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macrumors 601
May 29, 2005
disconap said:
One benefit of ibook over Macbook: matte screen :D

There is no effing problem with the screens on the macbook! give it a break, would ya? Jesus Christ! :rolleyes:


macrumors 65816
Jan 10, 2006
ibook owners seem to constitute one of the most loyal segments of the mac population. i'm certainly no exception to that myself, as the happy owner of a final revision iBook G4.

Go for the 12 inch if you get one. it'll do all the work you need without any problems.


macrumors 6502a
Aug 4, 2005
Yes, the iBook G4 is still definitely worth it.

It still sports the best battery life of all the Mactops, runs cooler than the new Intel machines, and comes in a tough, albeit beautiful, tank-like housing.


macrumors member
May 20, 2006
9Charms said:
... Personally, I wouldn't buy anything right now, unless it's an absolute necessity. Don't buy previous generation G4's, and don't get stuck with Rev A hardware. You would probably end up regretting both scenarios.

I disagree.

Revision A hardware often lasts the longest. First generation iPods are a perfect example of this - mine is still humming along quite nicely, even after nearly five years of use.

The reason for this is obvious: When assembling something new, assembly workers are often more careful, and often take a greater pride in their work.

Remember the very first Macintosh computers? The assembly line workers would actually write their own names on the insides of the cases, so proud were they of assembling these machines.

This didn't last long however.

Demand for the original Macintosh computers became so great that the assembly workers simply lost their enthusiasm to etch in their signatures. Original Macintosh computers, like the original iPod, were notorious for having extreme durability and longevity.

I can actually say the exact same thing about my Revision One Titanium Powerbook - five years now, and still going strong.

I absoultely do not hesitate to buy first generation hardware - in fact, I prefer to do so.


macrumors member
May 20, 2006
disconap said:
One benefit of ibook over Macbook: matte screen :D


The new Macbook screen completely blows away the old iBook screen. Colors are obviously deeper and richer. The new Macbook screen is one of the chief reasons I'll be buying this laptop - and of course it is widescreen.

There's just no accounting for taste, I suppose; still, how anybody can say that the old iBook screen is superior to the new Macbook screen is completely beyond me.


macrumors 6502a
Apr 16, 2005
Laguna Beach

WabeWalker said:
I disagree.

Revision A hardware often lasts the longest. First generation iPods are a perfect example of this - mine is still humming along quite nicely, even after nearly five years of use.

The reason for this is obvious: When assembling something new, assembly workers are often more careful, and often take a greater pride in their work.

Remember the very first Macintosh computers? The assembly line workers would actually write their own names on the insides of the cases, so proud were they of assembling these machines.

This didn't last long however.

Demand for the original Macintosh computers became so great that the assembly workers simply lost their enthusiasm to etch in their signatures. Original Macintosh computers, like the original iPod, were notorious for having extreme durability and longevity.

I can actually say the exact same thing about my Revision One Titanium Powerbook - five years now, and still going strong.

I absoultely do not hesitate to buy first generation hardware - in fact, I prefer to do so.

Rev A better than Final Rev, come on now lets not be completely ignorant. Sure you make a point when something new comes out but how about Rev A MBP what happened to those: Heat problems, whining, burning peoples laps. Rev A iMac G5:Logic board problems, Fan problems, Gnarly overheating.
Once you get to Rev D or E all the bugs are fixed regardless of its a computer.


macrumors member
May 20, 2006
Bobjob186 said:
Rev A better than Final Rev, come on now lets not be completely ignorant. Sure you make a point when something new comes out but how about Rev A MBP what happened to those: Heat problems, whining, burning peoples laps. Rev A iMac G5:Logic board problems, Fan problems, Gnarly overheating.
Once you get to Rev D or E all the bugs are fixed regardless of its a computer.

People take more notice of problems associated with brand new computers - this makes it seem like the product is extremely buggy, when it really isn't.

I hate to say it, but there's even a segment of the population that is actually hoping a certain product will fail. I remember when I first bought my Titanium Powerbook. The thing was drop dead gorgeous. My friend owned one of the previous powerbooks, which was black, and all he could say of my new laptop was that he liked the color black much better, and that I was a fool for buying a revision A product since it would surely break down on me. Nope. Five years later and it still hasn't broken down.

Given the choice between a functional Revision A product and a functional Revision D product, I'd bet that the Revision A product would have the longest life.

We can only agree to disagree on this one, I suppose.


macrumors regular
Jan 13, 2006
It sounds like you might need something proven. Especially if you're a student. This current gen of iBooks have been out for a good while now and it has relatively no bugs or known defects. On the other hand you could risk it and get a Macbook. With the Macbook you'll be getting first gen hardware and who knows what kind of bugs those suckers will have in the next year or two. I'd personally get the reliable iBook.


macrumors 65816
Jan 10, 2006
Just do yourself a favor and get the software you need right away (if you get the iBook), so that even if Apple stops supporting PPC, it won't matter.
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