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macrumors 65816
Oct 20, 2009
Not necessarily with FaceTime, but I prefer a high resolution for selfies with me and my kids.

Ok, but you are taking photos about 2 feet away from your faces or less....most people don't want to see makeup caked on women, or pock marks, or pimples, or nose hairs. And most people don't blow up or print out selfies. High resolution is relagated to the rear camera for a reason, another being the smaller size of the fixed focus front camera lens. I could see a faster camera for better low-light photos, but you are the first person I've ever heard complaining about the quality of a selfie. Not knocking your subjective preferences, of course. And don't go by me because I'm a well-documented selfie-hater....... just seems to me we are reaching the point of diminishing returns on new cell phones, so some people want better specs simply because manufacturers are offering them.

You could always turn your cell phone around for 12 megapixel selfie...;)
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macrumors member
Sep 6, 2013
I had the 6s and dumped it immediately when the SE came out. Love the SE. Love the size and power.

Ideally, if they can eliminate bezels, I'd like them to shrink it further - bring back the 3.5 without bezels (and consequently, additional screen space).

Give me all the power of the larger phones in a compact package.

I really wish they'd stop assuming everyone wants a tablet pressed to their face. Don't make us compromise for a small form factor - I'd actually pay extra for it.


macrumors 65816
Oct 20, 2009
Well here's another one. The front cam is one of the two main reasons why I have a 6S+ and not an SE. The other being OIS on the rear cam. Quite a few of my holiday pics are duoselfies with my gf. It's nice when those turn out good (while we still look semi young). I hope they keep improving the camera modules in the SE.

There is always someone around who would be happy to take a BETTER picture of you and your girlfriend than a selfie can provide, one that provides depth, context, etc. Even with a good selfie camera, it's so much harder not to get the same 2-shot over and over since your faces fill up the frame.

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macrumors 6502
Oct 15, 2014
SE screen needs to be bigger. Better. Clearer. Se should also remain as light or lighter than current version. iPhone 7 is too heavy.


macrumors regular
Mar 9, 2017
Wigan UK
Not interested in the slightest in selfie's myself, I'm in my 40's going bald & grey with what little hair still left that is.

I also look like crap most of time as i work nights so tend not to take them, so the front facing camera on the SE is no issue for me.

Wife on the other hand loves them she has a S6 Edge with a 5mp front facing camera I think, which has a way of hiding all the ageing flaws which she say's makes her look gorgeous..... but in reality she looks like a Troll but i still love her. :):p


macrumors 65816
Oct 20, 2009
Wife on the other hand loves them she has a S6 Edge with a 5mp front facing camera I think, which has a way of hiding all the ageing flaws which she say's makes her look gorgeous..... but in reality she looks like a Troll but i still love her. :):p

Yes, most cellphones with higher resolution front-faving cameras now have a "beauty mode" which actually have the effect of negating the higher sharpness and resolution so it can mask the negative detail that comes from holding a higher resolution camera so close to your face.....that's why I scratch my head just a bit when people ask for better front-facing cameras for selfies and/or FaceTime.


macrumors 6502
Dec 31, 2016
Not interested in the slightest in selfie's myself, I'm in my 40's going bald & grey with what little hair still left that is.

I also look like crap most of time as i work nights so tend not to take them, so the front facing camera on the SE is no issue for me.

Wife on the other hand loves them she has a S6 Edge with a 5mp front facing camera I think, which has a way of hiding all the ageing flaws which she say's makes her look gorgeous..... but in reality she looks like a Troll but i still love her. :):p



macrumors 68000
Sep 16, 2012
If Apple decides to make an iPhone SE 2, what's your wish list?

I love the 4" size (though would prefer 4.4" or 4.5").

One thing that I love/hate about the current SE is the edges, they irritate when using the phone, however they look awesome.
But ultimately curved edges is what I would prefer for usability purposes.
I would prefer the iPhone 7 body in a 4" size with the internals of the iPhone 7.

A better display. The iPhone 6S display shrunk to a 4" size maybe? It has better brightness, bettter contrast and colour accuracy.

iPhone 7 colour options.

Better front facing camera. A 5MP front facing 720p HD camera from the iPhone 6S.

And if they can, not really desperately needed though, incorporate 3D Touch as I see Apple using it more and more in iOS 10.

Stereo speakers from the iPhone 7.

That would truly be the "most powerful 4-inch phone."
In 2019 there will be the next iphone se. Current iphone 6/6s/7 type design iphones will not be in there line-up anymore. Perfect time to release the se2.
It will have a 4.7 inch display and will use the design and camera' s of the 6s with an a11 soc or something like that.
One of the main purposes of the SE was to make iPhone affordable to more people. Making all kinds of upgrades that are equal to or exceed other iPhones would negate the main purpose of the phone. The SE is not going to be competitive with the other iPhones. It wasn't designed to be.
I agree, it is a so called low cost iphone, so apple will never make a new design for that, they' ll recycle a design, use some newer components they have ample in supply, cut corners, and that will be the (new) se.
Just look at the recent released 9.7 inch ipad, that is an example of a se model, i just wonder why they didn' t call it ipad se.


macrumors 6502a
Jun 4, 2013
Seems most are missing the point.

The SE Is the 4" iPhone that stays 4" for those that want that form. If you want 4.7 get the 7 or whatever. Also it's a bit of an afterthought for Apple. Making it like the iPhone edition, X or whatever won't happen for many years if at all with Apples timeframe on doing things.

If that's not enough for you think cost. It's Apples budget phone so it's budget design ala iPhone 5/5s. Like the new iPad using the Air 1 chassis.

You're an insanely happy iPhone SE User and ex 7 owner.

End of discussion.
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macrumors member
Feb 14, 2017
It remains to be seen how much more can be done with the iPhone 5 core design. The SE might be the end of the line.

I think more likely, Apple will begin with a new core design in the next year or two, that spans 4" to 5.5" sizes.

They won't use the iPhone 5's hardware again. SURELY. Why can't they just release 3 sizes of the same model? Some people just like smaller screens and they shouldn't be pushed to the back of the queue.


Sep 25, 2015
They won't use the iPhone 5's hardware again. SURELY. Why can't they just release 3 sizes of the same model? Some people just like smaller screens and they shouldn't be pushed to the back of the queue.
Price would be one reason.

The SE is as much about price as it is any other attribute. A lot of its core aspects, like using the iPhone 5 design and infrastructure, make it as affordable as it is.

The reality is, making an iPhone 7s for you, but 4" in size, would likely cost MORE than 4.7" model, due to miniaturization costs. Apple is very much keen on more size = more price, and that paradigm isn't changing.


macrumors regular
Jul 23, 2014
They won't use the iPhone 5's hardware again. SURELY. Why can't they just release 3 sizes of the same model? Some people just like smaller screens and they shouldn't be pushed to the back of the queue.

I like the squared off design myself. If they updated the internals but kept the outside the same; I'd buy one.

Uni Grad

macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Aug 28, 2015
Bloomberg News
Rumours of an iPhone SE 2 are becoming more common, and tbh I would be fine with the specs rumoured, however still would like a better screen (not higher resolution, but better panels).

Anyone have a wish list?


macrumors 6502a
Jun 15, 2012
I’d buy one if they kept the squares off design. Always liked that design. Just bought my youngest daughter the SE. Miss that little guy lol.


Nov 15, 2017
I had the 6s and dumped it immediately when the SE came out. Love the SE. Love the size and power.

Ideally, if they can eliminate bezels, I'd like them to shrink it further - bring back the 3.5 without bezels (and consequently, additional screen space).

Give me all the power of the larger phones in a compact package.

I really wish they'd stop assuming everyone wants a tablet pressed to their face. Don't make us compromise for a small form factor - I'd actually pay extra for it.

Then stick to the iphone 5 cheap edition. You don't need more power for a tiny screen you can't do much on.


Aug 4, 2011
One of the main purposes of the SE was to make iPhone affordable to more people. Making all kinds of upgrades that are equal to or exceed other iPhones would negate the main purpose of the phone. The SE is not going to be competitive with the other iPhones. It wasn't designed to be.

They wouodnt have put the latest and greatest at the time... from the iPhone 6S A9 soc, 12mp backlit camera, dualtone flash, nfc applepay and more...

It would have gotten the prior years A8, 8mp cam from the 6, and skimped on single flash, and more.

No. The SE is about maintaining a classic phone size for those who want it, without compromising on feature-set.
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macrumors 65816
Jun 21, 2010
At best, the SE2 would be the exact same phone as the SE, with iPhone 7 guts. The same 4" display, the same frame.

It's like the "classic" However in my opinion, if they really want to get the sales, make it a 4" version of the iPhone 4, steal frame, and back glass. All in the same color ranges as the iPhone 8.

People would have to wear brown pants to disguise what they would do next.

EDIT: It's rumored to be cheaper. Apple isn't going to get a cheaper phone by reengineering any aspect. It's a quick and clean setup.


Oct 16, 2017
The next SE is skippable for me if it only has 2 GB RAM which likely happens knowing Apple only offered it to the 4.7" 7 and 8.

2020. Got to be patient. It's neesh. They follow where the real money is. It's an every two year thing no different than updating MacBooks and iPad minis.


macrumors 603
Feb 10, 2014
To me, the size and shape of the SE body, screen, and bezels—all are perfect “as is” in the balance of style and usability. (Except the screen is too tall—I can’t reach the far top corner without changing my grip. 3.5” 3:2 was much more ideal.) I only want the internal updates—3D touch, waterproof, inductive charging, camera improvements, storage increase, speaker improvements, and fast charging. And of course updated SoC and RAM when performance starts slowing down. True Tone, display closer to surface of glass, and Touch ID 2 would be nice but not critical.

I know everyone wants a bigger screen but I care much more about my phone feeling comfortable and secure in my hand while I’m using it, especially while on the move. The only time I want a bigger screen is when I’m at home and then I just use my iPad mini.
[doublepost=1511462641][/doublepost]Oops I must have missed this response.

The unintuitive and unnecessary 3D Touch is slower most of the time because it's so inconsistent. The cursor thing doesn't work when you want it to and normally results in unwanted letters being typed, which you then have to remove. The shortcuts are unnecessary, and slower than just opening the app and making your selection. Same with the app switcher, a double press on the open button takes as much time as getting your thumb in the exact right spot to 3D Touch for the shortcut. Of course this is anecdotal based on the ~9 months I had a 6S, and from talking to those than I know that own 6S's/7's.

I don’t know what to say—that wasn’t my experience at all when I had a 6s. I found 3D Touch very reliable, and quicker and easier for the aforementioned uses than non-3D Touch. I didn’t use it much for shortcuts though.

And I've never heard of an iPhone being damaged by rain. I've never heard of a use case that involved submerging your phone in water. This is of course also anecdotal, but I'd say these two examples account for a small minority of users.

I don’t really know other people’s cases. But I know I would have much more peace of mind using my phone in the rain, when my hands are wet, or near water knowing it was designed with seals to protect it from water damage than if it wasn’t.

They're gimmicks, designed to create hype for a consumer base that is never content with their device or simple incremental improvements every couple of years. Each release needs something to draw attention and create a feeling of desire, that's what 3D Touch, Waterproofing and new colours do. People demand features and will buy whatever gimmicks Apple sell simply because they offer something different from what they already own.

Maybe. But that need to draw in the customer doesn’t necessarily mean every new feature is a gimmick. It just means it could be. Features have to be judged case by case for the individual. These particular features (3D touch and water resistance) may not apply to you so it’s understandable that you think they are gimmicks. I feel that way about other features. But these are useful to me. In fact, I was waiting for these features from before they were announced (not 3D Touch specifically, but a better way to move a cursor and switch apps), so to me they are far from gimmicks. Another example of a feature that I have been waiting for that some people think is a gimmick is inductive charging. I charge my phone in my car and by my bed and I always wanted to be able to just place the phone in the mount or on a pad without worrying about cables. Not useful to all, but it is to me.

It’s often difficult, but people just need to understand that their experience is not everyone else’s experience.
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