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macrumors 68040
Original poster
Aug 15, 2010
Southern California
You lost me early with this statement... I'm an iPhone and OS X user and the email experience on Android is the only thing that even gives me a remote thought of switching. If Apple bought Sparrow and used them as their default client I'd be singing a different tune, but iOS Mail doesn't hold a candle to GMail on Android.

I corrected myself in another post on this thread. I feel that iPhone handles Exchange better, especially with the corporate directories, etc. Gmail on Android is king. Sorry for the confusion.


macrumors newbie
Jul 8, 2012
I've been testing both the HTC One X and the Samsung Galaxy S3 and have been comparing both along with the iPhone 4S. iPhone is still better in quality and variety of apps and is a much better email device than any Android phone. Also, since I'm a Mac user (also have the iPad and a MacBook Air 2012), iPhone integrates nicely with the whole eco-system with iMessage, Photo Stream, and iCloud. I did however find excellent alternatives to these services for Android such as Drop Box for Photo Syncing which is much better than Photo Stream because I can access the data without having it tied to one Mac computer. And also Air Droid which allows me to send text messages, access photos and contacts from my phone with any web browser.

The HTC One X has a better screen than iPhone 4S and Samsung S3. Build quality on the One X is superior to the Galaxy and is at the level of the iPhone 4S. The Galaxy S3 feels like a cheap plastic phone. Unfortunately the HTC One X doesn't have an MicroSD card slot for memory expandability and the camera produces mediocre photos.

The Samsung Galaxy S3 however wins in having the best camera of the three and having that MicroSD slot comes in really handy. Although the screen quality isn't as great as the iPhone's and the HTC One X, it's not as bad as I or any other reviewer makes it sound, AMOLED displays can still hang with the big boys.

Sense 4.0 to me on the HTC One X is much better to look at and navigate through than Samsung's stupid Touch Wiz. I hate Touch Wiz with a passion, but some people like it just as they hate Sense. I might be biased in this because I've been a fan of Sense since the Windows Mobile days. But when it comes down to simplicity, iOS on the iPhone (I'm using iOS6) is so easy to use and is very straight forward. The ease of use and the plain looking operating system is probably the biggest reason why people get bored with it and want to venture into using an Android based device. It's true, iOS is boring but most people use smartphones only for text, email, social networks, music, and to browse the web and the iPhone does all of these very well. Nothing fancy, no need to customize, and don't need a widget.

Both the Samsung Galaxy and HTC One X are as fast and smooth in navigating through the phone as the iPhone 4S, I actually feel that they are both faster. And if you live in an area that supports 4G LTE, the you're in for a treat on how you fast you can grab data off the internet, download/post photos, and stream music over the air without having any buffering issues! Also, the larger display screens (especially on the HTC One X) are great for viewing photos and for reading. After using the HTC One X for about a week, it's hard going back to the iPhone.

My recommendation at this point is that if you don't have an iPhone 4S right now because you can't wait a few months and want a phone that supports a fast network and has a great camera, I would go for the Samsung Galaxy S3 because of all of those reasons. It may might not have the build quality and the screen of the HTC One X but to me, that MicroSD card slot and camera are huge selling points. If you have an iPhone 4S right now, just wait a few months too see what the next generation iPhone has to offer and then make your decision. The iPhone 4S is still a great phone for 2012 so don't make any rash decisions at this moment unless you are really that bored and underwhelmed with how iOS6 is so far.

To be honest, you can't really go wrong with any of these phones and it's a matter of preference and how you want to use your mobile device. I like the Galaxy and the HTC One X because they are fun to customize and I can make the phone operate how I want it to. The larger screen and LTE capabilities of these phones make a huge difference especially when on the road where WiFi isn't always available. I like the iPhone 4S because of its simplicity, apps, and how it's a great smartphone overall. The iPhone may not be the best phone at the moment depending on who you talk to, but it definitely has set the bar for mobile devices which is why we are getting awesome gadgets like the HTC One X and the Samsung Galaxy S3.

Sorry if that was too long winded and the photo is kind of crappy because I used my iPad 3 to take the photo!

Nice summary. I have spent ample time with all three devices and prefer the Galaxy S3, its my personal device. I found the aggressive way the One X dealt with resetting the browser every few minutes to be a major disappointment. Any of them are quit capable and it comes down to preference.


macrumors 68000
Jun 20, 2010
Are you guys creating and editing content from your smart phones? I use my smart phone for consumption, and I use my PC (MacBook Pro) for creation of content.

I don't necessarily create content on my phone but I do a lot of editing of existing files. I also travel a lot so don't want to always open my laptop. In fact, I can go days without using my laptop. If I didn't have these requirements, and many don't, I would probably have stayed with iOS.

Apple will add these capabilities soon if they want to appeal to the business customer. Right now, there's only Android or maybe WM8. Reminds me of Mac vs. PC in the 80s and 90s. Apple made the same mistake then, too.

Luckily, BYOD is allowing individuals to bring their own devices into work so companies won't necessarily do the buying anymore.


macrumors 68000
Jun 20, 2010
I corrected myself in another post on this thread. I feel that iPhone handles Exchange better, especially with the corporate directories, etc. Gmail on Android is king. Sorry for the confusion.

IMO, TouchDown on Android is better than the iOS Exchange client. I really like the offline reading. I download a bunch of emails, get on a plane, do my replies and forwards, and automatically sync when I land. It's like Outlook. Try it out.


macrumors 604
May 21, 2012
Are you guys creating and editing content from your smart phones? I use my smart phone for consumption, and I use my PC (MacBook Pro) for creation of content.

Content editing mostly, and even then that function typically goes to my iPad.


macrumors 68040
Original poster
Aug 15, 2010
Southern California
Just want to add that the HTC One X, on some apps for some reason doesn't multi-task correctly. Lets say for instance you are playing a game and then you want to switch look up something in the web browser. well guess what? your game has completely closed out! It's like we are back in the pre iOS4 days on the iphone!. It doesn't do this on all apps but it's quite annoying.

You can fix this with a custom ROM but not everyone is going to want to do that (I did and it works fine now). HTC One X is a beautiful device but hopefully HTC comes out with a fix sooner than later instead of telling people that it's a way to conserve the battery!


macrumors member
Jul 3, 2012
Just want to add that the HTC One X, on some apps for some reason doesn't multi-task correctly. Lets say for instance you are playing a game and then you want to switch look up something in the web browser. well guess what? your game has completely closed out! It's like we are back in the pre iOS4 days on the iphone!. It doesn't do this on all apps but it's quite annoying.

You can fix this with a custom ROM but not everyone is going to want to do that (I did and it works fine now). HTC One X is a beautiful device but hopefully HTC comes out with a fix sooner than later instead of telling people that it's a way to conserve the battery!

Are you serious? A fix? HTC has already acknowledge that this is 'proper' performance for the One series. The One X is a garbage phone simply because it can't properly multitask.


macrumors 6502a
Jul 10, 2012
The One X does have a really good screen but I wouldn't say it was better than my 4s other than the size. The colors of some photos looked better on the One X but some looked better on the iPhone. The biggest difference with photos was the iPhone had better depth to it. Photos looked more realistic on the 4s while they looked a bit more flat on the One X. I was showing the two phones to someone else and they noticed the same thing without me saying anything. Now web browsing was much better on the larger screen of the One X and text looked just as good as the iPhone. It was only on pictures that I saw the iPhone’s advantage. I know a picture will not show what I'm talking about but here is a pic showing the differences in colors. You have to see them in person to see the difference in depth. Still the One X is a great phone and I'm sure no one would be disappointed in the screen. It’s just one of those little things I noticed while doing side by side comparisons. I am still thinking about trying out the S3 to see if I like it better but I may wait till the 5 is announced to make a decision.


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macrumors 68040
Original poster
Aug 15, 2010
Southern California
Can anyone confirm if there is USB OTG support on the One X (add the USB adaptor so you can plug in USB devices like thumb drives and game controllers) like you can on the Samsung Galaxy S3? If not, then that's one huge advantage that the Galaxy S3 has. I sold the One X before I got a chance to see if it works. It's really useful when I take photos with my Sony NEX C3 and want to post even higher quality photos to Instagram or Picasa.


macrumors 68020
Jul 23, 2010
I dunno, somewhere in West Texas
Can anyone confirm if there is USB OTG support on the One X (add the USB adaptor so you can plug in USB devices like thumb drives and game controllers) like you can on the Samsung Galaxy S3? If not, then that's one huge advantage that the Galaxy S3 has. I sold the One X before I got a chance to see if it works. It's really useful when I take photos with my Sony NEX C3 and want to post even higher quality photos to Instagram or Picasa.

Not yet but it should be available soon since htc released the kernel source.

I use the sixaxis app to connect with a PS3 controller but for other things like increased storage, I can't wait till usb otg is available.


macrumors 68040
Original poster
Aug 15, 2010
Southern California
Just discovered GO Launcher and used the HTC One X theme for my Galaxy S3 and it's pretty darn close to the look and feel of the actual One X. Those who prefer sense over Touch Wiz but need the extra expandability of the S3, this is the best solution.

Dr. McKay

macrumors 6502a
Jan 20, 2010
Belgium, Europe
Also in doubt about a new smartphone.
The 4S (when the 5 is released because too expensive right now), the HTC One X or the Galaxy Nexus.

I've been an Apple user for 13 years so the 4S seems like a logical step (have an iMac and iPad 2 at the moment) but what really bugs me about iOS, is that I can't change the default browser to Chrome. It's kind of, well no it really is, a deal-breaker.

My digital life has Google at the heart and so I use and rely on Gmail, Google Calendar en Docs every day. So maybe I would be better off with an Android phone.
I was told that the best Android/Google experience is to be had on a Nexus, which is a device that appeals to me a lot and has become really affordable.
However, the One X is a lot more powerful and 'newer'. And I really love the look of Sense. What's holding me back is the fact that you're never sure of getting the latest updates (which goes for Samsung or any other branded phone as well).
I've read that HTC has confirmed Jelly Bean for the One X, but still, I remain sceptic. With a successor to the One X to be released soon (One X+), I fear that HTC will leave the current One X behind in ICS land (and no, I don't want to start jailbreaking). On the plus side, I live in Europe, so I'd be getting 32Gb of storage on my One X :D

And the Galaxy S3 ? Very nice phone, but I don't really like the look and, most importantly, it's too expensive for my taste...
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