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Sep 9, 2012
Another person (and 5 followers), who doesn't understand sapphire.
Sapphire is HARDER than glass, therefore it is more rigid and therefore it'll be more likely to break when dropped.

This is ********. You're the one who doesn't know what you're talking about.


macrumors 65816
Oct 6, 2009
wait till iPhone 6s (s for Sapphire Crystal)!

If I hear "S is for Sapphire" one more time.. *eyeroll*

This is unfortunate though. I was super pleased (still am) with the 5, as I drop it quite often due to carelessness. Actually I throw it around a lot too. Dents and dings but no issues whatsoever.


Did anyone expect a bigger piece of glass to be less fragile?

Well, given the 5 performed much better than the smaller 3.5".... I'm not sure it's always so cut-and-dried as that?


Another person (and 5 followers), who doesn't understand sapphire.
Sapphire is HARDER than glass, therefore it is more rigid and therefore it'll be more likely to break when dropped.

Good luck breaking a diamond, Earth's hardest material, with anything other than a diamond hammer :rolleyes:


macrumors 6502a
Jan 18, 2004
Good luck breaking a diamond, Earth's hardest material, with anything other than a diamond hammer :rolleyes:

Lol. We have a few diamond earrings around the house that have cracked or had issues. Even Diamonds crack and break.

And the poster earlier above is correct. Sapphire is harder which makes it more scratch resistant. It also means that it has less "give" and on a device that gets used and abused, at varying levels not necessarily a 6ft drop, that lesser "give" is not a good thing. Add to that they have now decided to use a less robust design for the sake of aesthetics and this is the result. Never a perfect combination for everyone unfortunately.
Last edited:


macrumors 68000
Nov 4, 2009
iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus Get Cracked in First Drop Test

I'm sorry but these YouTube drop test videos are every bit as sad as the millions of un boxing videos. Made more for the attention seekers of YouTube than for any real world use. It's a smart phone....It's glass.....It breaks.....No s@$t!

Not to mention your an idiot for breaking a perfectly working phone!

I think the worse one I came across was guys testing iPad throwing them up and off a building drrrrrr!


If I hear "S is for Sapphire" one more time.. *eyeroll*

This is unfortunate though. I was super pleased (still am) with the 5, as I drop it quite often due to carelessness. Actually I throw it around a lot too. Dents and dings but no issues whatsoever.


Well, given the 5 performed much better than the smaller 3.5".... I'm not sure it's always so cut-and-dried as that?


Good luck breaking a diamond, Earth's hardest material, with anything other than a diamond hammer :rolleyes:

Give me a 5.5 sheet of Diamond as thin as the glass on the iPhone and I promise you it'll break from a 5 ft. Drop!


Sep 13, 2014
You can easily smash a diamond with a regular hammer.

You can even accidentally knock against something with a diamond ring on your finger, and chip a piece off it.

You are 100% correct. Diamond is one of the hardest substances on earth but it's relatively brittle. There is no other material (just about) on earth that can scratch it but it will shatter with relative ease.


macrumors 65816
Oct 6, 2009
I'm sorry but these YouTube drop test videos are every bit as sad as the millions of un boxing videos. Made more for the attention seekers of YouTube than for any real world use. It's a smart phone....It's glass.....It breaks.....No s@$t!

Not to mention your an idiot for breaking a perfectly working phone!

I think the worse one I came across was guys testing iPad throwing them up and off a building drrrrrr!


Give me a 5.5 sheet of Diamond as thin as the glass on the iPhone and I promise you it'll break from a 5 ft. Drop!

Oh, no argument here. I just meant that harder =/= more brittle.
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