently nixes Margo's rescue plans and could be another factor to bring down Ellen if the later isn't assassinated or has to resign because the truth about her private life becomes public knowledge.
  • there will be drama soon (internal cosmonaut: whatever their plans were/are + the "moon traitor" + Kelly's romantic partner)


macrumors 6502a
Mar 16, 2015
The ending of this week's episode sure cracked me up. Such a dignified picture for the history books.
Well done writers. :D

Can someone tell me the drama to space ratio of season 3?
Not as annoying as in season two.
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