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macrumors regular
Feb 19, 2009
Overland Park, KS
Reunion story ?

I found an Ipad after my flight from to NJ the other day. I was on a Continental plane. A coworker sent me to this site and I joined to see if you guys could give me the best advice to get it back to the owner. I was going to go to an apple store but he said that they would appear to be helpful but the staff would probably just keep it and resell it on craigs list.

Even though I am somewhat skeptical at times, I always like to think that the glass is more than half full. If this does reunite the owner with their iPad, I think it would be beneficial for all to hear about the reunion.


macrumors 65816
Apr 24, 2010
And yeah, a "co-worker" suggesting you sign up for and post to Macrumors to try and find the owner makes much more sense then simply emailing the owner through his own iPad mail app, or just turning it in to Continental and being done with it...

What a d**k.


macrumors 65816
Jan 22, 2008
People are so quick to condemn here. If i found something and posted on a suitable forum, i wouldnt hang around there waiting for replies, i'd check back that evening at best.

Optimism is so much more fun.

I couldn't agree more.....

The atmosphere in this site is such garbage sometimes :mad:

The OP just posted THIS MORNING!!!! 5 hours ago!!!! If this is all legit, and someone was simply trying to do the right thing, I hope the OP dosen't visit this thread tonight hoping to hear from the person who lost their iPad, roll through this thread and see how wonderfully great some people could be :rolleyes:

If the OP DOES read through are absolutely doing the right thing, and I hope you are able to reunite the iPad with it's owner.


macrumors newbie
May 7, 2010
Boston, MA
I just want to add that I am part of a Cruise (Carnival, Princess, Royal Caribbean, etc..) website that had a successful story like this. A person left their digital camera on the last shore excursion of their trip with 700 pictures on it, in a foreign country.

Camera and said owner were reunited when someone posted a thread EXACTLY like this one. So it does happen....


macrumors regular
Sep 20, 2008
just posting to say that if the OP is for real, that they should be proud of themselves that they're doing a good thing and hopefully the iPad goes back to it's rightful owner.

if this happens, just goes to show that there are still good ppl in this world and hopefully the owner 'does the right thing' by giving some sort of reward or shows their gratitude in a 'proper' way

however if this is some person's idea of a joke. grow the **** up. not cool. how would u like it if someone did it to u?

anyway hopefully the first thing happens and something positive happens through this little forum here :cool:

if it's the second thing. well karma's a bitch and i'm sure it'll bite u on the ass when u least expect it.....


macrumors Penryn
Aug 23, 2005
a better place
Look. How long does it take to go onto macrumors for the first time. Work out the forum. Sign up, find iPad section (without supposedly noticing the glaring lost iPad thread) and then post this thread?

Come on....

Yes, It is quick to condemn...... something so blatantly fallacious.


macrumors Nehalem
Feb 19, 2005
Well this is one of those too good to be true stories, that is if it works out.


macrumors 68030
Apr 15, 2010
Look. How long does it take to go onto macrumors for the first time. Work out the forum. Sign up, find iPad section (without supposedly noticing the glaring lost iPad thread) and then post this thread?

Come on....

Yes, It is quick to condemn...... something so blatantly fallacious.

The OP of this thread is likely one of the current resident trolls....there are several. Alt-id's are rampant here already.


macrumors 6502a
Mar 10, 2010
Toronto, Canada
I know we all would love to believe that this is going to be a feelgood story of the year, but at the risk of bursting some bubbles, I'm going to call it how it is -the OP is a lying sack of ****, the lowest of the low, a waste of oxygen. Period. Why would someone get a thrill out of mocking someone who has lost an expensive item? :confused:
I really hope that karma is a bitch.


macrumors 68000
May 12, 2009
USG Ishimura
It's quite possible that the OP may have PMed Vinniefish unbeknownst to any of us...just sayin'

Nope, see below:

(From the FAQs)

Before you can send a Private Message or email to another forum member, these conditions must apply:

1. You must have a post count of at least 5, as shown in your user profile.
2. You must have been a forum member at least one day.


macrumors regular
Jan 26, 2010
IF, and i am afraid its true, the OP is jerking our chain we should find them, confiscate ALL THEIR APPLE PRODUCTS, give them a cricket phone, a transistor radio (AM only) and make them use a 5 year old Dell laptop running Vista without "Service Package 1" and a bad battery so they have to keep it plugged in, oh, and no wireless card or ethernet port so they have to use dial up. Did I miss anything other than we should "take 'em out back and beat the crap out of them"?

actually i'm serious about the last part, and the Cricket phone.


macrumors Nehalem
Feb 19, 2005
Well if a Screen shot 2010-05-25 at 5.03.56 PM.jpg with Screen shot 2010-05-25 at 5.04.10 PM.jpg who is a Screen shot 2010-05-25 at 5.04.02 PM.jpg says it could be false then it must be false.


macrumors 6502a
Oct 20, 2005
Columbia, SC
So tracymac makes one post to start this thread and then isn't heard from again all day?

If Vinniefish reports back that this person signed up just to make this thread and was lying about finding his iPad, I hope tracymac gets the permaban quick, fast and in a hurry. Not cool.
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