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macrumors 68020
Mar 6, 2009
First of all — Huawei is a larger company than Apple. Huawei sells more phones than Apple and this only makes up half of their revenue. And only 17% of Apple's business is in China. For Huawei the number is around 50%.

Between those two companies, even ignoring politics, Huawei is clearly far more more important to the Chinese economy.

Also, Apple is clearly a target. I'm pretty sure there are only two US companies that do billions of dollars worth of of business in China — and the other one is Boeing. Which do you think China would rather mess with? Their transport infrastructure or fancy consumer electronics?

Keep in mind Airbus does not have enough manufacturing capacity to replace Boeing in China. There are dozens of companies chomping at the bit to replace the iPhone — especially Huawei who are about to find themselves unable to compete in western markets where customers expect to buy apps on Google's store.

I did hear that China would give the next order to Airbus. This is just tit for tat. America punishes China and China retaliates.

Google makes a lot of money off of Huawei and Google does not support not being able to sell to them as they are one of their largest customers that pay and boy do they pay Google.. Unfortunately with a stroke of a pen tRump passed a law forbidding Google from being able to sell to Huawei. One could call it a form or sanction or Boycott but when others do it then it is not acceptable :rolleyes:o_O


macrumors 6502
Jun 2, 2007
Cairns, Australia
Again, I don't care who shipped the jobs or why. That's irrelevant.
Why is definitely relevant. If you don't know why jobs left the USA then you can't bring them back.

Cost of wages isn't the problem. Factory jobs actually pay well. iPhone factory workers in China earn around $750/month which seems very low... until you compare it to the average wage of $220/month in that country. US factory workers earn an average of almost $80k per year.

When you consider the production capacity per employee, the higher salary in the US isn't all that significant. Wages are $80k per year in the USA because the work they're doing is worth that much.

The real problem is a lack of skilled labour. According to Forbes, one US manufacturing company they profiled said over 70% of people hired aren't qualified for the job. They're hired anyway because an unqualified worker is better than no worker, but it highlights the real problem.

There are not enough people who want manufacturing jobs in the USA. When people really want a job, they go to school and learn the necessary skills as an investment to a life long career. When people enter a job untrained, they often see it as a temporary thing and plan to quit immediately which means it's very risky for the company to pay their salary while they learn.

China has 12,000 schools focusing exclusively on vocational skills in the manufacturing industry - with a reported 29 million students nationwide. There are less than 150 vocational schools in the USA - and a lot of those have nowhere near the thousands of students in a typical Chinese school.

Bringing manufacturing back to the USA needs to be done at an educational level. There are jobs available, there's nobody qualified to fill the jobs.
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Oct 5, 2017
see samsung? no shame in admitting something like this
It's just PR :D
Yah. I agree.
If there was no Apple, there would be no mobile internet”. What a grovelling clown. I was using the Nokia communicator and P900 long before the iPhone came along.
Again... it's PR.. nothing more ;), he does not believe a word he said he he, but apparently it worked!

Keep your friend close, keep your enemy closer!
Bringing manufacturing back to the USA needs to be done at an educational level. There are jobs available, there's nobody qualified to fill the jobs.

But...but... but... I was led to believe china was only cheap labor... so now it is qualified labor? /s

I have a chinese Bike, a chinese phone, a chinese laptop, they are all GREAT and worth a lot more than the asking price. There's good and bad product, but they really know how to make great stuff, they should get a lot more credit than they get!
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Apr 12, 2018
yeah i dont see china retaliating against apple either, they employee over 1m jobs in china indrectly through foxconn and what not. maybe if china goes after intel since most of their chips are made outside of china.

1 million people is nothing for the Chinese Government.
And Chinese people would gladly sacrifice themselves to help their government fight against foreign rivals.

Anyway the way things are right now Apple is probably going to be the next Samsung in China.
Obviously Huawei wants Apple to keep manufacturing in China. Otherwise, how would Huawei get all of their new tech?
Without American or Korean companies to steal from, Huawei is nothing...
Really? What tech did Hauwei get from Apple?
More like “made in India, Vietnam, or Brazil”.
Most complex components are still manufactured in China.
Those countries mostly only have assembly facilities and manufacture just the most basic components.
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macrumors 6502a
Sep 7, 2005
Ditto. Was using Compaq iPaq and Dell Axim PDAs with Sprint CF2013 compact flash data card for calls and internet data back around 2003 so long before first iPhone in 2007.

To be fair, he's probably not referring to iPhone. My first Apple Newton (which I got in its release year, in 1993) had a PCMCIA slot with Ethernet connectivity. For some reason, I never used it though. When I upgraded to a Newton Messagepad 2000 around 1997, I did buy a Psion Dacom Ethernet card that allowed me to connect to the Internet via a wired connection. This was mainly to browse newsgroups and get email, etc. Later on I went full wireless with an Intel Wireless LAN card and used Nethopper (a basic web browser) to access websites.
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macrumors regular
Feb 4, 2010
I hate Huawei and I’m not afraid to admit it. I hope they fail. In fact, I hope more Chinese companies fail and more manufacturing comes stateside. Go Apple! Go USA! Long live the iPhone!
If Tim Cook ever talked like that (i don’t think he ever will) I’d stop buying Apple products that very moment. A global company has a national heritage but this is way over the top nationalism.


macrumors 604
Jul 29, 2002
Vancouver, BC
The mobile internet was here BEFORE Apple, period.
My statement is fact.
I had data plans and apps, a touch screen an OS etc etc

You mean before iPhone.

Apple existed back to 1976 and had several mobile internet connectivity well before 2007 when the iPhone came out. It's just that the iPhone completely (completely!) transformed the industry overnight and nobody can argue against that. It was a major turning point, and the world is better for it. Therefore, Apple deserves credit for what we have today in terms of elegant touch-screen internet devices.


Apr 12, 2018
But...but... but... I was led to believe china was only cheap labor... so now it is qualified labor? /
Yes it's also qualified labor. A lot was invested to train the next generation of engineers in China. A lot of them studied in Wester countries.
608,400 Chinese students left the country to pursue advanced studies overseas in 2017


macrumors regular
Feb 4, 2010
Again, I don't care who shipped the jobs or why. That's irrelevant. Obviously companies profit from cheap labor.

I want those jobs back in the US. Tariffs can discourage shipping of jobs abroad.
Yes. And threatening to beat up your wife can keep her from leaving. But it will most likely come back to haunt you as it rightfully should. Trumps policies are just as destructive. You can bet your behind that countries all over the world are currently working to become less reliant on the Dollar, US tech, etc. Certainly that is a long term thing. But DT has proven beyond a doubt that America has become an unreliable partner. A study on German mid-size companies found that 30% of CEOs currently consider Chinas political business environment good to very good which certainly isn’t a lot. But only 17% said the same about the US.

Political capital built over decades is being burned by this President in just a few years. For what? Basically his reelection. What a poor reason.
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Oct 5, 2017
Yes it's also qualified labor. A lot was invested to train the next generation of engineers in China. A lot of them studied in Wester countries.
You might have missed the /s wich stand for sarcasm, as pointed out i have lots of chinese stuff that I really love and consider undervalued!
PR that Samsung can't fathom to ever announce
Prefere Samsung straight face than silly PR (wich says a LOT).


Mar 21, 2011
If Tim Cook ever talked like that (i don’t think he ever will) I’d stop buying Apple products that very moment. A global company has a national heritage but this is way over the top nationalism.

Anything is possible.


macrumors regular
Jun 6, 2008
Again, I don't care who shipped the jobs or why. That's irrelevant. Obviously companies profit from cheap labor.

I want those jobs back in the US. Tariffs can discourage shipping of jobs abroad.

And also make the product uncompetitive the world over. Very few people outside of America are willing to pay more for a “made in USA” label, and why would they?

You can bet your behind that countries all over the world are currently working to become less reliant on the Dollar, US tech, etc. Certainly that is a long term thing. But DT has proven beyond a doubt that America has become an unreliable partner. A study on German mid-size companies found that 30% of CEOs currently consider Chinas political business environment good to very good which certainly isn’t a lot. But only 17% said the same about the US.

Political capital built over decades is being burned by this President in just a few years. For what? Basically his reelection. What a poor reason.

Spot on! Quoting to emphasize the importance of your point. We are all in for a bumpy ride.


macrumors 65816
Aug 16, 2009
New Zealand
Obviously Huawei wants Apple to keep manufacturing in China. Otherwise, how would Huawei get all of their new tech?
Without American or Korean companies to steal from, Huawei is nothing...

Oh what is it with you Americans that even receiving respectful words you take it as an opportunity to go OH F(*&^ YOU YEAH AMERICA NUMBER ONE! Huawei doesn't manufacture for Apple or Samsung. You're confusing it with Foxconn who is actually a Taiwanese company. As for the copying, how can they copy their 5G tech if they currently offer the best 5G tech. Let me guess "OH BUT LIKE WE INVENTED THE TELEPHONE SO YEAH THATS OURS!" Grow the hell up. The fear of getting overtaken is really starting to show.
I hate Huawei and I’m not afraid to admit it. I hope they fail. In fact, I hope more Chinese companies fail and more manufacturing comes stateside. Go Apple! Go USA! Long live the iPhone!

You hate them cause they're doing well. That's really all you and the rest of the haters have. No evidence of any wrong doing, no a single one at all through all the security audits performed by 3 countries.
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macrumors 68030
Apr 7, 2007
Tim Cook: this years iPhones are made completely in the US.
Everyone: cheers.
Tim Cook: the new iPhone 12 will cost only $2999 with two year contracts.

Why not?

Well that's still only $4 a day. It's a cup of Starbucks. Make it 36 month contract so people don't pay more than $100 a month and we have a winner. - Tim

Emanuel Rodriguez

macrumors 6502
Oct 17, 2018
Yah. I agree.
If there was no Apple, there would be no mobile internet”. What a grovelling clown. I was using the Nokia communicator and P900 long before the iPhone came along.
Well, then check this out:

Seems the Apple Newton was the first internet-enabled mobile device, already doing it in 1994. Seems his point is valid. Although, chances are someone else would have come up with it. It was merely the mobile version of what was already present on desktops.


macrumors 603
doesnt american companies have to oblige by the espionage and patriot act aka hand stuff over to the us govt when asked as well?
They have to respond to lawful demands for available data. They do not have to build custom hardware or software to comply with it. They do not have to allow a live interactive pipe for the authorities to surveil all their clients.

The latter is precisely what Huawei is accused of and what ATT and Verizon already do. They don't need Apple when they have ATT, NTT and others.

This issue came to a head this month because the first 5G deployments of backbone hardware, transceivers, handsets and routers are being tested now. Qualcomm is on the bleading edge of that but the key elements will become FRAND (hence the Apple lawsuit). 5G will BE the internet for all practical purposes going forward for all non-landline users.

It will take 3 years to notice and in 6 you can't avoid it.
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Aug 20, 2007
I hate Huawei and I’m not afraid to admit it. I hope they fail. In fact, I hope more Chinese companies fail and more manufacturing comes stateside. Go Apple! Go USA! Long live the iPhone!

That's the spirit, everything not USA "should be burned to the ground so that for next thousand years, not even a single lizard will survive"

GO USA!!!!

If you can't beat them in the market place, take them to court or ban them, after all, it's the rules you make that everyone must follow! Salute, bahaha and you tell us the Third Reich is evil muahahahaha OMG :p
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macrumors G3
Oct 24, 2013
New Hampshire
They have to respond to lawful demands for available data. They do not have to build custom hardware or software to comply with it. They do not have to allow a live interactive pipe for the authorities to surveil all their clients.

The latter is precisely what Huawei is accused of and what ATT and Verizon already do. They don't need Apple when they have ATT, NTT and others.

This issue came to a head this month because the first 5G deployments of backbone hardware, transceivers, handsets and routers are being tested now. Qualcomm is on the bleading edge of that but the key elements will become FRAND (hence the Apple lawsuit). 5G will BE the internet for all practical purposes going forward for all non-landline users.

It will take 3 years to notice and in 6 you can't avoid it.

Apple resisted helping the FBI get access to the phones from the terrorists in the San Bernardino attack and has been generally reluctant to assist authorities in getting access to data off of encrypted iPhones.


macrumors 601
Nov 5, 2007
You do realize that in America and Israel if they ask you to give them your password for your smartphone,tablet or laptop at the border you are required to give them your password and allow them to copy all of your data don’t you..?

Also, in the US the government can get a search warrant and raid facilities of a company at any times and go through your computers and records. They just need a valid reason to do so. Those places that grow marijuana these days need to install security cameras that the government has access to and can monitor as well. I agree.. China is not perfect and no angel but neither is the US.

There are other countries that have similar policies in place and we consider them good allies.

I draw a distinction between those events and a country-wide policy that is basically: A governmental employee will REGULARLY come to your company office and download a complete copy of the company servers and any other computer; no excuse or reason or justification of a potential illegal act is required other than the fact that your company is not a Chinese company is needed.

If you don't see a difference between what you described above and what I described, I don't know what to say.
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