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macrumors bot
Original poster
Apr 12, 2001

Despite early ordering problems and possible reception issues, the iPhone 4 has had a successful launch worldwide to large crowds. Japan was the first country to see the iPhone 4 go on sale and over 300 people lined up at the flagship store for Softbank, the iPhone 4's Japanese mobile carrier. Softbank sold out of the iPhone 4 by early afternoon.


Regent Street, London, Photo by Rob Smith
France, Germany, and the UK were the next to launch the iPhone 4 and just followed by the U.S. East coast. The lines have been reported to be very long at many of the locations we've heard from. Our own local Apple Store (Richmond, VA) reports their longest lines for any iPhone launch.

Helpful iPhone 4 Resources

Join our iPhone forums to share your experiences or get help with your new device. We've started a few threads for people to get started:

- First Impressions to iPhone 4
- Examples of Photos Taken with iPhone 4
- Examples of Videos Taken with iPhone 4

There's great example in the Photo thread of how powerful the iPhone 4's camera flash is.

AppShopper is a useful site to find new apps and price drops existing apps. Apple has let loose an enormous number of app updates have been released in the past 24 hours to offer support for iOS multitasking as well as support for the iPhone 4's retina display and gyroscope.

The are over 220,000 apps available, but here are a couple of guides to get you started:

- AppShopper: Essential Apps: Getting Started with iPhone 4
- TouchArcade: So You Just Got an iPhone 4 – An App Store Gaming Guide

Article Link: iPhone 4 Launches in U.S., France, Germany, U.K. and Japan


macrumors regular
Aug 9, 2007
It seems yesterdays attempts at fear mongering had little to no effect. Better luck next launch!


macrumors member
Jun 15, 2010
Apple does better job in brainwashing their Cult of Mac followers minds than North Korea does to their people ;)


macrumors regular
Jun 11, 2010
Boutvet Island
It seems yesterdays attempts at fear mongering had little to no effect. Better luck next launch!

So you mean yellow screens and dropped calls at certain pressure points are totally made up? Looks like someone can't own up to the fact Apple has some dud handsets on their hands (yellowing) and needs to offer a fix for something that shouldn't have happened in the first place (dropped calls when held a certain way). Oh, but let's all go back to the nonsensical jealousy conspiracy theory.

So to summarize, according to DemNoir:

* If a Droid phone were to have some bugs in the first gen (and BOY, not like APPLE would ever have that happen!) = bad build

* An Apple phone has same bugs = made up claims to sabotage meek Apple

lol Yeah, buddy, keep drinking that Kool-Aid.


macrumors newbie
Jun 23, 2010

I want to know when it will be available in Canada!!

I know about the screen issues, I know about the reception issues, but 2 things.. We all know the cause and fix of the reception issue, and I can just replace the phone if it pissed its self :D


macrumors newbie
Jun 24, 2010
I'm currently in line at the Apple Store - Southdale (suburban Minneapolis). There are about 150-200 people in line, and apparently an equal number waiting to get in on the other side of the mall.

Just incredible.


macrumors 65816
Jan 12, 2005
Buying my phone in Maryland. I'm on this huge line, and they just sent anyone who didn't pre order away. Now it's much shorter!


macrumors newbie
Jun 24, 2010
Has anyone been to Regent Street lately? How long is the queue? I went there 4h ago, but that huuge queue made me run away fast.


macrumors newbie
Jun 24, 2010
Has anyone been to Regent Street lately? How long is the queue? I went there 4h ago, but that huuge queue made me run away fast.
Forget it, sold out.

There is still a long queue - for reserved phones!


At 8 am this morning the line stretched down regent street, around the corner to the the street in the picture, and round the corner past the end of that street too. I gave up.


macrumors 601
Jun 22, 2006
The thick of it
I was going to wait until tomorrow, figuring I could just walk in and pick one up. But with crowds like these, it sounds like the Apple Stores will be really busy for at least a few days (similar to the iPad's launch).


macrumors 6502a
Nov 15, 2007
Forget it, sold out.

There is still a long queue - for reserved phones!


At 8 am this morning the line stretched down regent street, around the corner to the the street in the picture, and round the corner past the end of that street too. I gave up.

I'm quite keen to pop into Regent Street for a dock and/or bumper? Is it wise? Can I bypass the queue?


macrumors regular
Sep 12, 2006
Edgewater, NJ
Stock status?

Has Apple indicated whether or not they will attempt to indicate individual Apple Store's stock status as they have in the past? They used to have a red light, green light status on the website.


macrumors newbie
Jun 24, 2010
Forget it, sold out.

There is still a long queue - for reserved phones!

Thanks for that information. Luckily I made a reservation, but with queues as long as they are I might not be able to pick it up without spending hours waiting :(


macrumors 68000
Feb 27, 2004
A co-worker of mine got his yesterday.

... but I pre-ordered too late, so I get to wait another two weeks.

Oh well, at least I'll get to see one today. :D


macrumors member
Jul 11, 2008

In line currently at MacArthur Mall in Norfolk Virginia. Two lines, one for reserved, the other for those hoping to get one. As of right now the reserved line is moving, albeit slow, while the "hoping to get one" line has not moved at all. Apple employee says they will empty out the reserved line before starting the other line of those waiting.

Going to be some upset peeps! There are easily over 1,000 people waiting.
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