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macrumors regular
Jul 26, 2005
I ain't sleeping with a watch on.. I'm willing to do it once or twice.. The skin should breath underneath it and isn't a good idea..


I found the iPad 1 to be as slow as molasses. It improved a lot speed wise with the second version.

It wasn't when you used it with the first version of iOS released on it..


macrumors regular
Sep 11, 2011
I think it's extremely cheap for what it does, at least compared to every other watch manufacturer like Suunto, Samsung... Even Casio watches are more expensive.

For what it does it's insanely expensive. Hopefully after the product matures a bit the price will drop too, i doubt it will sell a lot at it's current capabilities & price range, it's not that tempting to buy even if i had the money for it.


macrumors regular
Aug 20, 2011

To help out with this sudden influx of iWatch opinions I ran all the comments through my D-Wave abstraction purification network and have found the following:

The Apple Watch would be better if it was:
* Had built in GPS
* Had built in 4G/LTE
* Was Circular
* Had longer battery life
* Had more health sensors
* Did not require an iPhone
* Was available to buy now
* Had not been hyped so much
* Had not been designed by Jonny Ive
* Could make FaceTime calls
* Slimmer
* Cheaper

It is such a shame that Apple wasn't aware of these awesome improvement ideas, if only they had read MacRumors then they would have known to include all these features!!!

The fear I have now is that the first company that comes along and brings out a slimmer, cheaper version of the iWatch, which can make FaceTime calls and hasn't been designed by Jonny Ive nor requires an iPhone to work fully and hasn't been hyped too much, but does have a much longer battery life and loads more health sensors AND has GPS and LTE, is circular and of course is available to buy now ( not 2015!! ), is going to make Apple look like complete idiots.
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macrumors 6502
Jun 7, 2014
It hasn't even come out yet and this source thinks they have an inside story on the second generation ? I might as well because a journalist myself if all it takes is a little guessing and pass it off as a story


macrumors 68000
Oct 2, 2013
To help out with this sudden influx of iWatch opinions I ran all the comments through my D-Wave abstraction purification network and have found the following:


The Apple Watch would be better if it was:

* Had built in GPS

* Had built in 4G/LTE

* Was Circular

* Had longer battery life

* Had more health sensors

* Did not require an iPhone

* Was available to buy now

* Had not been hyped so much

* Had not been designed by Jonny Ive

* Could make FaceTime calls

* Slimmer

* Cheaper


It is such a shame that Apple wasn't aware of these awesome improvement ideas, if only they had read MacRumors then they would have known to include all these features!!!

Good job


macrumors G3
Feb 23, 2010
Wow, well this thread just goes to show how much people today take technology for granted.

The tech, engineering, and r&d that goes in to creating a device like this is nothing short of remarkable. Does it have every feature every person wants? No, but I'd like to see them build one. ;)

In 2-3 years when this tech starts to mature, that's when it will really take off and have all the killer features everyone wants.

The very same applies to Samsung.
They ALSO have curved screens, different shaped screens, AND waterproof items.
Yet most here rubbish their work.


Jan 18, 2005
I'm very excited to see where this will go, but this first effort is a definite "No" for me.


macrumors 6502
Oct 9, 2010
Barton, Vermont USA
I wonder if we will be able to upgrade by swapping out the computer module of the watch rather than buying a whole new one. If you invest in a $1,000 plus gold watch it will be almost a certainty that you will take a loss on the sale of an outdated unit.

The cost of upgrading to new more tech-intensive models could become VERY expensive if you have to upgrade the "jewelry" along with the technology.


The very same applies to Samsung.
They ALSO have curved screens, different shaped screens, AND waterproof items.
Yet most here rubbish their work.

Samsung makes great refrigerators. I love mine!

The S3 phone I that I had for a year was crap, however.


macrumors member
Feb 16, 2010
I think there are two issues with GPS: the antenna and the power requirements.

The antenna poses both a size and a case materials challenge. And just look at what happens to battery life on a phone when you leave the GPS active.
If that's the case, how can the likes of Garmin and Polar make a compact watch with dedicated GPS that'll easily last for a whole marathon with plenty to spare?

I'd have thought the hi-res colour screen with backlight is a lot more thirsty.

The GPS doesn't have to be constantly active, only when you're tracking an activity - people who buy fitness watches will accept that if you have the GPS on, it's not going to last all day. I just don't see who wants to carry a bulky phone around with them when they're running, kinda defeats the point of the watch if you ask me - I'll wait till the 3rd or 4th gen comes out.


macrumors 68000
Sep 16, 2012
I have a feeling that Apple didn't tell us all the features of this version of the apple watch.
It will not give its competitors the chance of catching up till its release.
They will release more and more information until its release.

I think apple has released too few information about the health sensors. They have given us the information about components that are in the watch.
But what about the bands? Bloodpressure and glucose level reading sensors should and could be incorporated in special wristbands and communicate with the watch by Bluetooth or NFC .
It will not fit in the small housing of the watch not even in future versions.
I guess there will be special bands available for enhanced fitness sensors. They will come at a higher price, and a design penalty(thicker) and a additional charge for the wristbands.

Just look beyond the watch itself, and see what unused space apple did not mention in the keynote.
And remember that apple invested in flexible pcb boards, why, housing of the apple watch doesn't t need a rounded pcb. It is pretty straight.
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macrumors 6502
Jul 15, 2007
The watch is already a tough sale so why make it even tougher?
Am I the only one that was 100% on board during the first 2 minutes but then as they started explaining the watch I lost complete interest at the end? I'm fine with the looks but it does way too much with one too many buttons and a knob that replaces a finger or is that a finger that replaces a knob. And that home screen looks like a cluttered mess. And I never want to view super small pictures on a watch or navigate when you're already tethered to the phone. Very redundant.

That's got iPad introduction written all over it!

Just what will I do with this thing??


macrumors member
Dec 8, 2008
So, already old?

And we should buy a new watch every year? Ahaha!
Hope this will be a flop.


macrumors 68020
Sep 16, 2006
Why don't you go tell them how to shave off a few millimeters.

I don't need to do it, that's the beauty with Apple. They're always looking to make their products thinner. It will come.

Oh btw, no need to be that arrogant sir. ;)


macrumors 68020
Nov 27, 2011
I Think this is the begin, the begin of the future ! The watch have a great potential ! :)


macrumors regular
Oct 22, 2008
Sleep tracking?

And just when are users to accomplish that daily overnight battery recharge the Apple spokesperson referred to?


macrumors 65816
Dec 12, 2008
The health features and sensors were the only reason I was going to buy the watch.
Now, I know to wait for the next version.
These apps better work without having an iPhone otherwise I won't be buying one at all.


macrumors newbie
Sep 12, 2014
For me the only disappointment is the lack of health sensors or should I say lack of news concerning the health sensors. They obviously are going to be including health sensors at some point if not with this version they will be eventually. It's just frustrating to have your hopes set so high for something and not have your expectations met after all the hype surrounding this.

As a previous poster stated, Glucose monitoring would be a game changer of monumental proportions for us in the diabetic community, whether it's Apple or Google or who ever comes up with a viable option. It's just with all the news and rumours concerning the health sensors one gets their hopes up and with no news of these options, that is where the frustration comes into play. I'm sure someone will solve this sooner than later (maybe even with this version of the Apple Watch) but to be this close to something this monumental is exciting as well as excruciating.


macrumors 65816
Nov 30, 2010
The more I look at the watch, the more I want to just pop into my mouth and take a bite like it's candy.

Jony Ive's penchant for the Chiclet still runs strong....

It is a beautiful piece, the more you look at it.


macrumors newbie
Aug 29, 2014
For me the only disappointment is the lack of health sensors or should I say lack of news concerning the health sensors. They obviously are going to be including health sensors at some point if not with this version they will be eventually. It's just frustrating to have your hopes set so high for something and not have your expectations met after all the hype surrounding this.

As a previous poster stated, Glucose monitoring would be a game changer of monumental proportions for us in the diabetic community, whether it's Apple or Google or who ever comes up with a viable option. It's just with all the news and rumours concerning the health sensors one gets their hopes up and with no news of these options, that is where the frustration comes into play. I'm sure someone will solve this sooner than later (maybe even with this version of the Apple Watch) but to be this close to something this monumental is exciting as well as excruciating.

To be fair to Apple, I don't think through the skin BG monitoring is ready yet. They tried it a few years back with notoriously inaccurate results. If Apple is attempting to come up with new data gathering tech then they'll have to go through lengthy FDA approval process first - arrgh.

Until then, I may just go with a Dexcom G4
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