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macrumors member
May 3, 2013

Same test with all other mobile phones on market would have same results.

I don't see the point of this video period.


Mar 7, 2007
Midwest America.
I am waiting for the Star Trek iPhone model. I have a lot of stunning I would like to do.

The HELL with stunning, I have a list of people that should be sublimated...

Or turned into those porous cuboctahedron solids of minerals like in that Star Trek episode...



Same test with all other mobile phones on market would have same results.

I don't see the point of this video period.

Well, it does instill fear...

And sell cases...


macrumors 68000
Jan 10, 2005
Thonglor, Krung Thep Maha Nakhon
Don't drop your bloody phone then! I've never once dropped my phone or caused damage to it as a result of careless behaviour. I'm constantly amazed at how many people regularly smash their screens, a figure which conveniently rises towards a new release! Maybe ppl are just far less careful or preotective of their expensive gadgets these days, such as we live in such a 'disposable' society!

Ridiculous statement. Who intentionally drops their phone? Don't drop it is pointless advice.

Here's a few scenarios for you.

1. You have a stack of books and mail to carry to your office. You set your phone on top of the stack. You bump into someone on the stairs or a door opens or you stumble.

2. You're checking your email in bed. You leave your phone on the duvet to take a shower. Your partner makes the bed, dynamically flinging the phone onto the ground.

3. You are drunk and just drop it.

Use YOUR imagination. It's not that hard.

The point is that it will happen to many many people. Durability testing is hopefully a big component of the design process but maybe it isn't. To me, it's worrisome to see a drop from basically waist height shatter the screen so easily.


macrumors G3
Jan 26, 2008
Isla Nublar
Zomg glass breaks when dropped on a hard surface!? This is the end of Apple! They don't care about their users! I'm never buying an Apple product again!

#ThisWouldn'tHaveHappenedIfSteveWasStillHere #AppleSux0rs #BadApple #YOLO!!!!11!

(/sarcasm incase someone misses it)


macrumors 68030
Jan 9, 2007
I never understand why these people spend all this money on an iPhone just to drop it on the ground on YouTube for a few views. Give me that damn Phone if you're gonna Eff it up. Sheesh.

Because they expect it to generate enough views to earn them advertising revenue in excess of the price of the damaged phones.


macrumors regular
Nov 1, 2012

Same test with all other mobile phones on market would have same results.

I don't see the point of this video period.

Exactly. I have a friend who has never had an iPhone but does constantly break the screen of every phone they get, even with a case on. It's not intentional but let's not pretend that other phones are somehow impervious to breaking. I have dropped my 5s plenty of times with the case on and it is still intact, yet another friend drops his 5c and the screen shatters. Point being, it can happen to everyone regardless of what model or brand of phone you have.


macrumors 601
Sep 14, 2010
Isn't the 5 design basically the same as the 4 other than screen size? I'm surprised it was apparently more durable.

The big difference is that the back of the 5 is not fully glass. The 4 has a full glass back, where as the 5 has two glass panels.


macrumors 68000
Feb 9, 2014
I thought I saw that too, the first time I mentioned this (Post #121), I thought it may be fake by editing at the end. But why would Android Authority post such a fake video making the iPhone 6 appear to pass the drop tests with flying colors?

Very weird indeed. The screen obviously broke. Then that female voice added in faking disbelief at the durability of the screen. Gosh I remember when the net was briefly a source of truth. Now it's worse than television.


Feb 17, 2009
Yeah. I think this will be a problem. The moment I read WSJ's review and he dropped it and it cracked I figured the durability of the screens probably fell. Breaking on the first fall is very unusual.

No, it isn't. It all depends on height/impact, corner vs. flat etc.

Doesn't matter if the first or last drop. They will break, hence a device that costs hundreds of dollars should be used with a case.

I know it's prettier without, but NOBODY can guarantee that their phone will never fall down.


macrumors regular
Jul 22, 2014
Michigan, USA
This is what i notice. All the tests where the screen shatters are done at 90 degree angles. When was the last time your phone slipped from your hand or from a surface and its momentum and position were at 90 degrees and straight down.. come on. Its like testing a tv in the same fashion when most of them are sitting on an entertainment center and are usually knocked over. IF they are knocked over and IF they are not mounted to a wall lol. The android authority one seems to be a bit more on point, as you notice when the phone hits the ground its not quite at a 90 degree angle and has some rotation to it, like they usually do. I plan on getting a case anyways, when i do get one.


macrumors 604
Jan 7, 2014
In between a rock and a hard place
Exactly. I have a friend who has never had an iPhone but does constantly break the screen of every phone they get, even with a case on. It's not intentional but let's not pretend that other phones are somehow impervious to breaking. I have dropped my 5s plenty of times with the case on and it is still intact, yet another friend drops his 5c and the screen shatters. Point being, it can happen to everyone regardless of what model or brand of phone you have.

I don't think anyone is implying the only phone that breaks is the iPhone. These drop tests are performed on every major flagship when they are released. Has nothing to do with Apple.

The mentality generating these tests is the same mentality that generates scratch tests with keys and attempted cuts with knives. They are all ultimately pointless but they do generate clicks. It culminates in videos like these, courtesy of RatedRR:

and the question on everyone's mind, how much C4 can a mac pro hold?


macrumors G3
Feb 23, 2010
Please accept that it is EASILY possible to produce a product like the iPhone, 3, 4, 5, 6 etc etc, that is LESS lightly to shatter the glass after a drop.

Of course you cannot make it break proof, but with small design changes, that would look perfectly fine, and be happily accepted as cool and great idea, you could make an effort to improve this problem.


macrumors newbie
Jan 15, 2008
Resale Value

Anyone who buys a device for this amount of money and doesn't protect it is being foolish. Being a designer and working around designers, I've heard so much about how some love the form factor and design of Apple products and don't want to "cover up" their high quality investment. I've always believed this be pretentious and naive. Any product you have in your hand throughout the day, shuffling from one environment to the next you run the risk of dropping, scraping against other objects and scratching it. Common sense.

A friend of mine never put a case on any of his iDevices with that same attitude. Not a week ago he dropped his 5s and shattered the front glass. He was even more sick when I told him the resale value of my pristine 5s which has been in a case since day one.


macrumors 65816
Dec 18, 2012
having a case on an iphone is the same as having glued pillows all over your Ferrari.


macrumors 6502
Aug 27, 2014
I agree. I've rarely used a case and never had a problem despite my chronic butter fingers. Getting a case always seemed like buying a Monet, wrapping it in craft paper, and putting it on the wall.

So if they've made a phone that HAS to have a case, then why not just build durability into the product?

if you look at things that are designed from the ground up not to be breakable, it has to be designed differently and it maybe ugly and a product that people won't buy because it's too bulky, etc.

Look at the Panasonic Tough book laptops, yeah i know they sell, but only to a small portion of the computer using population that requires something of that ruggedness. They are big and bulky and heavy for what power you are getting. their thinnest one is thicker than any MacBookPro you can get. Can you beef up a MacBookPro with a protective case? Yeah, what does that do? It makes it thicker, bulkier and depending on which one you buy, more expensive.

With smartphones, there are a variety of cases which protect the iPhone metal case in getting scratched/dented, and there are a variety of screen protectors that will minimize or eliminate screen cracking. You want a nice screen protector that makes your iPhone essentially shatterproof, use the NuShield (as an example), the military uses it. the thing that companies like Apple are going to do is to make it an optional add-on because there are a variety of companies making similar products and this gives you the freedom to choose.

I don't know why these people still do drop tests to see if the screen is going to crack because depending on how high they drop the product and what surface, etc., the screen will eventually crack, so all one has to do is get a screen protector which are relatively cheap and easy to apply.


macrumors regular
Feb 9, 2005
Get a case/bumper

I know they add size and weight but I have had my iPhone 5 fall out of my bike mount while riding 20+ mph and phone was fine others than scuffs. My daughter bounces her 5C with case like basketball and it is no worse for wear. My other daughter does not like cases and we have had to repair her iPhone screen 3 times….


macrumors 65816
Mar 31, 2009
Who would not buy a case for iPhone 6+ I mean come on it is bigger probably makes a huge difference on hand grip and I am sure it is more fragile than any other iPhone. Yes, I do love how the iPhone looks but I also want it to last longer for me it least 3 to 4 years long.;)


I know all the iPhone Protectionist Racket are hating on this video but it's surprisingly rare that the screen will crack that fast.

Get a screen protector!

Screen Protector? All that would do is protect from scratches not from cracks.


macrumors member
Sep 13, 2014
The only thing I'd ask is are they real iPhone's or just cheap copies running android with a skin?? With all the accurate fakes we've seen over the last few months it is highly plausible that they are fakes, especially as this test is done the day before release!!??!!
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