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macrumors 68020
Jan 6, 2004
Dallas Texas
So I have been going back and forth between the Surface Pro and the iPad Pro. The problem I have with the Surface Pro is the lack of tablet/pen apps. Other than OneNote and AutoDesk Sketch there just doesn't seem to be much out there. Am I wrong on this?

Of course you could use any Windows app, but to be honest I find most Windows apps do not have a very good design. Plus if you are using standard Windows apps they really aren't suited for touch anyways.

I really wanted to like the Surface Pro mainly because it can run Lightroom and Photoshop. However I think after I bought one I would regret the lack of tablet apps out there. The iOS ecosystem has tons of note taking apps for the iPad, however the SurfacePro only seems to have one, namely OneNote.


macrumors 604
Jan 6, 2005
There is certainly a lack of tablet apps on the Surface, but the important question is not how many there are but rather if the apps you need are there. Regarding Note-taking apps, I've used most of them on the iPad and OneNote on the Surface is in a entirely different category. It's fantastic and Microsoft is extremely active in its development.


macrumors member
Jan 11, 2010
So I have been going back and forth between the Surface Pro and the iPad Pro. The problem I have with the Surface Pro is the lack of tablet/pen apps. Other than OneNote and AutoDesk Sketch there just doesn't seem to be much out there. Am I wrong on this?

Of course you could use any Windows app, but to be honest I find most Windows apps do not have a very good design. Plus if you are using standard Windows apps they really aren't suited for touch anyways.

I really wanted to like the Surface Pro mainly because it can run Lightroom and Photoshop. However I think after I bought one I would regret the lack of tablet apps out there. The iOS ecosystem has tons of note taking apps for the iPad, however the SurfacePro only seems to have one, namely OneNote.
Arent most wacom compatible app that pro use on windows also compatible with surface? (manga studio, adobe products etc.. ?)


macrumors regular
Jun 6, 2015
Windows is the clumsiest, most gormless, most thoughtless, OS I could imagine. I have to use it every other day, and it is the least intuitive thing I ever could imagine. It's so awful that I have to cuss the screen just to relieve the frustration or inability when trying to get anywhere and do anything on Windows.

It is a retarded OS. Who uses that unless they HAVE to?

Therefore... the iPad Pro is the way to go.

I CHOOSE to use Windows 10 on my Mac more than OS X El Capitan because it is more robust and fits my needs better. How about you get your head out of your a** and let people use the operating system of their choice without resorting to childish rhetoric.


macrumors G4
Apr 9, 2010
where hip is spoken
So I have been going back and forth between the Surface Pro and the iPad Pro. The problem I have with the Surface Pro is the lack of tablet/pen apps. Other than OneNote and AutoDesk Sketch there just doesn't seem to be much out there. Am I wrong on this?

Of course you could use any Windows app, but to be honest I find most Windows apps do not have a very good design. Plus if you are using standard Windows apps they really aren't suited for touch anyways.

I really wanted to like the Surface Pro mainly because it can run Lightroom and Photoshop. However I think after I bought one I would regret the lack of tablet apps out there. The iOS ecosystem has tons of note taking apps for the iPad, however the SurfacePro only seems to have one, namely OneNote.
You are correct. There is a chronic shortage of a quantity of quality touch-optimized Modern UI apps for Windows tablets. My first-hand experience with the Surface confirms what you anticipate your experience might be.
OneNote is terrific, but if one's workflow consists of something different, like a SimpleNote or Notational Velocity type of cloud note system there is no alternative. That's just one example.


macrumors 6502a
Jan 11, 2007
Other than OneNote and AutoDesk Sketch there just doesn't seem to be much out there. Am I wrong on this?

I believe both Manga Studio and Photoshop have touch/tablet based interfaces you can switch to in settings.


Jan 8, 2013
iPad pro is the way to time with iOS10 they will start to make it more file management focus and user accounts will be aded


macrumors 6502
Jun 6, 2013
I am planning to get the iPad Pro to replace my Air, I currently have my 15" rMBP on ebay in lieu of using my Dell M3800 (closest competitor) because I use legacy windows apps, and need CUDA, and multithread performance.

The iPad Pro is more of a stop gap between mobile work, internet and home media consumption.

I suddenly realise the surface pro 4 was the ultimate device for me, it will run everything and still be reasonable as media consumption at night. I suddenly had this sickening feeling that I was going to be going back to all MS and when I had a look at the prices for the SP4, I **** my pants. In Aust. the price of the i7 16GB 512GB is $2800!!! WTF?!?

Back to the iPad Pro, and my $4000 M3800 will carry on the heavy lifting.


macrumors G3
Sep 15, 2013
iPad pro is the way to time with iOS10 they will start to make it more file management focus and user accounts will be aded

It will be really interesting to see what features Apple add in iOS 10 that relate to the iPad Pro, I think over time they will be adding new features what they will be I don't know.


macrumors 6502
Sep 8, 2014
I will be getting one of these for sure, they both have their pros and cons and I'm honestly having a really hard time making up my mind. I'll probably wait till the reviews are out for the iPad Pro before deciding.

The surface feels pretty compelling, I played around with it a few times in store and the keyboard is pretty amazing, the real problem with it is that it's running Windows 10 instead of OS X and the price, the 8GB i7 version with keyboard comes to 2600$ CAD, that's a low power dual core CPU with Iris graphics for 2600$...

The iPad Pro is looking pretty nice but iOS feels like a baby OS compare to Windows 10, having said that I think the iPad has some pretty amazing apps and in a lot of ways does single tasking way better then the surface pro 4 does. I also really like having LTE on the iPad Pro.

So yeah I can't make up my mind on which of them to get...

I hear what you are saying, the problem is and it is a defining problem, the Surface runs Windows. You will be interacting with the software all day long, the type of experience you have is largely dependant on the software.

For me it's about;

1.) Software - how well does the software actually work, does the software work for me or me for it.
2.) User experience - what's it like working with the software all day
3.) Security - in this day in age security is paramount, iOS is super secure
4.) Programs - the App Store is massive
5.) Portability - smart high quality ergonomic design, battery life all affect the portability which is very important for me
6.) Integration - I think the iPhone is hands down the best phone in the market, my tablet must work seamlessly together


Jan 8, 2013
I hear what you are saying, the problem is and it is a defining problem, the Surface runs Windows. You will be interacting with the software all day long, the type of experience you have is largely dependant on the software.

For me it's about;

1.) Software - how well does the software actually work, does the software work for me or me for it.
2.) User experience - what's it like working with the software all day
3.) Security - in this day in age security is paramount, iOS is super secure
4.) Programs - the App Store is massive
5.) Portability - smart high quality ergonomic design, battery life all affect the portability which is very important for me
6.) Integration - I think the iPhone is hands down the best phone in the market, my tablet must work seamlessly together
2) ipad pro. because windows has apps that are most on legacy for keyboard and mouse build,so not for touch
3) ipad pro

tobefirst ⚽️

macrumors 601
Jan 24, 2005
St. Louis, MO
I picked up a SP4 last night, my first Windows machine in 13 years. I have 30 days to test it out before the return policy ends. I'm excited to see if this machine can fit my needs.


Jan 8, 2013
please come back to us and tell us
and plz tell us for the past year what do/did you use


macrumors 68040
Aug 7, 2013
OFF topic (sort of)

Just a heads up

I've had a Surface Pro 3 for about a year. I recently ran into an issue with the USB controller. If I hook up an Audio interface it works ok, but if I hook up ANY audio interface (i've tried about 4, good quality USB interfaces), with ANY usb hub (that's USB 3.0 and USB 2.0), it doesn't work. Now, this is very strange, but if you google it you will see what the problem is. It's a USB resource thing with the controller. There's not even a clear cut hack for this (not that i want to do that). I'm using Windows 10, but this issue apparently goes back to 8.0/8.1.

Now I really think this is shoddy. They have one port and it's gimped. I also have a Macbook 12 with the USB-C single port and there isn't any issues with that. It's just not something Apple would put up with.

This is the sort of experience i've always had with Windows. Windows 10 is great, and i really want to use this tablet, but what can I do?

note: for those tech minded people, i'm sure you can find a hack for this issue, but i'm no going there. What's the point?
Do I need to hack something to get it to work?. I'll pass.

Maybe they fixed this with the 4. But I wouldn't count on it.
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macrumors 604
Jan 6, 2005
What sort of audio device? I use an external DAC/amp connected to a hub with my SP3 all the time.


macrumors 68040
Aug 7, 2013
What sort of audio device? I use an external DAC/amp connected to a hub with my SP3 all the time.


Question: Is it ASIO?

If it's ASIO, then there's hope for me :D, and it's something specific to my machine or user error (most likely).

But, I just had a gut feeling about this one, so I posted it. But i'm thinking since you mention DAC (as all USB interfaces are pretty much DACs ), it's not ASIO, but your using Windows drivers.

But then that brings me to ASIO in general. Apple has Core Audio which is across their entire line, and just 'works'. Windows needs all sorts of strange ASIO control panels, often ASIO4ALL (that one really gets me :D ), and is pretty much left to the manufactures of the equipment to worry about. (makes me angry just thinking about it)>
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macrumors 604
Jan 6, 2005

Question: Is it ASIO?

If it's ASIO, then there's hope for me :D, and it's something specific to my machine or user error (most likely).

But, I just had a gut feeling about this one, so I posted it. But i'm thinking since you mention DAC (as all USB interfaces are pretty much DACs ), it's not ASIO, but your using Windows drivers.

But then that brings me to ASIO in general. Apple has Core Audio which is across their entire line, and just 'works'. Windows needs all sorts of strange ASIO control panels, often ASIO4ALL (that one really gets me :D ), and is pretty much left to the manufactures of the equipment to worry about. (makes me angry just thinking about it)>

No it's not ASIO. Yes, audio is much more straightforward on the Mac...


macrumors 65816
Feb 18, 2010
I am also still debating with myself over which device to get (if any). But ask yourself: what is the main thing that you are going to use it for? I already have a 13" rMBP and an iPad Air 2 but I really want a device that works well with hand drawn sketches. And as far as I can see it looks like the iPad Pro will be better for that. But what are you going to use the device for?

I am in the same shoes, I will test both the one with the better pencil win

tobefirst ⚽️

macrumors 601
Jan 24, 2005
St. Louis, MO
Please let us know.
Will do. This morning, I'm not too impressed with the battery life, but perhaps that is because I keep messing with it or just plain don't know how to maximize the battery the same way I do on a Mac. I plan on keeping this thing for the full 30 days to make sure I give it a fair trial. Thing I'm most excited about: being able to draw right on the canvas in Photoshop or Illustrator. (I've never had a Cintiq.)

The keyboard is great. Doesn't feel much different than the wireless Apple Keyboard I'm used to. The trackpad, while I'm told it is much improved over the SP3 version, still isn't as smooth or nice as a MacBook's. It's a bit jittery so far.


macrumors G3
Aug 29, 2008
I currently have a Surface 3 which I will sell and get either an iPad Pro or Surface Pro 4.

For me, my uses are: media consumption and creation (software development). The latter is a complete non starter with iOS; the application integration isn't at the level needed and combined with a lack of a file system, I am not sure how Pro the device really is. The Surface like looks much more compelling from this perspective.

At work, I've recently gone from Windows to Xubuntu, and for me it works, I like Windows and Office is simply unparalleled; I will miss Outlook. OS X wasn't an option.

I do like the build quality of the iPad, but as said, the real limitation is in the operating system.

Actually even with OS X on the iPad, I may have a few hiccups. I've just realised that I'd need a VM and well, the Intel architecture wins for me.


macrumors 604
Jan 6, 2005
Will do. This morning, I'm not too impressed with the battery life, but perhaps that is because I keep messing with it or just plain don't know how to maximize the battery the same way I do on a Mac. I plan on keeping this thing for the full 30 days to make sure I give it a fair trial. Thing I'm most excited about: being able to draw right on the canvas in Photoshop or Illustrator. (I've never had a Cintiq.)

The keyboard is great. Doesn't feel much different than the wireless Apple Keyboard I'm used to. The trackpad, while I'm told it is much improved over the SP3 version, still isn't as smooth or nice as a MacBook's. It's a bit jittery so far.

Battery life has been my biggest complaint with my Surface devices over the years - but it's really a Windows problem. I've never seen a Windows device that gets anything like the claimed battery life in real world usage. Even worse is that the estimates are all over the place and change wildly every time you look. I think I'd actually be a lot happier even with the low battery life if it was just consistent in what it told me I was going to get. I will say that just a couple of weeks ago, after a year with the device, something finally changed with my SP3 - either an update or I don't know what - but now the fan runs a LOT less often, and the battery life is a bit longer and more consistent - although it's still in the 6-hour range. I find 8 hours to be the real tipping point.

The new keyboard is fantastic - finally. I have owned every revision from day 1 and this is what I've been asking for. It's noupw better than most full laptops. The fact that I can upgrade the keyboard on my device is pretty cool as well. The trackpad is also a lot better - I don't think I have any problems with the tracking or scrolling anymore - my complaints now stem to the lack of gestures and the fact that it's still hinged.


macrumors regular
Oct 8, 2015
I debated the iPad Pro vs. SP4 for quite some time. In the end I chose to go with an iPad Air 2 and SP4 workflow.

This combo seemed like the best value for me in terms of price, portability and productivity.

I was very close to going with a MacBook Air and iPad Pro combo, but the IPP could become a hassle when studying on the go.

I think both have adequate stylus support for annotating notes (my reason for shopping for sp4 and IPP).

What swayed my decision to not go with the IPP was the multi-tasking speed. I often open different documents to view, edit, or copy/paste. This is easier to do on the surface pro.

The iOS multitasking isn't very helpful within the same app. For example, you can only have one word document open at a time. Or you can't open two safari Windows side by side. Not being able to see two documents next two each other was a deal breaker.

Sorry for the long post, but that was my thought process for picking the surface pro 4 over the iPad pro. I still love iOS; hence, my iPad Air 2 (and iPhone).

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macrumors 601
Mar 3, 2008
I debated the iPad Pro vs. SP4 for quite some time. In the end I chose to go with an iPad Air 2 and SP4 workflow.

This combo seemed like the best value for me in terms of price, portability and productivity.

I was very close to going with a MacBook Air and iPad Pro combo, but the IPP could become a hassle when studying on the go.

I think both have adequate stylus support for annotating notes (my reason for shopping for sp4 and IPP).

The iOS multitasking isn't very helpful within the same app. For example, you can only have one word document open at a time. Or you can't open two safari Windows side by side. Not being able to see two documents next two each other was a deal breaker.


I totally agree on the multitasking within an app thing, I don't understand how that hasn't been addressed yet. Hopefully in iOS 10.

I personally would go for the MacBook Air / iPad Pro combo because then you have a true laptop that can run all the OS X / Windows applications as well as an extremely powerful tablet that can run everything on iOS. The Pro is only half a pound heavier than the Air, and will probably fit into all the same bags, and has your stylus support. I expect it to be a really amazing device, whereas the Surface Pro, in my opinion, isn't an excellent laptop or an excellent tablet, just a 'pretty good' combination of both. And it runs Windows. Just my 2 cents but I hope you enjoy whichever combo you choose!


macrumors G3
Aug 29, 2008
I totally agree on the multitasking within an app thing, I don't understand how that hasn't been addressed yet. Hopefully in iOS 10.

I personally would go for the MacBook Air / iPad Pro combo because then you have a true laptop that can run all the OS X / Windows applications as well as an extremely powerful tablet that can run everything on iOS. The Pro is only half a pound heavier than the Air, and will probably fit into all the same bags, and has your stylus support. I expect it to be a really amazing device, whereas the Surface Pro, in my opinion, isn't an excellent laptop or an excellent tablet, just a 'pretty good' combination of both. And it runs Windows. Just my 2 cents but I hope you enjoy whichever combo you choose!
I personally find nothing awful with Windows right now. Like OSX it has its quirks and moments
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