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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Nov 30, 2005
I've got it working but can anyone explain why Apple don't support Calendar Event Types between the desktop and mobile versions of their iCal software (ie - event types exist on desktop version, but not on mobile version)?


macrumors 65816
Sep 18, 2007
Got it! What do those last 2 steps accomplish though? And by ALL you mean you checked all boxes and clicked apply, right?


Lower left corner to the left of Apply. All included or something button. It sets the permissions (755) to every item in that apps folder. No problems after that.


macrumors 68030
Dec 17, 2003
Los Angeles, CA
I just installed ijailbreak and INSTALLER 3 is now up and running on my ipod touch. I checked under both tweak folders but cannot for the life of me find the ical fix! CAN SOMEONE PLEASE HELP ME! I remember seeing it there before 3 came out!

It should be in 'Tweaks 1.1.1' (different section than 'Tweaks')

Is it still there?


macrumors newbie
Oct 22, 2007
This is exactly why I hate automating things like the jailbreak process.

That's just silly. Yes, I understand that it's frustrating to have to hold someone's hand through what you and I consider to be a fairly simple operation. But raising the bar for entry by keeping the jailbreak process relatively difficult for the masses isn't the answer. If so, why bother with an automated app installer at all?


macrumors newbie
Oct 23, 2007
Or you could just do as i did and edit the N45AP.Plist

1. open sftp & connect to Ipt
2. navagate to /System/Library/CoreServices/
3. copy N45AP.plist to your computer
4. Convert to xml
5. add the to lines of code found below under Capabilities
5.5. should look like
6. put the N45AP.Plist Back in the same dir
Note: no need to convert back this way you can Make chages on the fly.

How do you convert the P45AP.plist file to an XML file? I used OmniOutliner but it saves the file as an ".003" file. Does this ".003" file work? Any info would be much appreciated. Thanks.

- Will


macrumors member
Oct 21, 2007
How do you convert the P45AP.plist file to an XML file? I used OmniOutliner but it saves the file as an ".003" file. Does this ".003" file work? Any info would be much appreciated. Thanks.

- Will

You need a free program called pref setter which can edit the plist file so you don't need to convert to xml. You can google and find it. It is easy to use. I used it to change the wording on the virtual lock switch on my touch.


macrumors newbie
Oct 23, 2007
You need a free program called pref setter which can edit the plist file so you don't need to convert to xml. You can google and find it. It is easy to use. I used it to change the wording on the virtual lock switch on my touch.

Thanks twinsdad! I downloaded "pref setter" and installed it. the above poster did not mentioned that you have to set the class to "boolean" but figured it out after a few attempts. You also have to restart your touch after the file is transfered back. It took me a while to jailbreak and have editable calendar events because i've never done this before and it's all new to me but this forum really helped. thanks to all.

- Will


macrumors 68020
Apr 5, 2004
Huntsville, AL
That's just silly.

Is it? Really?

The walkthroughs on the 'net were pretty straight-forward. The process was pretty simple, all told. Sure, the documentation could be better-written, but not many of us have experience in technical documentation (I do), so that's OK.

But this is, by comparison with the manual Jailbreak process, a pretty trivial hack.

If so, why bother with an automated app installer at all?
Brilliant question. Seriously.

Moderate technical knowledge is a requirement for so many things. Why not this?


macrumors 68040
Mar 24, 2006
Just do what emb531 has said here. It works. On a Mac I did the following?

Downloaded the file

I used Transmit to open my Touch

Opened Applications

Replaced Mobilecal with the above download.

Went to "GET INFO"

Changed ALL to 755

Restarted my Touch and the Fun began.

Now If I could just learn or figure out how to move apps around I would be ecstatic.

Does anyone know how to change permissions in cyberduck? Thats how I ruined my ipod last time :(

Edit: Got it working yipee!


macrumors newbie
Oct 22, 2007
The walkthroughs on the 'net were pretty straight-forward. The process was pretty simple, all told. Sure, the documentation could be better-written, but not many of us have experience in technical documentation (I do), so that's OK.

But this is, by comparison with the manual Jailbreak process, a pretty trivial hack.

Right. And even though I have plenty of technical experience and could have used one of the walkthroughs, I chose to use an automated jailbreak. Why? Convenience. Sure, there are people who will use this tool who might not have the technical knowhow to resolve issues that may come up. Either you're willing to help by answering their questions, or you're not. Either choice is fine. But usually, someone is willing to help, and the person gains a little bit of knowledge and experience. I just don't see how anybody loses.

And while I know how to install apps manually, I choose to use the automated installer. Once again, it's an issue of time and convenience. Despite the fact that I can do it manually, why should I? If I had to, I probably wouldn't bother -- I have higher priority demands on my time. But the installer's there, it's elegant, and it works. So I use it.

Moderate technical knowledge is a requirement for so many things. Why not this?

Why do GUI operating systems exist at all? (If you answer "Brilliant question" again, I'll know for sure where you stand, and stop trying to convince you.) Because it's part of human nature to streamline and to simplify, both to enhance the experience and efficiency of those who already know how to use the technology, and to bring it to those to whom it would otherwise be unavailable.

I know a few people who got into hacking Linux through the same kind of side door. They started with a completely automated TiVo hack, decided they wanted to learn more, and moved on to more advanced stuff. Now they have a hobby they enjoy, which they never would have discovered had there not been an immediately relevant and non-intimidating place to start.

Explain to me again where this is bad...
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