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macrumors 601
Jan 24, 2013
Johannesburg, South Africa
OMG look at you with full bars of signal strength on Vodacom! I’ve got TWO bars on AT&T, which is supposed to be a big name carrier in the US.

While I live in a semi rural area, it is in a wealthy county with some big name businesses in the city part of the county not that far from my town. I’m not buried in the backwoods or swamps or something. But this is all I get and when I drive around town to friends houses and schools it is really bad in places. I swear we have got some janky infrastructure in the USA.

Both my 11Pro and my SE have battery issues. My SE has been with me only since June and is down to 98% battery health already and it’s not even being used all the time since as you know from the Android part of the forum I also have Pixels and an S20 handy and in frequent use along with the 11Pro.

So to me, OP’s battery woes don’t look too freaky. I’d be interested in seeing how their signal strength fluctuates as they go through their day. Their cell signal is at full strength but their WiFi isn’t.

Indeed, bad signal can really ruin the experience of the very best hardware out there, really sucks if your network coverage is not great where you stay, we had that issue with Vodafone for a long time here, but they have improved however when my current contract with them ends I am moving to MTN as their coverage is even better in my area when it comes to 4G+ and using VoLTE.

My battery health is also at 98% got my 11 Pro Max in March.

The Battery Health drop doesn’t seem to have really made any noticeable difference to my battery life though.

Bro... your phone usage is not healthy lol

The Social Media Dilemma was probably based on my usage.
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macrumors 6502
Jul 15, 2016
Ankara, Turkey
This is my first time using a phone for a full year and I’ve enjoyed the 11 pro. From reading; this seems to be the norm and nothing to be worried about. If a 2% drop in percentage a year is normal, then I can live with that.

%2a year is amazing lol! Apple Genious said %10 a year is normal. I’m at 89% on my 11 and I’m sad...

Fred Zed

macrumors 603
Aug 15, 2019
Florida Unfortunately
Facebook does that to batteries. I left FB about 5 years ago, and it drained every phone battery I had then and so I’m assuming they have not improved it much since. I know at times they would improve it due to customer complaints but then it would rebound back to being a battery hog. I don’t use my Twitter app much so I don’t know if that contributes to your problem. I use Twitter on the browser since I don’t use it often.

I use both Android and iPhones at the same time because I have a line for each platform and it did not matter which phone I was using, the battery drain was astonishing. That app does a lot of nasty sneaky things in the background.

Looking at your apps that are in use I am not surprised at your screen on stats. That’s not to say there might not be something wrong with your battery, but I think the apps you commonly use are battery hogs.

For the sake of your sanity don’t ever get the 2020 iPhone SE. That’s almost my battery stats without using any apps but those that come with the phone!

I own and use the Apple battery case for my 11 Pro. It’s fantastic and I highly recommend it if you are going to using your phone the same way your usage stats snapshot indicates.

Also look at your settings and try turning OFF background app refresh on FB.
All those battery hogging apps like Facebook Instagram etc trash battery screen time duration. Agreed.
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macrumors regular
Original poster
Jul 31, 2019
Today’s stats
Booked in Genius Bar Wednesday.
Phones always been this bad. Facebook or not.


macrumors 6502
Nov 2, 2017
My iPhone 11 Pro is 8 months old and it is still showing 100% battery health.

I’ve never used the fast charger that came in the box. I still use the old 5v brick to charge.

I always keep my iPhones in the 30%-90% range and this has proven to make the batteries last long term.
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macrumors 6502
Apr 4, 2019
My iPhone 11 Pro is 8 months old and it is still showing 100% battery health.

I’ve never used the fast charger that came in the box. I still use the old 5v brick to charge.

I always keep my iPhones in the 30%-90% range and this has proven to make the batteries last long term.

when I used the fast charger it went from 100 to 99 then to 98

so stopped using it lol


macrumors 68000
Jul 11, 2019
San Antonio, TX
My iPhone 11 Pro is 8 months old and it is still showing 100% battery health.

I’ve never used the fast charger that came in the box. I still use the old 5v brick to charge.

I always keep my iPhones in the 30%-90% range and this has proven to make the batteries last long term.
Did all of the above since launch day with my 11 pro. It was holding strong at 100% until this past month.
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