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Oct 15, 2017
They don't because China uses their influence on the world stage to forbid it. Just as they used their influence to manipulate the WHO which was especially apparent with this whole pandemic.
Oh dear… so you're telling me that the mighty United States doesn't dare opening a Taiwan embassy out of fear of China?

And that the WHO, who receives so much more from the US than from China, is somehow a Chinese puppet?

I can see why people are so easily manipulated believing in all the crap they hear, as they don't know the background and can't discern the dirty games going on.


Oct 15, 2017
View attachment 1744708

Taiwan is not a country. The country you're referring to is called the Republic of China.
Which – by constitution – is the same as the People's Republic of China. Per decision in the UN, there is but one China.

If RoC/Taiwan want indepdendence they need to declare it or change the constitution. And win international support for it. Until then, they are simply a province of China, although independently governed.



macrumors 68020
Jan 15, 2015
And lets not forget the CCP sponsored Confucius Institute that operates throughout the world, spreading CCP ideology to the free world.

Yes, Confucius Institute, it’s all about what they don’t say/teach. They paint the CCP like it’s the greatest thing since sliced bread.

Ted Talks lectures about why 1 party rule in China is the greatest thing since sliced bread.

Foreign students from China at Canadian universities harassing students from Tibet.

Chinese newspapers in Canada printing CCP propaganda.
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macrumors G4
Apr 24, 2016
If China allows infringing on IPs...
I guess Huaewei has no legal rights in the USA either!

taste some of your poison China!

Luckily the eye for eye cheapo mentality has been removed from legal systems in first and second world countries.


macrumors 68000
Dec 7, 2005
compost heap
Gee, this is silly. Huawei invested huge money and efforts into the technology, and they deserve the right to monetize their innovation. They are the leaders in 5G, and legitimately came up with the patents. So if you want to use that tech, you should pay them, and I’m sure Apple will. Hardware and their own chips has nothing to do with patents and Apple has to pay, period. Or they’ll be sued in both the U.S. and China and won’t be able to sell their phones in China.

I have no doubt that Apple will pay. Btw. the entire campaign against Huawei wrt. 5G is BS and fear mongering, and really, just a way for the U.S. to try to deny Huawei leadership in a key technology - the ”security” concerns are a bunch of excuses and fake as all get out.

Not to say Huawei are saints as I’m sure they’re supplying tech to oppress the Uighurs, but really, it’s a judgment call, since some kind of tech is used in most nefarious things in almost any company - the Chinese are probably using MSFT Windows to run some aspect of those camps. It’s all relative.

Mostly, the Uighur treatment is an internal matter for China. Nobody else should have any say on it - many of the current China critics are guilty of much bigger genocide crimes, so kettle, pot, black. Mind your own business.

And there is a lot of racism in the attacks against China. Personally, I like the Chinese people, of those I’ve met, most were great folks. But it doesn’t matter.

That said, I’m not a fan of the Chinese political system. If I was, I’d be living there. As is, I will never visit China, have no intention to subject myself to their totalitarian system. The individual in China is nothing, lower than dirt - “grass under the Emperor’s feet”. You have no assurance of any rights (not that the U.S. is perfect in that respect - many “rights” are purely theoretical and not real for a lot of people - the poor, minorities etc.).

I think in the end, it will bite the Chinese - if nobody feels secure, they‘ll try to escape - this is how you get a lot of people looking to take money out of the country and live elsewhere. You won’t be able to keep good people long term. Not now, but once most Chinese become sufficiently educated and middle class, you’ll have problems - maybe in another 40-50 years.

So it’s a race against time. Will the Chinese politicians reform the system to retain the people, or will they keep on like that to their eventual disadvantage.

And if they keep up with that aggressive stance (see China shenanigans against Australia), and break international treaties (see Hong Kong), eventually, the world will unite against them - and while there is no doubt that China will become the #1 superpower in the world, it can’t dominate if *everyone* is opposed to them... and they’re making enemies at a record pace.

Best for BOTH the Chinese people, and the world, would be if China reformed. They don’t need to imitate anyone, but they do need to introduce a *real* rule of law and protections for individuals, every citizen, and be a responsible actor in the world. If they do so, they’ll DOMINATE the world, just as the U.S. did briefly - hopefully China will do a better job. But none of this will happen if they cling to their totalitarian system of today. Can they adapt? I believe so - the Chineses are amazingly talented and will manage to do what’s necessary. For their sake, and the world’s sake, I hope they succeed. YMMV.

And it’s disappointing to see the racism and ignorance on display here against the Chinese.
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szw-mapple fan

macrumors 68040
Jul 28, 2012
The problem is, it's likely Huawei stole the tech in the first place. ?
I find it highly unlikely that companies capable of developing 5G technologies would not patent it. How would you even go about stealing and patenting tech other companies already developed and patented?


macrumors 603
Aug 5, 2008
San Jose, CA
I have no doubt that Apple will pay. Btw. the entire campaign against Huawei wrt. 5G is BS and fear mongering, and really, just a way for the U.S. to try to deny Huawei leadership in a key technology - the ”security” concerns are a bunch of excuses and fake as all get out.
I'm not so sure about this. The supply-chain risk is real. The US government knows this better than anyone else, since it has used supply-chain attacks on other countries itself (as documents leaked by Snowden show).


macrumors 68000
Dec 7, 2005
compost heap
I'm not so sure about this. The supply-chain risk is real. The US government knows this better than anyone else, since it has used supply-chain attacks on other countries itself (as documents leaked by Snowden show).
Huawei opened up their hardware to inspection multiple times, and it was audited carefully by many services, including the British and Germans. Nothing was ever found, no ”backdoors” or anything. Importantly, the U.S. never showed a single piece of evidence of code or hardware based spyware anywhere in the Huawei 5G equipment.

Also, let’s keep in mind one thing - the Chinese were not at any time likely to be given the benefit of doubt. They *knew* that they’re under deep suspicion, and it would be extremely stupid to get caught - as you inevitably would be - if their equipment was compromised. Getting caught would mean a complete disaster for any commercial prospects going forward. Way, way too big a risk. So, like Cezar’s wife, they had to be beyond reproach. They made sure to be extra clean, as they could not afford to do otherwise. This jibes well with the chairman and founder of Huawei giving his personal guarantee that their equipment contained no spyware whatsoever. To lie, and then be found out, would completely lose him face and all credibility. He would never risk such a thing.

All evidence points to the extreme unlikelyhood of anything funky going on with the Huawei 5G rollout and equipment.

In contrast, the way the U.S. was able to launch attacks is because they, unlike the Chinese were always given the benefit of doubt, as they were selling equipment to allies. Of course as Snowden showed, the U.S. has no compunction about spying on allies and foes equally. The U.S. has lost considerable credibility in all this.

The entire campaign against Huawei 5G doesn’t hold water in any other light than as a powergrab, meant to deny the Chinese dominance in a key technology. I suppose anything is fair in love and war, but we don’t need to fall for the Big Lie. China is a significant geopolitical and economic rival to the U.S. and its Western allies. Not surprising that any dirty underhanded tricks would be used against it - and China is happy to do the same in return... but the cost is that often innocent parties, like the Huawei (in the context of 5G specifically) are damaged. No question Huawei has been badly - and unfairly - battered by the West. And China in turn has victimized Western companies extensively in China through massive IP theft and forced transfer. So it goes.
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macrumors G4
Apr 24, 2016
Gee, this is silly. Huawei invested huge money and efforts into the technology, and they deserve the right to monetize their innovation. They are the leaders in 5G, and legitimately came up with the patents. So if you want to use that tech, you should pay them, and I’m sure Apple will. Hardware and their own chips has nothing to do with patents and Apple has to pay, period. Or they’ll be sued in both the U.S. and China and won’t be able to sell their phones in China.

I have no doubt that Apple will pay. Btw. the entire campaign against Huawei wrt. 5G is BS and fear mongering, and really, just a way for the U.S. to try to deny Huawei leadership in a key technology - the ”security” concerns are a bunch of excuses and fake as all get out.

Not to say Huawei are saints as I’m sure they’re supplying tech to oppress the Uighurs, but really, it’s a judgment call, since some kind of tech is used in most nefarious things in almost any company - the Chinese are probably using MSFT Windows to run some aspect of those camps. It’s all relative.

Mostly, the Uighur treatment is an internal matter for China. Nobody else should have any say on it - many of the current China critics are guilty of much bigger genocide crimes, so kettle, pot, black. Mind your own business.

And there is a lot of racism in the attacks against China. Personally, I like the Chinese people, of those I’ve met, most were great folks. But it doesn’t matter.

That said, I’m not a fan of the Chinese political system. If I was, I’d be living there. As is, I will never visit China, have no intention to subject myself to their totalitarian system. The individual in China is nothing, lower than dirt - “grass under the Emperor’s feet”. You have no assurance of any rights (not that the U.S. is perfect in that respect - many “rights” are purely theoretical and not real for a lot of people - the poor, minorities etc.).

I think in the end, it will bite the Chinese - if nobody feels secure, they‘ll try to escape - this is how you get a lot of people looking to take money out of the country and live elsewhere. You won’t be able to keep good people long term. Not now, but once most Chinese become sufficiently educated and middle class, you’ll have problems - maybe in another 40-50 years.

So it’s a race against time. Will the Chinese politicians reform the system to retain the people, or will they keep on like that to their eventual disadvantage.

And if they keep up with that aggressive stance (see China shenanigans against Australia), and break international treaties (see Hong Kong), eventually, the world will unite against them - and while there is no doubt that China will become the #1 superpower in the world, it can’t dominate if *everyone* is opposed to them... and they’re making enemies at a record pace.

Best for BOTH the Chinese people, and the world, would be if China reformed. They don’t need to imitate anyone, but they do need to introduce a *real* rule of law and protections for individuals, every citizen, and be a responsible actor in the world. If they do so, they’ll DOMINATE the world, just as the U.S. did briefly - hopefully China will do a better job. But none of this will happen if they cling to their totalitarian system of today. Can they adapt? I believe so - the Chineses are amazingly talented and will manage to do what’s necessary. For their sake, and the world’s sake, I hope they succeed. YMMV.

And it’s disappointing to see the racism and ignorance on display here against the Chinese.

Violations against human rights should never go unnoticed. Other countries having a bloody past is no excuse for not speaking up now.

The Uighur camps is an ongoing ethnocide issue that needs a spotlight. Prison camps and re-education camps for minorities that became unfavourable are not an internal matter - of any country.


macrumors 68000
Dec 7, 2005
compost heap
Violations against human rights should never go unnoticed. Other countries having a bloody past is no excuse for not speaking up now.

The Uighur camps is an ongoing ethnocide issue that needs a spotlight. Prison camps and re-education camps for minorities that became unfavourable are not an internal matter - of any country.
Past? Past?? LOL! OK. But turnaround is fair play. Speaking of camps, the U.S. has the largest prison system in the world. BIGGER THAN CHINA. Before you say “but those are criminals”, remember that it’s the legacy of Jim Crow and an intentional system of forced labor developed to replace slave labor lost after the Civil War. *To this day*(!!!) we target certain populations (like the Chinese do Uighurs) with overpolicing to fill out private prisons for next to free labor and suppression of minorities. Remember, slavery is legal in the U.S. constitution - exactly in prison by design. This is not “in the past”, this is today.

And if you justify our system by saying “criminals” (odd how we seem to have so many more “criminals” per capita than any other country on planet earth), the Chinese can justify their crackdown on the Uighurs as fighting terrorism (there were many Muslim Uighurs terror attacks in China before the response with camps).

I say tomato, you say tomahto. You can say anything you want about the Chinese repression of the Uighurs and it means less than a fart in a hurricane if your own moral authority is zero. China can say the exact same thing about you. So how about you take care of your own dirty laundry before sticking your filthy finger in someone elses?

Chinese oppress Uighurs? OK. If so, let the one without sin cast the first stone. And no, that won’t be you as you’re a much bigger sinner to begin with. So, the best thing is to do right by your own people, and let other nations handle their own citizens as they see fit. Nobody needs our hypocritical lectures ”do as I say not as I do”.

If you don’t like their system, don’t live there. I don’t like their system so I don’t live there, but I don’t lecture them either. Let China solve their own problems without lectures from underinformed outsiders. Meanwhile let us all compete fairly, and may the best product, company, system or country win. Not everyone needs to live by our standards... people will eventually vote with their feet. And I’m not in China and don’t want to be. To each their own. Live and let live. Don’t judge lest you be judged.


macrumors G4
Apr 24, 2016
Past? Past?? LOL! OK. But turnaround is fair play. Speaking of camps, the U.S. has the largest prison system in the world. BIGGER THAN CHINA. Before you say “but those are criminals”, remember that it’s the legacy of Jim Crow and an intentional system of forced labor developed to replace slave labor lost after the Civil War. *To this day*(!!!) we target certain populations (like the Chinese do Uighurs) with overpolicing to fill out private prisons for next to free labor and suppression of minorities. Remember, slavery is legal in the U.S. constitution - exactly in prison by design. This is not “in the past”, this is today.

And if you justify our system by saying “criminals” (odd how we seem to have so many more “criminals” per capita than any other country on planet earth), the Chinese can justify their crackdown on the Uighurs as fighting terrorism (there were many Muslim Uighurs terror attacks in China before the response with camps).

I say tomato, you say tomahto. You can say anything you want about the Chinese repression of the Uighurs and it means less than a fart in a hurricane if your own moral authority is zero. China can say the exact same thing about you. So how about you take care of your own dirty laundry before sticking your filthy finger in someone elses?

Chinese oppress Uighurs? OK. If so, let the one without sin cast the first stone. And no, that won’t be you as you’re a much bigger sinner to begin with. So, the best thing is to do right by your own people, and let other nations handle their own citizens as they see fit. Nobody needs our hypocritical lectures ”do as I say not as I do”.

If you don’t like their system, don’t live there. I don’t like their system so I don’t live there, but I don’t lecture them either. Let China solve their own problems without lectures from underinformed outsiders. Meanwhile let us all compete fairly, and may the best product, company, system or country win. Not everyone needs to live by our standards... people will eventually vote with their feet. And I’m not in China and don’t want to be. To each their own. Live and let live. Don’t judge lest you be judged.

As I said no violations will go unnoticed. None.
No excuses for camps. Be upset al you like.
People will point out oppressive regimes and rightfully so in the 21st century. Oppression doesn’t fly.

Labelling all Uighur as terrorists is as bad as what the Nazis tried with the Jews. No excuse. Eradicate the minorities your Orwellian surveillance superstate doesn’t like anymore.
The way you try to excuse that is disgusting.

And I’m glad I don’t live there. Thank God I don’t and happy to not to have to live in a country where minorities are in camps, where Moslems aren’t seen as terrorists (and religious freedom is granted, figure that, to all).

Pathetic excuses you list here. No crime against human rights elsewhere excuses what China is doing. Aping the worst of human mistakes shows ignorance of the highest order - typical for a oppressive state of course - and will lead to its downfall at some stage.

Keep tasting sand all you like, critics won’t go away.
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macrumors 68000
Dec 7, 2005
compost heap
As I said no violations will go unnoticed. None.
No excuses for camps. Be upset al you like.
People will point out oppressive regimes and rightfully so in the 21st century. Oppression doesn’t fly.

Labelling all Uighur as terrorists is as bad as what the Nazis tried with the Jews. No excuse. Eradicate the minorities your Orwellian surveillance superstate doesn’t like anymore.
The way you try to excuse that is disgusting.

And I’m glad I don’t live there. Thank God I don’t and happy to not to have to live in a country where minorities are in camps, where Moslems aren’t seen as terrorists (and religious freedom is granted, figure that, to all).

Pathetic excuses you list here. No crime against human rights elsewhere excuses what China is doing. Aping the worst of human mistakes shows ignorance of the highest order - typical for a oppressive state of course - and will lead to its downfall at some stage.

Keep tasting sand all you like, critics won’t go away.
That’s some prime BS... there was literally *zero* crime from Jews against Germany, so saying it’s the SAME is spectacularly wrong insofar as there *has* been SOME terrorism from Uighurs, by sharp contrast. Yeah, that didn’t work, try again. Anyway, point out whatever, means less than nothing, coming from bigger hypocritical criminals against humanity. Go ahead and ”talk” to your heart’s content, all we need to respond is “look who’s talking, LOL!”.

And no, I don’t justify or excuse anything. I just point out that nobody’s hands are clean. That demolishes all the hypocritical self righteousness. “China blah, blah, blah”... OK, big whoop, look in the mirror. Let him WITHOUT sin cast the first stone. Anyone here without sin? Didn’t think so. And therefore all those stones merely smash to pieces your own glass house. Cast as much as you like, LOL!


macrumors G4
Apr 24, 2016
That’s some prime BS... there was literally *zero* crime from Jews against Germany, so saying it’s the SAME is spectacularly wrong insofar as there *has* been SOME terrorism from Uighurs, by sharp contrast. Yeah, that didn’t work, try again. Anyway, point out whatever, means less than nothing, coming from bigger hypocritical criminals against humanity. Go ahead and ”talk” to your heart’s content, all we need to respond is “look who’s talking, LOL!”.

And no, I don’t justify or excuse anything. I just point out that nobody’s hands are clean. That demolishes all the hypocritical self righteousness. “China blah, blah, blah”... OK, big whoop, look in the mirror. Let him WITHOUT sin cast the first stone. Anyone here without sin? Didn’t think so. And therefore all those stones merely smash to pieces your own glass house. Cast as much as you like, LOL!

Nobody is without mistakes as is well known. The Chinese are about to repeat the lowest of human history.

The biggest camp for religious groups that are unwanted since nazi Germany is in place. The Uighur are an unwanted group. Their ethical identity is unwanted and to be whitewashed. The assumption that an entire Uighur community are terrorists deserves no further discussion as it’s the usual made up racial hatred as the nazis used.
Well known. Documented. Inexcusable.

You have attempted to excuse those crimes against human rights already by generalising Moslems as terrorists. You have no moral and defend an oppressive Orwellian regime.

You seem to be full of some idiotic sense of entitlement telling you that the Chinese have a right to make every mistake from history because others made mistakes already. Pathetic. It’s the Information Age. You will get the responses you deserve. What comes up will come down. Even your Orwellian oppressive regime.

And of course we can only have that discussion only in an area where critical voices aren’t silenced or put in re-education camps.

See and all of that because you are as a human incapable of accepting that Uighur have human rights like all of us. So maybe take your wisdom behind the walls of that oppressive regime that you so love to excuse.


macrumors G4
Apr 24, 2016
Genocide is what you did to the natives of your colonized and enslaved country. Why don't you just release Meng Wanzhou and keep to your own business instead of spreading poop?

Sure the currently ongoing genocide in Canada. Oh no I forgot that’s in your favourite country that you advertise here. From a country where they don’t read your political enegagement of course.
Whataboutism strikes again.
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