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Anonymous Freak

macrumors 603
Original poster
Dec 12, 2002
This morning, while walking my kid to school, a neighbor walking her daughter to school walks up and says,

"Hey! A friend of ours was visiting the house next door to yours, and found this in the mud outside. My husband cleaned it up, dried it out, and when we turned it on, saw a picture of your kid. Is it yours?"

Yes, yes it is.

It is my wife's original 2G iPhone.

That she lost while sledding with the kids.

In December 2008.

Yes, this iPhone has been outside, buried in mud, for nearly two years. (Even better, the mud is just outside a small barn containing a sheep and a goat. So there's likely more than just "wet mud" in that mix, and it appears to have gotten stepped on (hoofed?) at least once.)

It works. The dock connector works for both charging and data. The speaker works. The headphone jack works for audio out. The Home button works. The mute switch works. The volume buttons are unresponsive (probably caked with mud inside,) as is the on/off switch (which seems stuck 'in'.) Obviously, we had it deactivated long ago, so can't test the phone side of it, and the SIM tray is jammed shut. Still mud/dirt in the speaker holes in the bottom, and I just emptied a not insignificant amount of dirt from the headphone jack before testing the headphones. The screen still has a little bit of 'residue' under the glass, but it's usable, and the touch-screen works fine. The backlight seems to be down to one single LED at the top illuminating, and it is now permanently on, even when the screen is otherwise "off". It does shine at low intensity until I press the Home button, though. WiFi seems to work, can't test Bluetooth right now. Also can't test the microphone (either built-in or on headphone cable,) due to lack of audio-in apps on it at the moment.

But holy cow it works...

(And as I was typing this, a second backlight LED came on!)
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macrumors 68020
Oct 8, 2009
ha, thats a cool story, wonder what else is burried in yoyr yard! maybe you have some Wii's and Xbox's back there too


macrumors 6502a
May 12, 2009
That is damn impressive. Recently my friend came back from holiday where he had left his iPhone in his swimming trunks for 2 hours while in the pool. It wouldn't switch on but a week later (After it had dried out completely) it did eventually switch on and after a very lengthy start up it works 100%. Only thing is there's a slight blemish under a corner of the screen but otherwise it's fine. Oh and the two moisture indicators are fiery red obviously

Anonymous Freak

macrumors 603
Original poster
Dec 12, 2002
so it turned on after 2 years in the mud without a charge?? interesting

Obviously, the person that found it plugged it in to let it charge after cleaning and drying it.

And yes, we have found a lot of interesting things buried in our back yard. Apparently at some random time in the past, the then-next-door-neighbor just tossed trash over the fence into the then-massively-overgrown section of our back yard. (Before we bought the house.) When we bought the house, there was about an acre of overgrown (10-15 ft. tall,) blackberry vines. As we cut them down, we discovered a collapsed barn and the impromptu garbage dump. In the garbage dump was a box spring (all that was left was the metal frame,) a toilet, and, yes, a kitchen sink (among other items.) Elsewhere, we found a few cow bones.


macrumors 68020
Apr 18, 2010
this is the best story i have read on macrumors.

you should email it to steve jobs, if he reads it he WILL reply!


macrumors regular
Aug 3, 2010
Thanks for sharing, you should send that to Jobs. Those 2G's were like tanks. My daughter still uses one!


macrumors 6502
May 3, 2007
Let's not forget that in addition to an iPhone that works after 2 years in mud, there was an person who was honest enough to return it to the owner. Good story all around.


macrumors 6502
Jul 13, 2010
Oooohhhhhh, you better be careful. Those bodies you buried may still be alive and once found, you will be going to the clink!


macrumors 6502a
Dec 12, 2008
DFW, Texas
Wow, thats insane. My dad dropped his 2g like 10 Times and it didnt break, but I didn't know they were that strong. The weird thing is, his battery died on him and he got a replacment. The next day he dropped the phone and the screen shattered. I'm guessing the Refurbs weren't built that well.

Anonymous Freak

macrumors 603
Original poster
Dec 12, 2002
I'm in the process of forcibly downgrading it to as low an iPhone OS as I can get on it. It had 2.2 on it when it was lost, I've gotten it to 2.0, and now trying the convoluted process necessary to drop it to 1.1.4.

I'll get pictures as soon as I get that step done.


macrumors 6502a
Jan 24, 2009
Post some pics of the phone. thats an amazing story. iphones are definitely the most durable phones you can get. Well, maybe not the ip4.


macrumors 65816
Jul 15, 2010
Great story. I still prefer the design of the 1g for its durability and weight. In addition, they used a heavier-weight glass for the screen, which just seems less plasticky than the lightweight glass they use now (even if it is Gorilla glass).

If I could put the guts of an iPhone 4 in my 1g, I'd still be using it.

Anonymous Freak

macrumors 603
Original poster
Dec 12, 2002
Here you go:

[Broken link removed]

The last photo shows the (extremely hard to photograph,) "perma light". The top slightly-left-of-center backlight LED stays on permanently at a low level, even when the rest of the backlight is off. Occasionally, it will be joined by the top right LED, noticeably brighter (but still far short of normal brightness.)
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Jun 18, 2010
I do believe the iPhone 2G to be the most durable, but the one thing I don't like is the battery and much harder to replace than the current one. I've been considering a iPhone 2G (4GB) off Craigslist to get for my parents to use as an iPod touch, but I'm worried about that battery. I don't want to pay an extra $79+ to get it replaced.

iPhone 2G battery replacement

^^ Watch the YouTube video and realize the degree of difficulty for novices. Not much room for mistake. With the 4, it may have that brittle back glass, but it is much easier to replace that and the battery to prolong its life. I could care less about the aluminum backing when it seems like a pain in the ass to take out. With the 4, get the right screwdriver, and it's done. The engineering for the 4 is far more superior just by how organized the innards are. Much more beautiful inside with the iPhone 4.
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