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macrumors member
Original poster
Apr 19, 2006
Rita Repulsa's Moon Palace
Hey all...I've posted about this before in different incarnations (i.e. should I wait for the Macbook or not) and was wondering if going for the iBook G4 is still worth it.

Would it get me through my remaining 3 years in college? I'm a student who's really really strapped for cash (surprise, I know:rolleyes: on campus job only pays me about $300 a semester) so I was hoping to maybe get a refurbished iBook somewhere along the line (maybe I should wait for the refurb Macbooks?) to replace this Thinkpad.

Admittedly enough, I don't -need- a Mac as much as I do -want- one (love OS X, the iLife apps, the community ;) ...), as this ThinkPad (which I got for free from my school) is really sturdy and able.

So the question here really comes down to the old-school retro-ness hipness and affordability factor of an ibook G4 versus the revision A intel macbooks...not to answer my own question, as I admit the the latter would make more sense; but at the same time I'm really really strapped for cash (though I doubt the price difference would make much difference unless I were buying it off ebay).

Any advice for this stupored college student?

*spends the rest of his time hopelessly whoring himself around and registering for apple notebook sweepstakes*

mad jew

Moderator emeritus
Apr 3, 2004
Adelaide, Australia
I have an original G4 iBook and I love it. I can see it lasting me quite a bit longer so I'd say getting one now for much cheaper than the Intel MacBook isn't such a bad idea. Whatever you do, get off XP and onto OSX ASAP. I love acronyms. :cool:


macrumors 68000
Feb 2, 2006
hahaha <--- refering to your hopeless registering :D

I would say, if its in your budget, and it does everything you want, then go for it. I recommend NOT going to your local Apple store and lusting over one of the new macbooks though.

Unless its in your budget, and in that case, I'll probably persuade you to go with the 17inch mbp :D


macrumors 68040
Apr 17, 2004
If you wait till August I'll let you know lol. Right now I have an iBook G4 (see siggy) and I love it. I haven't used the IMacs (I denoting Intel, not to be confused with iMacs), but I've heard they are fast. If you do any sort of compiling, I'd consider the IMacs because you can quickly boot into Windows XP and compile your apps (as long as graphics isn't an issue) if you do any Windoze compiling. Otherwise the iBook, for java and that, will suit you great. if you are really strapped for cash. Sign up for the weekly savings email. I got an iBook G3 500MHz 320MB RAM 20GB HDD for $289.99; and this week they had an iBook G3 700MHz 256MB RAM 30GB? 40GB? HDD for $429.99 in their RR deals (Rapid Response). Anyone comment on this issue of whether to take IMacs or PPC-Macs


Feb 18, 2006
Hong Kong
I remember when my sister bought an iBook G4 when it first came out... I was unimpressed from day 1. That's just my opinion though.

mad jew

Moderator emeritus
Apr 3, 2004
Adelaide, Australia
jamesmcd said:
I was unimpressed from day 1. That's just my opinion though.

How so? I think the G4 iBook is one of the best machines Apple has ever made in terms of quality, durability and performance for the price.


macrumors 68040
Apr 17, 2004
mad jew said:
How so? I think the G4 iBook is one of the best machines Apple has ever made in terms of quality, durability and performance for the price.
I agree, I love my iBook *hugs and winks at it* lol
Sorry I had to do that


Feb 18, 2006
Hong Kong
Well excluding the price factor I was unimpressed... (although here in NZ it wasn't exactly cheap).

It was bought well after our iMac G4, which had double the RAM, double the VRAM, however the same processor... The iBook ran like a dog, beachball galore. It had 32MB VRAM on a 9200(?) which was absolutely awful. Another problem was failure with burning CDs. It would fail 50% of the time, simply producing a corrupt disk...

If I wanted to do some work, I would stick to my *older* mac, which actually ran much faster.

EDIT: PS: I will point out that even though I had some bad experiences with macs, I remain loyal. My Intel iMac kicks ass.

mad jew

Moderator emeritus
Apr 3, 2004
Adelaide, Australia
Fair enough. How much RAM did you have? I've got 640MB and it's fine. Still no match for my G5 iMac, but it is a laptop after all. Also, I've never had a dud CD from it, thankfully. :)


macrumors 6502a
Feb 2, 2005
Although I love my (and any) iBook, I think you should get a Macbook. The fact that you are looking to fill a want rather than a need makes the iSight and Front Row w/remote too good to ignore.


Jul 9, 2000
yes, like all macs, it's a great machine

but especially "yes" if you need to have a low cost mac laptop and you want to use adobe creative suite 2

it may be a long time before there is a creative suite 3 that will work natively with the macbook...there are currently no plans for adobe to make its current creative suite 2 modified for an intel mac

if you want a low cost laptop and you don't plan on using adobe products, get the macbook instead


macrumors regular
May 19, 2006
Vancouver, BC
FYI people around Vancouver, BC are starting to "dump" their old iBook G4's on craigslist for around $650 to $800 CAD. My local Mac dealer will only give me $700 for my PB 12" 1.33, and he'd hope to resell that for $850 or so. Prices are dropping... so you never know who's desperate enough to unload their old iBook right now to get a new MacBook.

Personally, I wouldn't buy anything right now, unless it's an absolute necessity. Don't buy previous generation G4's, and don't get stuck with Rev A hardware. You would probably end up regretting both scenarios.


macrumors 6502a
Jan 30, 2005
In a house.
I have an ibook G4 1.44 and I absoultley love it. I actually do alot of audio recording on it and it really works great!:)


macrumors 6502a
Jul 29, 2005
I have a 12' ibook G4 and it will definitely be good for another 3 years in college for me. By the time it dies, The Macbooks will probably be on their Rev D...just perfect for replacing.


macrumors member
Oct 20, 2005
I think that the Ibook G4 is still a good computer and for basic computing needs it's more than adequate and since your are strapped for cash it sounds like it might be the best choice for u.


macrumors 6502a
Jul 19, 2003
high-rise in beautiful bethesda
Yeah, the new Intel CPUs have driven down the prices of the PowerPC machines so there are some great values out there. That's what I'd do, and then max the RAM. BUT you have to think about the warranty coverage too, Applecare is 3 yrs only.


macrumors 68040
Apr 17, 2004
tristan said:
Yeah, the new Intel CPUs have driven down the prices of the PowerPC machines so there are some great values out there. That's what I'd do, and then max the RAM. BUT you have to think about the warranty coverage too, Applecare is 3 yrs only.
Consider this, your iBook goes out of comission with 3 years of applecare and you still have warranty, and the G4's have been made for 2 years, are they going to replace the entire iBook with a MB or will they try to scrounge up a logic board?


macrumors 65816
Mar 12, 2006
Under the sun
I think it's a fine idea. The ibook is still a fine computer. And there really a bargain right now. But you also don't want dreaded buyer's remorse either!


Jul 9, 2000
celebrian23 said:
But you also don't want dreaded buyer's remorse either!

buyer's remorse does not compute with any apple product line i have seen since steve jobs has taken over apple inc

it seems to fit more with buying a cheap dell or e-machine, don't you think?

anyone who does not like G4 ibooks can ship it to:

c/o macrumors


ps - i would have even taken a flower power or dalmation imac over a $2,000 dollar dell desktop


macrumors 65816
Mar 12, 2006
Under the sun
That's not what I meant.

I meant:
You buy ibook. You see a macbook somewhere (friend, applestore, whatever). You start thinking, man I should've just saved longer and gotten a macbook. buyer's remorse.


Jul 9, 2000
celebrian23 said:
That's not what I meant.

I meant:
You buy ibook. You see a macbook somewhere (friend, applestore, whatever). You start thinking, man I should've just saved longer and gotten a macbook. buyer's remorse.

i had a little remorse when i bought a 300 mhz rev a ibook, with 32 megs of ram standard, and a 3 gig hard drive

then a couple of months later, the same priced ibook had 64 megs of ram standard, and a 6 gig hard drive


macrumors member
Original poster
Apr 19, 2006
Rita Repulsa's Moon Palace
Yeah I can so see myself getting buyer's remorse with the whole I should've saved longer for a Macbook scenario

I went to the new Apple store on 5th avenue and fell in love (again) with the Macbook. Seeing it in pictures is one thing, but in person, whoah baby!...lmao:D

I think I even gave the one at the store a name...haha

I also like the keyboard...while I think the design makes it look like one of those cheap 99 cent calculators, it should prove resistant to my late night cookie and soda web-surfing, as I could not see any significant "crumb-matter" defiling my pretty.

Wow I am truly turning into a so called fanboy, aren't I?

Thanks for all of the advice though...I guess now it's just a matter of finding ways to save! ([Drug Store Name Here]Generic Cola it is!)
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