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macrumors regular
Oct 9, 2009
There are posts in these forums of some users dowloading as much as 20 and 30 GIGABYTES of data in a matter of weeks on the unlimited plan. That's "giga"bytes! If you want to throttle somebody for this change, blame these gluttons. I am lucky if I take 200mb a month on my $30 iPhone unlimited plan, as I'm sure lots of others are.

How on earth is downloading 34gb in 2 weeks from AT&T's battered network right and just for the rest of us? These data pigs should pay more than I do, in my opinion.

Is an all you can eat buffet at a restaurant truly that? You can't set up a cot and move in, now can you, gourging yourself until you explode, leaving nothing for anyone else, can you?

Homer Simpson: "But the sign said 'all you can eat!'" :)

To be honest I don't really have an issue with a tiered pricing plan. AT&T is now giving other options for pricing but when these "gluttons" were using all of this data they were well within their rights. They were paying the only fee available for unlimited data. Just as you were paying the only fee available for your less than 200mb.


macrumors 65816
Apr 24, 2010
To be honest I don't really have an issue with a tiered pricing plan. AT&T is now giving other options for pricing but when these "gluttons" were using all of this data they were well within their rights. They were paying the only fee available for unlimited data. Just as you were paying the only fee available for your less than 200mb.

You are absolutely right, and yes, these ridiculously heavy 3G users were also well within their rights and I'm not disputing that for a second, but all I'm saying is, find a Wi-Fi hotspot for christ sakes, sheesh!

AT&T clearly made a huge mistake pricing the iPad data plan at iPhone rates and now they are correcting themselves.



macrumors 601
Jan 11, 2007
North Central Florida
You are absolutely right, and yes, these ridiculously heavy 3G users were also well within their rights and I'm not disputing that for a second, but all I'm saying is, find a Wi-Fi hotspot for christ sakes, sheesh!

AT&T clearly made a huge mistake pricing the iPad data plan at iPhone rates and now they are correcting themselves.


Why does everyone ASSume that it is that easy to find a wifi hotspot?

If could find them that easy, do you honestly think i'd have spent the extra $130 on the 3G in the first place? Do i love AT&T and spending money that much?? I didn't all of a sudden change where i go during the week when i got the device...


macrumors newbie
Aug 21, 2007
I wonder what Apple thinks about this with respect to their HUGE new data center they built in North Carolina?

They've released the iPad, the best digital media consumption device ever, and built a huge data center, most likely for hosting lots of digital media for said device in the cloud...

and AT&T ends unlimited data.


Punish the guilty and leave the rest of us alone!


macrumors 68030
Oct 21, 2009

In response to this Jobs will announce when Verison is getting the iphone, in the end it won't hurt apple, just delay some sales, but will really hurt AT&T because if people know exclusivity is ending soon they could decide to wait and AT&T will feel a mass exodus of a huge number of highly profitable customers


macrumors 68030
Oct 21, 2009

oh p.s. I am on Rogers where 6gb of data including free tethering is $30 per month and plan on just tethering to my iphone 3g with miwi...was planning on getting the new iphone but now I think I would rather get an ipad and keep my 3g


macrumors 65816
Apr 24, 2010
Why does everyone ASSume that it is that easy to find a wifi hotspot?

If could find them that easy, do you honestly think i'd have spent the extra $130 on the 3G in the first place? Do i love AT&T and spending money that much?? I didn't all of a sudden change where i go during the week when i got the device...

I can only ASSume that folks consuming 50gb/month are not doing it all "on the go" so to speak. I would think that one's a** needs to be glued to a chair to download nearly 2gb a day, am I crazy? Not sure what part of the country you live in, but here in NYC it's relatively easy to find an open wi-fi network around the city, "hotspot" or not, and I don't know too many people who believe it's reasonable to view their 3G mobile data service as a replacement for HOME WI-FI INTERNET which is what 50 gigs a month consumption over 3G sounds like to me.

And yeah, even being able to find hotspots easily would STILL make
loads of people invest a one time hardware cost of $130 for the life of their device along with a non-contractual mobile data plan just so they can stay connected in those instances when they are not at home, work, school, Starbucks, BK, etc....

That is an enterpise level of consumption, and business data plans cost a whole lot more than $30 a month.


macrumors member
Apr 2, 2010
This is from another macrumors thread

"Today the site was updated with this asterisk saying ORDER BY THE 6th." They have updated their site, and you can still get the unlimited plan. If you auto-renew, you should be good to go.

Mike Reed

macrumors regular
Apr 3, 2010
Columbus, OH
I haven't done any video streaming on my iPad over 3G since I got it three days ago. The only things I've done that would have used the 3G connection were surf the web, send/receive e-mail, and run a weather app a couple of times. After three days I'm up to 230 megs.

2 Gb / month is ridiculous for a device like this. On a phone, I can see it making some sense (at least for me - my usage is always below 200 megs on my iPhone), but on a device you're meant to surf the web on it's too low.

I'm leaning toward thinking AT&T blindsided Apple on this. I have had my complaints about Apple, but this doesn't seem like the sort of thing they would do.


macrumors P6
Jun 22, 2009
If the reason for the change is the abuse by some individuals, why don't put a cap on the unlimited and leave the rest as is?

Nah, there is much more than overuse. AT&T is reacting to something we haven't heard about yet.

Technically that's what they did. They put a 2 gig cap on the "unlimited" plan. They then lowered the cap of the unlimited/capped plan by $5.


macrumors 65816
Jun 22, 2007
I think iPad bandwidth was greater than expected, so the deal was renegotiated.

In exchange for this, ATT will roll out tethering, fix restrictions on 3G iPhone streaming (specifically from Apple), and lower the costs of smart phone plans to make the iPhone more affordable -- without touching the iPhone subsidy.

Also, ATT agreed to drop this turd the week before WWDC so not to taint Jobs' keynote.

There could be a Verizon connection, but that's probably down the road. Basically ATT will offer cheaper total cost of ownership than Verizon as a competitive advantage. Verizon will get slammed with new traffic and probably won't be in much of a hurry to cut prices. The timing though I think is simply to roll out the new plans for the iPhone launch.


macrumors 6502
Feb 25, 2010
Manchester, UK
I'm not sure how anyone thought the original plan would work.

AT&T's network was incapable of handling the current demand let alone what the iPad might bring. They grossly underestimated the volumes the iPhone would bring, and then did it again with the iPad.

Their only choice was to curb volumes or watch their network completely fail. Increasing cost is the most effective way to limit volumes. They'll loose some business as a result but it may actually increase revenue and performance long term.

I think they are vile for the way they went about it and think Apple was stupid if they believed AT&T in the first place. Maybe now Apple will spread the data demand across all carriers here in the US and everyone will be happier.

I dont understand this, i was under the impression US iPads were unlocked just like the UK ones. Here we have O2 who have the exclusive iPhone deal, and can manage the 3g within the iPad. Also we have 3 other carriers offering month-by-month delas which you have to call to activate.

Why are the other carriers in the US not doing this?


Apr 20, 2010
I dont understand this, i was under the impression US iPads were unlocked just like the UK ones. Here we have O2 who have the exclusive iPhone deal, and can manage the 3g within the iPad. Also we have 3 other carriers offering month-by-month delas which you have to call to activate.

Why are the other carriers in the US not doing this?

Because the US doesn't have any other carriers that operate 3G on the same frequency. The ONLY other carrier an iPad will work on is T-Mobile but only using EDGE not 3G. So for us the iPad being unlocked really means nothing unless we move out of the US and take the iPad with us.


macrumors regular
Oct 2, 2002
Chicago, IL
at&t exclusivity over?

Just thinking out loud here - but seems to me that it's no coincidence on timing of this AT&T announcement. Makes me think the exclusivity contract that AT&T had in place with Apple which spelled out specific requirements for AT&T data plan is now officially over. Apple is probably now free to add other carriers (Sprint, Verizon) although surprisingly all rumors point to Apple not being ready for this until later this year or early next year. I'm hoping that the one more thing on Monday will be availability of iPhone on Verizon.


macrumors 6502
Mar 27, 2007
AT&T internally after a month of iPad usage had a "oh ****!" moment...

and with that likely happening, I doubt Apple knew any sooner than the public (likely a notification phone call, after the decision was made)...

From what I'm hearing these iPads are super popular with bus travellers, think about it...

WIFI doesn't work on a bus, Wifi doesn't work when your on the move.

2 hours on the bus to school/university/work every day, where you watch movies or play internet games or apps that use bandwidth...

30 days later you have over 80 hours of 3G usage (4 weeks = 20 work days * 2 hours each day) plus whatever random location use you also did. That's probably 100 hours of good solid usage some people are doing. If say you DL 100-250 MB an hour, thats your 10-25GB right there [what are you downloading? Movies, music, content heavy websites, games, photos... whatever].

Now if you use it at work and don't have a wifi or use it at lunch/breaks again you could be adding another 20 hours or 2GB a month of use.

So you see if your a heavy user of the iPad, you can quickly become a heavy user of data on the 3G network. Of course most people don't use the iPad so much (right now) but I'm sure AT&T saw a major traffic spike and said to themselves "Oh **** we are ****ed! Quickly do something, ANYTHING" while the iPads are still selling like hotcakes.

Irony here is that Rogers (in Canada) now has an arguably better deal for 5GB (for $35) than you can get with AT&T.


macrumors 6502a
May 2, 2010
The iPad is...built to consume, and it even has models whose primary reason for existence is to do this consumption over a cellular network. The iPad 3G is overpriced if the 3G is only meant for emergency, or otherwise rare use.

Failure to plan on their part isn't our fault. If their network can't handle the iPad they should have said this to Apple so they could bring it to a carrier that can.

You have put this into good perspective.

I am hoping that Steve will be upset enough to tell AT&T to take a hike, and let us choose who our provider will be...allowing the market to evolve through competition. AT&T may recant their statement fairly quickly if they knew we are not held captive.


macrumors 6502
Feb 25, 2010
Manchester, UK
Because the US doesn't have any other carriers that operate 3G on the same frequency. The ONLY other carrier an iPad will work on is T-Mobile but only using EDGE not 3G. So for us the iPad being unlocked really means nothing unless we move out of the US and take the iPad with us.

Ah, i see, thanks for explaining. Well, i see this as potentially a major stumbling block to the long term success of the iPad. I know most customer dont really need more than 2gb, however in understandable ignorance, they'll looks at the plan, decide its not good value and not buy the iPad.

Maybe the WiFi only iPad will be enough of a success on its own.

Billy Boo Bob

macrumors 6502
Jun 6, 2005
Dark Side Of The Moon
I live more than 100 miles from the nearest 3G coverage. All I'd be able to get is Edge data rates, anyway. But, if I did want it, I'd still have to pay 3G rates. I would imagine that even if I maxed out an Edge connection 24/7 it would take a month to transfer the same data that you guys on 3G could do in a day. :eek:

I'd like to see them do an Edge plan for WAY less money with a software lock that would prevent 3G from being used even if I traveled to a 3G area.

I suppose if I were to get a 3G model (I'd still like to have the GPS), the $15 plan would work for me. I don't have the patience to wait for Edge data to worry about running over that allotment. :(

Because the US doesn't have any other carriers that operate 3G on the same frequency. The ONLY other carrier an iPad will work on is T-Mobile but only using EDGE not 3G.
Hmm. Well, in my case it might be worth looking at what they charge, since I'm not getting 3G where I live, anyway, in BFK... err... Western Kentucky.

[Edit]: Bzzzzzzt. So much for that idea... Coverage map says I can't even get EDGE from T-M.

Southern Dad

macrumors 68000
May 23, 2010
Shady Dale, Georgia
I have the Unlimited Plan already so this change won't effect me. I looked at my usage and well, it appears that I only used a little less than 1GB with only 6 days left in my month. However, if I wanted to stream movies 24/7 that is the meaning of unlimited. That is why I purchased the unlimited plan. So I didn't have to worry about watching my usage.

Is that gluttony to use what you paid for? AT&T has overextended themselves. They offered unlimited but never expected the number of people to take them up on the offer let alone use it.

Someone mentioned the All You Can Eat buffets, many years ago a bunch of us Army guys went into a Chinese restaurant after a couple of weeks in the field. To say we were hungry was an understatement. The owner told us we had to leave... When a very, very large Corporal pointed to the All You Can Eat sign all the owner could say was that sign meant all a human can eat... We weren't human. We all had a good laugh and the owner took it in stride. The next time we deployed to the field he figured out when we would be returning and he was ready with a feast... and a higher price for that day!


macrumors 603
Oct 28, 2007
This is a horrible turn of events. Apple puts out a near-pure data consumption device and then AT&T caps the amount of data one can consume. I'd be shocked if Apple didn't know this was going to occur. This is just plain bad business from both sides. I'm sure if they announced this before the iPad 3G went on sale, the number sold would be a lot different.


macrumors 68020
Mar 15, 2008
Clearly Apple's new iPhone with the higher rez screen, video recording/iMovie and uploading, facetime video chat, etc., was what inclined AT&T to scrap that $30 unlimited plan. Users of the new iPhone are going to easily surpass the new 2gb cap. AT&T can't handle the potential load yet doesn't want to miss the $$profit$$ opportunity.
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