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macrumors newbie
May 10, 2016
No ****ing chance did I believe this would work but about 3/4 through the thread it changed from estimating to 19 minutes.
This thread is God


macrumors newbie
May 10, 2016
What the actual f**k this is is nuts reading this thread worked!! This is actually some kind of apple voodoo magic. Maybe Steve Jobs is blessing us from beyond
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macrumors newbie
May 11, 2016
Magic, WTF? Either there's a bug that resets the whole process when we unlock our phones to check on the progress before it has "estimated" the time remaining (hence, why reading the thread allows the phone / servers enough time to kick into gear), or it is magic. Either way, I'm giving church another try and may start believing in a God again


macrumors newbie
May 11, 2016
I feel stupid writing this, but it is real hahaha... I tried backing up like 6 times before with no success, I poured myself a glass of wine, googled my problem and after reading all the thread and finishing the wine, I'm at 8 minutes left :)
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macrumors newbie
May 12, 2016
OK, I'm just doing this not to break the magic for the ones to come, this truly works!!! Even across the pond in the UK! But you have to read every single word!!!


macrumors newbie
May 12, 2016
Did not work for me. Yes, I read EVERY SINGLE word! Have been going for Seven hours and it still says 8 hours remaining!


macrumors newbie
May 12, 2016
This really is magic. I've attempted this restore several times with failed attempts. I googled "Restore from iCloud time remaining estimating" and came across this thread. Lo and behold, I got a time estimate of 23 minutes!! I will say between that time, the estimate went up to two hours, and now three hours, so I'm starting to lose faith, but at least it doesn't say estimating anymore!!


macrumors newbie
May 12, 2016
It worked. Seriously what the hell.. I've been trying for about 5 hours and 10 times and it wasn't working. But it worked right after I finished reading. I'm not lying (I thought everyone else was) I signed up just to write this


macrumors newbie
May 12, 2016
Did not work for me. Yes, I read EVERY SINGLE word! Have been going for Seven hours and it still says 8 hours remaining!
So, after 8 hours of time estimating and then the time remaining going up. I turned my phone off & on and it was done within an hour.


macrumors newbie
May 15, 2016
So, after 8 hours of time estimating and then the time remaining going up. I turned my phone off & on and it was done within an hour.
[doublepost=1463367428][/doublepost]I am a huge skeptic, donèt believe in magic, but you will have to add me to the list of people that this thread worked for.
My restore issue is resolved and ipad is working now.


macrumors newbie
May 17, 2016
I had tried at least 20 times reboot, erase the contents and setting and restore the new iPhone 6S using the iCloud backup but to no success.. I had no other choice to turn to google to search if there is any solution.. And I came across this post.. I really realized I must be crazy and mad thinking this is silly and ridiculous but I feel that it does me no harm by trying.. I read the forum from beginning till the end and nothing happens.. The process is still the tiny 3% bar and I was disappointed as I am hoping for a miracle to happen.. I read it for another time from the beginning and half way there I saw the status bar starting to move from time remaining: estimating to 1 hour and gradually dropped to 43 minutes, 23 minutes and finally the restore is completed.. Thanks God for the miracle and magic of this post..

This is miracle. I can say magic.


macrumors newbie
May 19, 2016
I am shaking my head in disbelief...this worked! I was stuck for hours and by the time I finished reading all three pages it moved from estimating to 10 minutes. Wow! I don't know how this is possible.


macrumors newbie
May 21, 2016
My RIGHT HAND TO GOD, I read the entire post and EXACTLY when I finished, my phone began to work again! It was stuck on "Estimating..." For soooooo long. This is AMAZING! Seriously!


macrumors newbie
May 24, 2016
Trying to setup my new iPhone and it is stuck at restoring my iCloud backup at the time remaining: estimating part.

I turned it off and back on, disabled Find my IPhone on the old phone, but it is still hanging there. Been about 45 minutes or so now.

Just wondering if anyone else had this issue or if it is just that a lot of people are restoring their phones and the servers are just overloaded or something.

This is a magical thread. Mine was stuck, read through first page of replies, 15 minutes left :)
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macrumors newbie
May 26, 2016
Holy cow!!! I have been trying to restore my new iPhone with I cloud for 6 hours and I was just about to go to sleep when I stumbled upon this thread and it work I laughed hysterically for half an hour in disbelief man this is crazy but amazing thanks thread lol I just made this account to add to miracle xD


macrumors newbie
May 19, 2016
This is the 5th time I've had to restore on my iphone 6s. How many times before I give up and get a new phone? But yes, reading this thread forces it to minimize the upload time. Now I've been asked twice to set up my iphone. This is terribly frustrating.


macrumors newbie
May 29, 2016
didn't think it would actually work but I read through the thread and about halfway through it changed from "estimating" to "23 minutes" to "18 minutes" to "1 minute". It's been stuck here for about five minutes, but hey, maybe posting on here was what the magic thread gods need for it to finally work! seriously incredulous, I had been freaking out for over an hour. my dedicated belief in magic as a child might just be resurfacing....
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macrumors newbie
Jun 4, 2016
I am having the same issue but can't find the info you are all talking about anywhere in this thread....Someone????


macrumors newbie
Jun 4, 2016
I was so skeptical reading through this thread, thought y'all were lying -- my phone had been stuck estimating time remaining for nearly an hour, I didn't expect this to do anything. Suddenly, halfway through page two, the blue bar moved to "15 minutes" and was down to "less than a minute" about two minutes later. :eek:!
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