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macrumors regular
Original poster
Aug 20, 2002
You saw the early spy pictures of the new PowerMac. The case turned out to be correct, but the mobo only had ONE chip. All the new Macs are duals. Was that a G5 chip - but something happened at the last minute and Apple had to go with all Dual G4's????


macrumors newbie
Jul 1, 2002

I think the puzzle pieces are coming together. As shown in this and other sites:

The case was made to cool very powerful chips - heavy heat sink and several noisy fans.

The computer is rated to use higher-than-normal amounts of electricity.

We've expected the G5 for several months, and Motorola just dropped the ball (along with the thousands of people they laid off).

One other thing - I think Jobs and Apple knew about this several months ago. Remember in the late spring, when all the execs sold off their stock? Seems they knew something was going to go wrong back then (which I'm guessing would be the time to finalize a product that was supposed to be released in the late summer).


macrumors member
Aug 2, 2002
Re: Probably

This is all very worrying and interesting too.. i wondered, at the time, why apple execs where selling their stocks.. and then apple release minor upgraded machines when everyone is crying out for super Macs!
As for the spy pics and current case designs... well, this is interesting. Do u think apple have an ace up their sleeves? Could a super G5 or Power4 Mac be just around the corner? (maybe apple needed a few extra months to fully develop these new machines - that's why the latest Macs appear lame. Maybe rushed out to ease our waiting???)

I'm going to be buying a Mac around early 2003 and would love to know what u people think will be out then! So long as it ain't a duel G4 running at 1.35GHZ !! :(

Anyway, look 4ward to all new dreams, err rumors starting:)

Thanks people (gee i sound American all of a sudden) :)

Originally posted by bsharp
I think the puzzle pieces are coming together. As shown in this and other sites:

The case was made to cool very powerful chips - heavy heat sink and several noisy fans.

The computer is rated to use higher-than-normal amounts of electricity.

We've expected the G5 for several months, and Motorola just dropped the ball (along with the thousands of people they laid off).

One other thing - I think Jobs and Apple knew about this several months ago. Remember in the late spring, when all the execs sold off their stock? Seems they knew something was going to go wrong back then (which I'm guessing would be the time to finalize a product that was supposed to be released in the late summer).


macrumors 68000
Jun 4, 2002
Ottawa, ON
I agree. This is much like what many people here already believe (including me). These new powermacs are just overclocked G4s that will tide us over until the G5 releases early next year. January is about 5 months away and that'll be the perfect time to introduce the new G5!

I'm hoping they get that sucker out before Christmas, but I'm probably only dreaming here:)


macrumors 601
Jan 3, 2002
San Destin Florida
Everyone needs to realize that Apple will release what Apple will release. The problem is that the processors are out of their hands really. The true G5 will not be seen in a desktop system. It is a communications chip that doesn't even have altivec. A lot of people think the next PowerMac will have the Power4 chip from IBM, not anything from Motorolla, but who knows. I am happy with my PowerBook 667, so I cannot imagine what a Dual 1.25 would be like.


macrumors member
Aug 2, 2002
Originally posted by Backtothemac
Everyone needs to realize that Apple will release what Apple will release. The problem is that the processors are out of their hands really. The true G5 will not be seen in a desktop system. It is a communications chip that doesn't even have altivec. A lot of people think the next PowerMac will have the Power4 chip from IBM, not anything from Motorolla, but who knows. I am happy with my PowerBook 667, so I cannot imagine what a Dual 1.25 would be like.

ok, so we all know that in reality an Intel chip was never going to happen.. but are u serious about the G5? Like many others, i just assumed this to be the next PowerMac cpu <confused!>
Power4 after new year??? Or do u reckon another minor updated PowerMac?



macrumors 601
Jan 3, 2002
San Destin Florida
who knows. I have stoped trying to guess what Apple is going to do. I personally think that they will make a change to IBM. It has already happened in the iBooks, and I think everything will follow. Yep, go look at Motorollas web site, and you will see the G5 is a communications chip......


macrumors member
Aug 2, 2002
Originally posted by Backtothemac
who knows. I have stoped trying to guess what Apple is going to do. I personally think that they will make a change to IBM. It has already happened in the iBooks, and I think everything will follow. Yep, go look at Motorollas web site, and you will see the G5 is a communications chip......

:eek: I've never really taken an interest in iBooks or any laptops for that matter.. but i will take a peek at apple's website tomorrow..


macrumors newbie
Jan 11, 2002
france (orsay)
ibm? but what for the notebooks?

my though is that even Apple has got
a G5 for the tower it is not easy to sell

imagine would you buy a 1GHz G4 Laptop if you can have a 110GHz Desktop for a couple
of thousands bucks.

So my though is that it could be the G5
(regarding the clues) but it wont go out until Apple can fit one in a laptop.


macrumors 601
Jan 3, 2002
San Destin Florida
Seriously, anything can be put in a laptop. If the PIV can go into one, then the G whatever can. That is not the problem. The G4 towers were out for a while before the G4 PowerBook came out. That's not it at all.


macrumors 6502
Jan 8, 2002
Bakersfield, CA
G5 is Communications & CPU

Originally posted by Backtothemac
who knows. I have stoped trying to guess what Apple is going to do. I personally think that they will make a change to IBM. It has already happened in the iBooks, and I think everything will follow. Yep, go look at Motorollas web site, and you will see the G5 is a communications chip......

There are several versions that Moto is producing. The following page was updated yesterday according to their search engine, and yes it does place communications in the forefront, however, it can still be used for Apple: 333 MHz DDR controler?

I may be completely off base, and over my head, but it looks like Moto is still planing on puting out G5 for Apple. They are still just catching up to last year's tech, but it's there.


macrumors 68000
Dec 9, 2001
State of Denial
Originally posted by topicolo
I agree. This is much like what many people here already believe (including me). These new powermacs are just overclocked G4s that will tide us over until the G5 releases early next year. January is about 5 months away and that'll be the perfect time to introduce the new G5!

I'm hoping they get that sucker out before Christmas, but I'm probably only dreaming here:)

To be honest, a week ago I would have disagreed, but now that I read some old articles and Press releases, the more signs I'm seeing that they are just overclocked. The G4 was supposed to top out at 1 Ghz, and I've been seeing no indication that it could even theoretically get much higher.


macrumors 601
Jan 3, 2002
San Destin Florida
Re: G5 is Communications & CPU

Originally posted by sturm375

There are several versions that Moto is producing. The following page was updated yesterday according to their search engine, and yes it does place communications in the forefront, however, it can still be used for Apple: 333 MHz DDR controler?

I may be completely off base, and over my head, but it looks like Moto is still planing on puting out G5 for Apple. They are still just catching up to last year's tech, but it's there.

But keep in mind that it doesn't support Altivec. Apple and the 3rd party companies have too much invested in that for it to just disapear. Who knows, well, Steve does :)


macrumors demi-god
Jul 24, 2002
South Orange, NJ
Power4 a reality NOW

The Power4 is not a future chip, as some have suggested-- it's a working chip that is headed to production soon. It's not on paper, it's on silicon. It has AltiVec, no matter what they call it. The new chip looks like it's going to be a Power4.

The Power4 draws over double the power that a G4 does, even when scaled down for desktops. The new Mac can handle 4x the power consumption that they used to be able to, and have large heat handling capabilities. This indicates to me a potential for 2xPower4 Macs. It ain't gonna be before MWSF 2003, or possibly a February or March release-- but it's coming.

In the months after the Power4 Macs come out, you will begin to see lower powered Power4 chips for mobile computing. However, it looks as if the G4 will have a lot of life left in the iBook and iMac/eMac. Maybe even 2xG4's in the PowerBook.

It all makes sense. Who knows what they'll actually do-- but this is very promising. Keep in mind that they are part of the HyperTransport consortium, and have been working closely with nVidia. I think the motherboards we saw were possibly HyperTransport based Power4 capable Macs. What'cha think?


macrumors 6502a
Apr 10, 2002
Re: Let's be fair

Originally posted by skunk
I don't think SJ sold any of his, but it does look very coincidental, doesn't it?

You're right, SJ didn't sell, but others selling isn't wierd. A lot of those trades were exercises of stock options, something that can only be done at a given time during the year. That's why so many apple execs were selling, thats the only time they can sell those stocks. On top of the time window for sale, most options have a life span and become unusable after that time period, this could also be a good reason for the large sales.


macrumors 6502a
Apr 10, 2002
Re: Re: Let's be fair

Originally posted by drastik

You're right, SJ didn't sell, but others selling isn't wierd. A lot of those trades were exercises of stock options, something that can only be done at a given time during the year. That's why so many apple execs were selling, thats the only time they can sell those stocks. On top of the time window for sale, most options have a life span and become unusable after that time period, this could also be a good reason for the large sales.

PS. This is all as I understand it, my little business isn't publicly traded, so I'm not reall up on it. I'm sure McCrain could straighten me out though.:D


macrumors 68000
Jun 21, 2002
New Zealand
Someone mentioned a while back that Apple wouldn't do a processor speed jump of more than 25%. It's said that most manufactures wouldn't/couldn't do that. Well AMD has developed a 2.5GHZ Thoroughbred processor, which is quite a jump from the 1.8 they have now. It's not on AMD's website, but it can be found at with the ATI 9700 review. This makes me believe Apple could do the same with IBM or Motorola.


macrumors 65816
Feb 1, 2002
Re: Power4 a reality NOW

Originally posted by Frobozz
The Power4 is not a future chip, as some have suggested-- it's a working chip that is headed to production soon. It's not on paper, it's on silicon. It has AltiVec, no matter what they call it. The new chip looks like it's going to be a Power4.

The Power4 draws over double the power that a G4 does, even when scaled down for desktops. The new Mac can handle 4x the power consumption that they used to be able to, and have large heat handling capabilities. This indicates to me a potential for 2xPower4 Macs. It ain't gonna be before MWSF 2003, or possibly a February or March release-- but it's coming.

In the months after the Power4 Macs come out, you will begin to see lower powered Power4 chips for mobile computing. However, it looks as if the G4 will have a lot of life left in the iBook and iMac/eMac. Maybe even 2xG4's in the PowerBook.

It all makes sense. Who knows what they'll actually do-- but this is very promising. Keep in mind that they are part of the HyperTransport consortium, and have been working closely with nVidia. I think the motherboards we saw were possibly HyperTransport based Power4 capable Macs. What'cha think?

The power 4 has existed for a long time, and it will never be in macs. What they are talking about is a power4 based processor scaled down to desktop use, but its certainly in no way a power4, and there is certainly no garauntee thats what will become the G5.


macrumors 65816
Jul 24, 2001
In the shadow of the Space Needle.
If apple switches to IBM and a Power4 or the new IBM derivative that they're tooling for in NY, then all bets are off. I was never a Moto-Hater but if IBM can really deliver the next generation of speed and power for the Macs, than God bless 'em. I just bought the new dual867 and love how it runs, especially under 10.2, so lets see where we can go with more software improvements and new chips.


macrumors 68000
Jun 4, 2002
Ottawa, ON
Originally posted by pgwalsh
Someone mentioned a while back that Apple wouldn't do a processor speed jump of more than 25%. It's said that most manufactures wouldn't/couldn't do that. Well AMD has developed a 2.5GHZ Thoroughbred processor, which is quite a jump from the 1.8 they have now. It's not on AMD's website, but it can be found at with the ATI 9700 review. This makes me believe Apple could do the same with IBM or Motorola.

"AMD 2.48GHz (15*165) - EPoX 8K3A+, 1 x 512MB Corsair PC3200 DDR Ram, Maxtor 40GB ATA133 HD, Windows XP Professional; VIA 4n1 Driver v4.42; ATi Catalyst Driver v02.2; NVIDIA Detonator Driver v30.82. This is an OVERCLOCKED system running with an OVERCLOCKED AGP bus at 82MHz and PCI bus at 41MHz."

Read a little bit closer.

Sir Donkey Butt signing out:D


macrumors 6502
Jan 15, 2002
Call me crazy but in the moto info page on the new chip doesn't it say something about SIMD extensions. Isn't this Altivec or am i just wrong. Personally I'd rather see and IBM power4 based PowerPc with Altivec.


macrumors member
Mar 16, 2002

:( Aple needs to get a G5 on their hands soon or they are going to lose their share in the professional market :( :confused:
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